While it’s really hard to measure one’s resolve for art, Dimitra Milan is hitting a steady 0,75 Van Gogh mark. This 16-year-old daughter of two artists even chose to be homeschooled so she could study art more. Milan was been…
A Brief History of Color in Art… and poisons!
The Theremin. Carolina Eyck playing ‘Elephant in Green’ (2015)
The Theremin is an electronic instrument, originally known as the ætherphone/etherphone, thereminophone[2] or termenvox/thereminvox) is an early electronic musical instrument controlled without physical contact by the thereminist (performer). It is named after the Westernized name of its Russian inventor, Léon…
Lesson plan for Friday Dec 2
First two blocks Art 8 room 301 Activity: Continue with Body Proportion and life drawing. Have a student stand on the metal table in the back and have the rest of the class draw them. Start off with 3 minutes…
Lesson plan for Thursday December 1
Welcome EOC! Three blocks then a prep. With a homeroom at 2:50- please get my report cards from the office in the afternoon to be able to hand them out. All classes are working on a drawing project based on…