Hands Project

Hands Project

(one of my oldest projects…I haven’t used it in years due to the diminishing quality of students drawing abilities- we no longer have Elementary Art specialists and the effects are sorrily noticeable )


* Design and draw hands, which represents 3 out of the 5 following words; Power, Grace, Mechanics, Suffering, and Natural.


* In your sketchbook ‘brainstorm’ ideas for each hand. List 5 attributes; ideas or examples, which illustrate the meaning of the word and could, help in portraying the hand. For example, if the word was wooden we could use words and ideas like plain, simple, hard, contains wood grain, fingers and might be joined by nails or screws- maybe the hand is just carved out of one piece of wood.

* Each hand must be drawn in a different position and rendered in a different style or manner.

* You must work up a series of 5 sketches for each hand, in your sketchbook, a total of 15 all together

* You must have a mockup, or final draft sketch, of the final copy.

* Each hand must be the size of your own hand or bigger.

* For finished work present All 3 hands on one piece of good paper, see instructor for paper. (I will want to see your sketches at this point)



* This project will be out of 100 marks. 40 marks will be based on your sketchbook development. While the remaining 60 will be divided into 20 for each hand.

* Marking criteria is based on technique, complexity, originality and effort. Your hands must contain the ‘quality’ of the word you are depicting.



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