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The importance of the Arts in Education
Past Art projects
Past photo projects and assignments
Photo T1
Intro to Composition
Assignment 1: Name as Art
Assignment 2: Photoshop Dreamscape
Project 1: 7 shots from your journey to Here…
Assignment 3: Composition Montages
Project 2: Alpha to Omega
Project 3: Portraits
Photo project 4. Trial and Errors…
Photo T2
Assignment 4: 3 Photographers, & 3 Shots!
Assignment 5: 10 Video Evaluations
Photo Project #5. Al ‘la Weston… B&W
Project #6 Colour Photograpy
Project 7: Studio Light Portrait Project
Project 8: The intimacy of the device
Project 9: ‘Plug it in Plug it in’
Photo T3
Project #10: Natural light Portrait
Insert ‘Project’ HERE. Project #11
Assignment 6 Photoshop t3 1
Assignment 7 Photoshop t3 2
Assignment #8 ‘Digging Deeper Photo Evaluations’
Photo Resources
Intro to the DSLR Camera
Intro to Composition
What is ‘composition’ for Photographers
9 Photo Composition Tips (feat. Steve McCurry)
5 Basic Street Photography Tips
Photo Articles
Symmetrical Photographs by Julian Wolkenstein
11 Lessons Diane Arbus Can Teach You About Street Photography
Painting Projects
Intro to colour
Still Life painting with Giorgio Morandi
Formal Student Self Evaluation G8 (a la Basquiat!)
‘The skin you’re in’ student self-evaluation project with handmade Paper
Mapping my way through life…
Ancient Maps
Esoteric Maps
Maps from ‘The Book of Curiosities of the Sciences and Marvels for the Eyes’
Pattern Painting Project
Expressionistic Faces/figures (g11&12)
Festival Project: Grade 8
Suddenly it’s Lovely -window painting project
Making your own Character project
Cook’en up a still life painting
Mandala Project (g8)
Ink, Flowers and Fruit!
Icon Paintings
Mandala Project
Pattern Painting Project Marking Sheet
A one day activity: Practice Painting.
Flower Power
Monumental Yum!!!
Media Arts
Media Resources
What is Media Arts?
3 Media Artist that rock your world (assignment #1)
Intro to Photoshop assignments
GIF Gallery Project (MA 2&3’s)
Working with Audacity (Sound editing)
Audacity Primer
“Place this – this Place” Soundscape Project
Portrait as a Grade 8 on fire (Photoshop skills explotion!)
Skins & camouflage
Toon me up!
What’s on your mind?
Picture of a friend
Tee Shirt Design MA
Doughnuts project multimedia
Intro to Video and video Effects (G8-9)
Introduction to Video Effects
60 seconds of weirdness AKA ” A day in my life” (g8-9 video Primer)
The Monologue Project- Senior film students only.
Digital Multi Media Cacophony
From Stick to SICK! Stop-motion video project… for all who dare!!!
Finding the natural world around us
Sound file sites on-line
Intro to Shotcut: video editing. Project A
Graphics Digital (ADST)
The Design Process, Prototyping, and Sustainability.
What is Typography
The Grid System of Layout
InDesign Prime: Magazine cover project
Banknotes (Graphic design)
Playing Card design project – Symbolic Persona
Deck of cards project (M.Arts)
60-Second Poster Evaluation
Photoshop Intermediate: ‘What’s the Word’ a DigitalDesign Problems
Non-fungible token (NFT) -Lets get RICH!
Media Resources
Mixed media & Graphics (Fine Arts)
Your name in Ink, a small printing project.
Fly away, fly away, fly away home: Bird collage Project (all grades)
Jan Svankmajer, the art of Collage
Mixed Media Portrature
Expressionism in our Classrooms (printmaking)
Scratchboard Superhero
Scratchboard Medium
How to envision yourself as a Superhero
Thomas Ott’s Skratchboard work
Expressionism – african Art
Mixed Media Portrature
Mixed Media Landscapes
A FEARFUL MOMENT (mono print or ink painting)
Is your Sleeve 1/2 full or 1/2 empty? – A body art porject
Mono Print project -ala Marc Chagall
Expressionism in our Classrooms
Collage portraits ala Vladimir Sulyagin
Balance Types (one day activity)
Tell it like it is: 2020 [Russian Construtivism and contemporary graphic design]
Ink, Flowers and Fruit!
A Re-Design project…
Making Stencils
Paper dolls
What is a snowflake?
Express Yourself Teen Bookmark Contest
Drawing Projects
Intro to drawing (g8)
1,2,3 a drawing technique project
Intro to Value, Tone, Texture, and Shading (G8)
Finger drawing (g8)
Something from nothing.
Intro to Sketching
Paper dolls
1,2,3 a drawing technique project
Self-Portrait Drawing Project
Calligraphic trees
Ribbon drawing – Value and Edge
Calligraphic trees
Your such a TOOL!
Leaf drawing assignment
‘What’s the Word’ a Design Problems
Mixed Media Landscapes
The Comic Book Project!
Something from nothing.
Intro to drawing [under contsrution]
The Comic Book Project!
Hands Project
Still life drawing with Morandi
Arch… a triumphal exsperience
Art History Projects
‘Final Exam’
Sculpture Projects
You have a beautiful Mug!
Sushi set Yum!
Clay Lantern Project
Don’t bug me! AKA: Insect Sculptures
Decorative Clay Tiles
What a Crock!
Clay Face Project
Enviremental art with Andy Goldsworthy
Axtec death whistle
3D Mobile Project
Clay container project
Books as Self-Portrait Project
Teacup Tempest… a sculptural project
In Small admiration…
The Human form in 3D
Exploring Human Experience Through Ceramic Sculpture
Creative Flight Project
3 Media Artists that rock your world (8)
Photoshop intro p1: Name as Art
Photoshop intro p2: Dreamscape
Grade 8’s with Attitude
From Stick to SICK! Stop-motion video project… for all who dare!!!
CLC 12
Capstone Overview
under con
The Parting Of The Sensory
What is Los Dios de los Muerto?
Color Field Painting
Hands Project- Power, Grace, Mechanics, Suffering, and Natural.
What do you think is Art… and Why?
A Re-Design project…
Past, Present, Future & You! (g8)
Pattern Painting Project Marking Sheet
Poster Project
Keller’s Comic Book Project!
Cross Curricular Projects
What a Crock!
Keller’s Comic Book Project!
Compass Rose Project [Art-Math]
Orienteering- Math in Action!
Formal Student Self Evaluation G8 (a la Basquiat!)
Public Art Works
Cross Curricular Projects
Place holder page