Think back to sometime in your past to moment when you were really REALLY scared
Things to consider
- Waking up from a nightmare, in the dark and still being afraid
- Being lost somewhere
- Being with someone who is doing something you know they should not be doing and being scared that if you get caught that you will get into trouble
- Being left alone somewhere when you were a child
- Being in a natural disaster or in an accident
- Being terrified by a physical experience ridding on a roller-costar, in a car, on a bicycle etc.
- Being petrified with the `night before jitters’ by things you have to do the next day like having a big test, having to give a speech or acting in a play
- Being so sick that you had to get an operation and being scared that things might not work out
- Witnessing or being in an accident
Write at least one page about your experience with a fearful event (10)
(If you use many descriptive words and allusions in you writing you
will find it easier when it comes to deciding what your picture will
contain and look like) Must be typed.
5 Thumbnail sketches about 2″ x 3″ in your sketch book. Sketches (10)
should refer to your writing and be different than each other. Label
the objects of significance. For example: if you were home alone
and you thought you could see a shadow being cast by someone
outside your window and you were too scared to get up and look
or phone someone – you might label the window, shadow, phone
and the room.
For Ink Painting
Once you have decided on thumbnail sketch that works the best (10)
sketch two 3″ x 4″ sketches in your sketch book to perfect your idea
One 9″ x 12″ rough draft to be done in Indian ink washes. (10)
18″ x 24″ finished ink painting. (30)
Total out of (60)
For Mono Print:
Once you have decided on thumbnail sketch that works the best (10)
sketch two 3″ x 4″ sketches in your sketch book to perfect your ideaTwo small rough draft to be done as a mono print. (10)
One Large finished mono print (50)
Total out of (100)