Ah, the humble GIF… I LOVE THEM!

Image sourse giphy.com/
But what is it?
The Graphics Interchange Format is a bitmap image format that was developed by a team at the online services provider CompuServe led by American computer scientist Steve Wilhite and released on 15 June 1987.
You see them everywhere today all over social media sites so good, some great, and others can just be weird! (The weird ones are my favorites). In general, a .gif is a set of single images rendered into a moving sequence. Most of the time they don’t have a soundtrack, but sometimes they do. For me, I like a background sound tract as it adds to the overall impact of the mood/atmosphere created.
Let’s take a look at some:
45 Best GIF Artists
Your Project, MA Level 2 & 3’s is to submit 3 AMAZING Gifs over the term.
My expectations are:
- Your gifs are thoughtful (not just simple stick characters fighting)
- They can be simple and silly
- They can be political, satirical, and social.
- I don’t want to see anything contrary to the VSB’s policy on harassment, bullying, racism, and sexism.
- you are welcome to incorporate sound
- you can use any platform you like- We have Photoshop, Aftereffect, Animate, and blender right here in our lab.
- You MUST submit an Artist Statment for each Gif
- If you have forgotten how to make a GIF please review this post
(For students who are working with GIFs as their main semester project, I am expecting many more gifs than 3. And hoping to see a real development of skill and thought throughout the semester)
I will be asking for your submissions three times throughout this semester through TEAMS.