I once, a long time ago, had a principle who made all teachers, including me, give a ‘Final Exam’… here’s mine
1] Define the term ‘abstraction’. (2 marks)
2] Using the picture below as a starting place create 2 sketches which illustrate the progression of abstraction. (3 marks)
3] In a few sentences explain the differences between a sketch, a mock-up and a finished work of art. (3 marks)
4] What are the 3 criteria always used for the marking of the projects? (3 marks)
5] Which of the 3 sketches below is the best example of ‘activating space’ (3 marks)
6] How does 3d differ from 2d? (2 mark)
7] Define the term ‘unifying element’ and give an example of how you can use it.(2 marks)
8] In the space provided draw something to illustrate the technique of value “poppyouty”. (5 marks)
9] The hand out on masks talked about the 5 different roles masks played in different societies. Name 3 of them and briefly discus their function. (3 marks)
10] In proportion how many heads make up a normal female ? ______, and how many for a heroic male ? _________.(2 marks)
11] What are some of the characteristics or features emphasize in heroic figures? (4 marks)
12] What can an Artist say about his or her sculpture by the material used to create it? (Give an example) (3 marks)
13] Compare and Contrast the following pairs of images using the terms and concepts we have discussed in class.(7 marks)
- a) b)
14] Compare and Contrast the following pairs of images using the terms and concepts we have discussed in class.(7 marks)
- a) b)
2d-10 EXAM Name .
1] In the space provided draw something to illustrate the technique of value. (3 mark)
2] In proportion how many heads make up a normal female ? ______, and how many for a heroic male ? _________. (1 mark)
3] What are some of the characteristics or features emphasized in heroic figures? (3 marks)
4] What are the 3 criteria always used for the marking of the projects? (1 mark)
5] Which of the 3 sketches below is the best example of ‘activating space’ ? (3 marks)
6] How does 3d differ from 2d? (1 mark)
7] In a few sentences explain the differences between a sketch, a mock-up and a finished work of art. (3 marks)
8] In 3 minutes draw the most detailed 2 point perspective drawing you can. (3 marks)
9] Illustrate the correct way to ‘edition’ a print. (2 marks)
10] What are the two ways of looking at a line drawing that we discussed in class? (1 mark)
11] What was the name of the group of German artist we looked at during the lino project? _______________________ (1 mark)
12] What is our 3 step ‘Safety Saying’ and what does it mean? (3 marks)
13] Are you having fun? (1 mark)
14] Identify the following things: (4 marks)
15] Draw the following : (6 marks)
- a) An Apple using ‘Broken lines’
b)An Apple using ‘Weighted lines’
- c) An Apple using a ‘Contour line’
16] Compare and Contrast the following pairs of images using the terms and concepts we have discussed in class.(6 marks)
- a) b)
17] Compare and Contrast the following pairs of images using the terms and concepts we have discussed in class. (6 marks)
- a) b)
ART 11 EXAM NAME: _________
1] In a few sentences explain the differences between a sketch, a mock-up and a finished work of art. (3 marks)
2] What are the 3 criteria always used for the marking of the projects? (3 marks)
3] Which of the 3 sketches below is the best example of ‘activating space’ (3 marks)
4] In the space provided draw something to illustrate the technique of value. (3 mark)
5] Illustrate the correct way to ‘artist proof’ a print. (2 marks)
6] What was the name of the group of German artist we looked at during the lino project? _______________________ (1 mark)
7] What is our 3 step ‘Safety Saying’ and what does it mean? (3 marks)
8] Identify the following things: (4 marks)
9] Draw the following : (6 marks)
- a) An Apple using ‘Broken lines’
b)An Apple using ‘Weighted lines’
- c) An Apple using a ‘Contour line’
10] Define the term Dynamic. (2 marks)
11] What is the essence of a mobiles ? (2 marks)
12] What is the essence of lino printing ? (2 marks)
13] What was the name of the mobile artist we looked at ? (1 mark)
14] Identify 2 pairs of complementary colors. (4 marks)
15] What is meant by ‘monochromatic’ ? (2 marks)
16] Compare and Contrast the following pairs of images using the terms and concepts we have discussed in class.(7 marks)
- a) b)