DRAFT: This may change as we move forward
Career Life Connections (CLC) 12 is intended to support and guide students in purposeful and ongoing career-life development. In this course, students learn how to recognize and cultivate relevant opportunities and supportive relationships, and continually re-evaluate and revise their plans that they began in Career Life Education10. Emphasis in CLC 12 is put on students developing self-awareness and becoming life-long learners who understand that one’s interests may develop and change over time, but that being continually aware of one’s self-identity will shape current and future career and life choices.
CLC 12 / Capstone is MANDATORY for graduation.
Please note that information, reminders, and updates will be posted using the following modes of communication:
- CLC 12 Teams
You are responsible for checking your MS Teams account and your email on a consistent basis.
Career Life Transition Plan
- “Who am I” assignment about self, interests, and place.
- Resume (current and error-free)
- Preparation of Capstone Project Proposal
- Post Secondary investigation
- Progress Meeting for Capstone Project
- Complete the Capstone Project and prepare a presentation
- Career Life Exploration 30-hour requirement log and signed verification form
- Capstone presentations
Career-life Exploration 30-hour Requirement
Students must provide evidence that they have completed at least 30 hours in any of the following ways:
- 30 hours of volunteering in the community (this is separate from volunteering in the school)
- 30 hours of paid employment
- 30 hours of fieldwork, entrepreneurship, or projects focused on an area of deep interest.
- Extra 30-hours completed through their Work Experience program
(NOTE: Any hours that you have completed after completing Grade 10 can be used to fulfill this requirement.)