Category: Sculpture

Clay Mug Project. G8's

OK, let’s go… Please remember what we did in class today. 10 ideas 20 small sketches for each idea choose your 3 best ideas and expand on them with more elaborate sketches Choose the best idea and add more detail!!! Finally,…

Public art Update:

Here are some photos of JO students planning out their ideas for our latest public art project. [slideshow id=33] For more info on what we are doing please see this previous post: ‘Heavy’ Public Art Thriving in the JO Community…


There is something so effective yet simplistic about these paintings which describe a haunting memory of a people forgotten… Photographer Xenmate (his works can also be found here) finds ghost buildings where the walls have been artistically redecorated, animated with ghostly figures…

To die will be an awfully big adventure

I came across this intalation work by Högni Valur Högnason from Reykjavik,  a Icelandic based artist and just thought WOW, they definatly achieve that ‘Ooziness’ of mortality and bodyness that we all have and is gently seeping away day after…