Scratchboard Medium


Scratchboard is a technique where drawings are created using sharp knives and tools for etching into a thin layer of white China clay that is coated with black India ink. Scratchboard can also be made with several layers of multi-colored clay, so the pressure exerted on the instrument used determines the colour that is revealed. Scratchboard can be used to yield highly detailed, precise and even textured artwork.

Take a look at these images:

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Please click on the image to advance the slide show.

This Video is also quite excellent!

Here ie a GREAT tutorial on scratchboard medium

Scratchboard Tools


About Scratch-Art Scratch Brush

A brush for scratching. Use the Scratch-Art Scratch-Brush to add texture and special effects to all scratchboard art. It creates multiple lines with a single stroke. Great for depicting hair, fur, grass, wood grain and more. You can vary the effects by rotating it or changing the pressure. Use it for scratchboard, drypoint, etching, and ceramics. This brush is made up of eight stainless steel bristles in a varnished wood handle. Measures 5 1/2″ long and 5/16″ in diameter.

About Scratch-Art Knife Tip Curve Edgescratchart_knifebrush-150x150


Scratch it with a knife. Scratch Knives are the preferred tool for traditional scratchboard art. Choose from two high carbon steel scratch knives. They are heat treated to retain sharpness and plated to scratchart_straightedgetip-150x150resist rust. They fit into Scratch-Art and most standard penholders. Available With Straight Edge or Curved Edge.

About Scratch-Art Knife Tip Straight Edge

Scratch it with a knife. Scratch Knives are the preferred tool for traditional scratchboard art. Choose from two high carbon steel scratch knives. They are heat treated to retain sharpness and plated to resist rust. They fit into Scratch-Art and most standard penholders. Available With Straight Edge or Curved Edge.  scratchart_curveedgetip-150x150