JO students walk out to overwhelming public support

At 9:30am  this morning a few hundred of our students from John Oliver Secondary school, in the heart of Vancouver, walked out of their classes in support of their teachers and BC Public Education…

From my third floor classroom all I could hear were the chants and cheers of our students and the honking of the cars and trucks that passed by…
And now, in the rain, they leave for a student organized  rally at the Vancouver Art Gallery.

Some students tell me a few drivers gave them the ‘finger’ and ‘thumbs down sign’ as they drove by. “One car even swerved into a puddle near the curb to splash us … ”

As a teacher I look out my window at these kids whom I care about and worry if they are dressed appropriately for the weather, if they have bus fare home, if they will be safe…

As a parent of elementary aged children I am hoping their teachers are keeping them inside…

#activism #stepping-into-adulthood #the-politicalization-of-youth #democracy #worried…