Review Sections 26-1 and 26-2 and section 30-1 (early development). Be sure to fill in the chart on the Playthelminthes (flatworms) using the notes and text.
Author: Jeff Spence
Mini Science 10 Martin 4 Mar 2014
Finish lab and submit for marking. 1 lab per group. Due Thursday.
Also submit the radiation, conduction, convection assignments by Thursday.
Science 10 Martin 4 March 2014
Finish lab and ensure that you have a Title, Purpose, the chart and have answered the questions.
Do questions 4-10 on p. 391 and section 9.1 of the workbook.
Science 9 Martin 27 Feb 2014
Study for Biology test on Wednesday, 5 March 2014. (Chapters 4, 5, 6)
Complete the Science of Happiness study and bring write up to class on Friday, 7 March.
Biology 12 Martin 3 March 2014
*** PLAYLAND FORMS AND FEE *** Please be sure to bring in completed form and $25 fee as soon as possible. Thank you.
Make notes (and record sources) on 2 or 3 blood clotting problems/conditions.
Also, look up and take a few of your own notes as an introductory exercise on:
Oxygen transport
Carbon dioxide transport
Role of bicarbonate ion in transport
Red blood cell
Science 10 Martin 28 Feb 2014
Read section 9-1 in text and begin 9-1 in workbook.
Do the science of happiness study and write a brief lab report, as outlined in the handout. Bring with you to hand in next class.
Biology 11 Martin 28 Feb 2014
Read the textbook sections on early animal development (sections 30-1 and 30-2), and read over the early animal development notes given to you in class.
Do the Science of Happiness study and write up a brief lab report, as outlined on the handout. Bring with you next class.
Mini Science 10 Martin 28 Feb 2014
Albedo and Heat Islands: Choose a city (other than Vancouver) and compare the albedo of the urban areas to that of the surrounding natural landscape. Explain how this could contribute to the city as a “heat island” (see p. 461). Ensure that you demonstrate an understanding of albedo, and refer to the absorption/reflection of radiation, as well as insulation of infra red radiation.
Biology 11 Martin 24 Feb 2014
Read the pages beginning on p. 554 (animals, section 26-1 and Phylum Porifera, section 26-2).
Biology 12 Martin 25 Feb 2014
Read section in text on circulation.
Work on Circulatory system review sheet.
Research the changes in fetal circulation at the time of birth and make notes (record sources).