Life Sciences 11 – 4 Mar 2020

Complete questions 1-12 in squid lab, as well as chart on back of lab.

Read over entire lab and highlight action items and information items using different colours.

Please omit question #20 (block 2-1). Labs are due the class after the squid lab is carried out.

Be sure to arrive on time for the lab, please!


Life Sciences 11 – all

Please watch the video on animal development:

This will prepare you for the next section we study (chapter 30 in text and Section H in workbook)

Life Sciences 11 18 Feb 2020

Test – Sponges, Cnidaria, Flatworms: 24/25 February for all classes.

Complete the stapled assignment (due Thursday/Friday) and be sure you have completed reading of chapter 26. Begin reading of chapter 27 (we will do 27-2 first (annelida) followed by 27-1 (molluska).

Complete the reading of unit H in workbook.

Life Sciences 11 13 Feb 2020

Complete the chart (or equivalent) for phylum Cnidaria. you can use the notes or textbook. Be sure you have completed the article summary from last day ( glass sponge reefs). Work on 3 of the 4 pages of the stapled handout (sponges, cnidaria).

Life Sciences 31 January 2020

BE sure you have completed the chapter 18 review (textbook pages 404 and 405), multiple choice and concept mastery questions.

Complete the case study on vaccines and autism (block 2-1 only).

Be sure all article summaries have been submitted (see earlier blog post for assignment details). The articles include:

Explainer: What is a vaccine?

Vaccines help everyone — even the unvaccinated

Why some people think they know more than vaccine experts

By the numbers: How infectious measles and other diseases spread

Measles can harm a child’s defense against other serious infections

Explainer: What is autism?

Scientists Say: Microbiome

Belly bacteria can shape mood and behavior

Bacteria are all around us — and that’s okay