Biology 12 all

Be sure you have handed in stomach lab and are working on the digestive system review (including the 3 charts).

Study for the mid-year exam 4/5 February (scientific method, safety, the cell, biological molecules, membrane/membrane transport, human organization).

Biology 11 all

Be sure that you have handed in the latest assignments:

Fungi, Plantae, and Algae charts

Zygomycota/zygospore microscope drawing

Protist structure colouring

Study for the mid-year exam 4/5 February: chapter 1, 5, 9, 10 (the portions we studied), 13, 14, 18, appendix B and appendix C.

See earlier blog post about optional 1 sided notes page.

Biology 12 all 14 Jan 2019

Mid year exam: 4 and 5 February (depending on the block). The exam will cover scientific method, safety, the cell, biological molecules, membranes and human organization.

Begin reading chapter 14, digestive system.

Watch if you haven’t seen it yet.

Biology 11 all 14 January 2019

Mid year exam: 4 and 5 February (depending on the block). The exam will cover scientific method, safety, microscopy, the cell, genetics, evolution, and protists.

You are allowed one optional notes page, 8.5″X11″ letter-sized piece of paper, one-sided notes to bring to the exam.  It must be hand-written by you (not photocopied, printed, or copied from someone else).

For Block 1-3 only: We haven’t begun the protist posters yet. We will do so next class. Thank you.

Research the following protists and answer the questions for each:  amoeba, paramecium, euglena, spirogyra, volvox, trypanosoma, and plasmodium. Use pages 437 – 438 and chapter 18 in the text.

  1. Is it an animal-like, plant-like, or fungus-like protist?
  2. What is its Phylum?
  3. Is it free-living or parasitic (if parasitic, what disease does it cause)?
  4. What is its ecological role?

Science 9 2-2 14 Jan 2019

Mid year exam: 5 February . The exam will cover scientific method, safety, the cell, reproduction. STATIC ELECTRICITY WILL NOT BE ON THE TEST.

You are allowed one optional notes page, 8.5″X11″ letter-sized piece of paper, one-sided notes to bring to the exam.  It must be hand-written by you (not photocopied, printed, or copied from someone else).

For next class, please complete p. 116-121 in the workbook.