Please submit your digital presentation to me by supper time tomorrow, 22 May 2013, for 1-4 and by supper time tonight for 2-2.
Please submit your digital presentation to me by supper time tomorrow, 22 May 2013, for 1-4 and by supper time tonight for 2-2.
Continue to work on the Safety and Chemistry review sheets. Continue with your review for the final exam (chapters 1-9). Use the textbook and workbook, as well as notes, in your studying. Continue on the crossword puzzles to help you with the astronomy unit.
Astronomy Test will be on 27 May for 1-4 and 28 May for 2-2.
Reminder that your astronomy projects are due on 23 May (1-4) and 22 May (2-2). Digital files or URL should be sent to me the day before the due date, in the early evening (6 or 7pm) so that we can be ready to go on the day of presentations. Remember, you will present the project with all group members. Presentations will be brief (1 minute or so) and all group members must speak.
Study for plants test – 27 May 2013. Also, continue review for final exam, covering the entire course.
Continue to work on the Safety review sheet. Continue with your review for the final exam (chapters 1-9). Use the textbook and workbook, as well as notes, in your studying. Continue on the crossword puzzles to help you with the astronomy unit.
Reminder that your astronomy projects are due on 23 May (1-4) and 22 May (2-2). Digital files or URL should be sent to me the day before the due date.
Continue working on the Safety review sheet. Do review using the materials discussed and available on the Moodle site as well as this blog (scroll down to late April to find links to the study guides). Also, use textbook and workbook, as well as notes, to review material from earlier in the course.
Complete the Biomes Information chart as you read through the beige pages in Ch. 1 that highlight biome characteristics.
Read sections on gymnosperms beginning on p. 471. Also, complete the sections of the plant chart with the new information.
Continue review for the final, which will cover the entire course.
Continue to work on biomes readings, using the chart provided as a guide on information to focus on.
Work on the Community Interactions crossword.
Do the extra physics practice questions and hand in on Thursday, 23 May 2013.
Continue with review for provincial exam, and use the study guides posted in an earlier blog post.
Continue readings on biomes, considering the questions posed on the Moodle site “Biomes – questions to consider”.
Work on the Community Interactions crossword puzzle.
Work on crosswords for the astronomy section.
Continue working on astronomy project – due 21 May 2013 for 1-4 and 22 May 2013 for 2-2.
Review chemistry section for earlier in the course as part of your studying for the final exam.
For Provincial review, please be sure you have gone over Chemistry chapters: 4-7. Also, use the study guides – links available on the blog in an earlier post. Review PPT slides of the Ecology section and read the ecology notes. Also, answer the “Biomes – Questions to consider” questions on the Moodle site.