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Bio 11 Protist Notes

Protist:          A new bunch of organisms…

Some questions to ponder:

  1. How do these animal eat?
  2. How do they regulate water balance?
  3. How do they reproduce?
  4. What are some characteristics that can be used for classification?
  5. How are different types of protists both unique and different?
  6. What is the advantages and disadvantages of living in fresh water?
  7. What is the difference between a zooplankton and a phytoplankton?
  8. What phylums and kingdom do all these creatures belong to?


What is new! ( Comparing Protists to Bacteria and Virus)

  1. Protists are eukaryotes and so have
  • distinct nucleus
  • membrane bound cell organelles
  • unique flagella
  • are single celled
  • have cytoplasmic streaming


  1. Protist can live in a variety of environments, but are now larger so they need to regulate water balance and store and/or make food.


  1. Protist are more diverse in how they move, using flagellums, pseudopods and cilia and intermediate hosts.


  1. Some protists can change their body shape or cell membrane during their life cycle.


  1. Some protists can reproduce using sexual reproduction.


  1. Some protist, are parasitic they are called protozoans and cause diseases.


  1. Some protist have a silicone membranes and can glow in the dark!


  1. Tiny protists are the major food choice of some of the worlds largest animals.


General Protist Notes:

Where are they may found….

  • Usually single cell creatures found in pond water
  • Over 50,000 living species
  • other locations and points of interest include:

used as a means to clean sewage

found in intestines of termites for digestion of cellulose

may be an infectious diseases such as

plasmodium…          which is malaria

trympanosoma….    which is called sleeping sickness

  • protist move in response to several stimuli. This movement is called Protist can respond both to light and chemical stimuli, positive phototropism allows organisms to be attracted to light. Negative tropism allows organisms to avoid harmful stimuli such as predators, low oxygen, lower temperatures and other possible harmful chemical or physical stimuli. This response ( to move away from a stimuli) is called an avoidance response.


On a historic note:

By jove! Forminifera ( type of diatom) has hard shell which are used for    dating early   forms of life. Protozoans also show shell like deposits, an             example is the White Cliffs of Dover in England.



Form and Function:

protists are Eukaryotes so…

  • usually unicellular, so no tissues yet….
  • have a nucleus with a membrane
  • can be motile
  • can be (animal like) heterotrophic or ( plant like) autotrophic
  • have complex arrary cell organelles




Note:  All protist belong to Kingdom Protista, which has four phylums.


  • Mostly Autotrophs called Phytoplankton


  1. Phylum Euglenophyta                         example        Euglena
  • autotrophic, chlorphyll
  • no cell wall
  • move about with flagella
  • found in fresh water and soil
  • attracted to light ( positive phototropic)


  1. Phylum Chrysophyta: example        Diatoms
  • autotrophic, chlorophyll and yellow pigment ( golden algae)
  • silica shell in cell wall form symetric shapes
  • found in oceans
  • positive phototropism
  • silicas used in commercial product such as pool filters, silver polish and            toothpaste


  1. Phylum Pyrrophyta: example        Dinoflagellates
  • autotrophic, chlorophyll, have red pigment which makes “red tide”
  • heavy rigid cell wall
  • two (dino) flagella
  • found in oceans
  • some species glow in dark ( bioluminescence: phenomenon of living      things giving off light, have protein which converts chemical energy to         ight energy.


  • Mostly Heterotrophs called Zooplankton:


  1. Phylum Protozoa ( classified by how they move)
  • usually heterotrophic
  • no cell walls, usually moveable cell membrane
  • can move about or live as parasite


Protozoan classification

class Sarcodinia    Amoeba

class Flagellata       trympanosoma and in termites

class Ciliophora      Paramecium

class Sporozoa       parasitic




Types of Locomotion:

flagella                                   found in Euglena


pseudo pod                          found in Amoeba

(cytoplasmic streaming)


            cilia                                         found in Paramecium


A quick comparison of three protist: ( note highlighted vocabulary)



  1. for movement it uses a flagellum, which makes the Euglena                                                                         very fast.


  1. for storing genetic material it has a nucleus and a nucleolus

which regulates protein sythesis and cell                                                                      control, it is asexual in reproductive behaviour


  1. for energy Euglena are autotrophs and have a chlorplast,                                                                        with chlorophyll which allows for                                                                          photosythesis


  1. for storing energy pyrenoids and parmylum store starch which                                                               is a product of photosythesis


  1. for protection and water it has a pellicle which maintains shape and

balance                                            allows for diffusion across cell membrane.


  1. Response to stimuli Euglena are attracted to light, this is call                                                                        phototropism




  • for locomotions it has extensions of cytoplasm which are                                                                      called pseudopod ( false foot), so an                                                                                   amoeba will move very slow. Ectoplasm ( layer                                                      closest to cell membrane) is water like next to                                                                        internal gel like endoplasm


  • for genetic material it has only one nucleus and is asexual


  • for energy it has food vacuoles which digest food                                                                          with enzymes and move nutrients to


  • to balance water it has contractile vacuoles, in a variety                                                              of positions within cytoplasm


  • to maintain shape it has an inner membrane, endoplasm

and an outer membrane, ectoplasm,                                                                             these two layers are needed since it is                                                                          constantly changing shape.


  • stimuli amoebas are attracted to food and                                                                                 some chemicals but move away from                                                                          harmful chemicals and light. (negative                                                                     tropism)



  • for locomotion it has cilia surrounding whole body so it                                                                        moves very fast.


  • for genetic information there is a micronucleus to controls                                                                                sexual reproduction, ( it divides during                                                                              conjugation)and a macronucleus to                                                                         control cell functions.


  • for feeding it has a “mouth” called an oral groove                                                                           and a mouth pore


  • for digestion it has a gullet which is like a stomach,                                                                           which forms food vacuoles


  • for removal of food waste there is an anal pore


  • for water balance there is a contractile vacuole


  • for shape there is a distinct cell membrane, a                                                                                rigid pellicle which holds cells shape.


  • for stimuli there are small “spears” call trichocyst                                                                                    which serve as a form of protection or                                                                               hunting for food.




  1. Ways to compare Zooplankton:
Function or Structure Euglena Amoeba Paramecium


Flagellum Pseudopod Cilia
Speed of locomotion Moderately Fast Very Slow Very fast
Nutrition or digestion autotroph

manufactures own food with chlorphyll


engulfs food at any point of cell membrane. Digests via food vacuoles


uses oral groove or gullet to suck in food (cyclosis)

Respiration or gas exchange Diffusion through cell membrane Same Same
Excretion of liquids and water balance Contractile vacuole in definite position contractile vacuole may vary in position two contractile vacuoles in definite position
Excretion of solids Through reservoir Pushed through membrane at any point Has an anal pore
Excretion of gaseous wastes Diffuse through cell membrane or through contractile vacuole if dissolved in fluid same same
Reproduction asexual via binnary fission asexual by binnary fission

may form cysts

asexual binary fission

sexual via conjugation

Shape definite shape    
Behaviour responds to light, called phototrophic


+ to food and chemicals

– to light

+ to food and chemicals

– to trichocysts



The Amoeba


a nucleus

granular cytoplasm


semi-permeable membrane

engulfs food by using pseudopod


Other species





The Paramecium

member of class called the ciliates


cilia for locomotion

feeds through funnel like gullet

has 2 nuclei, reproduction through binary fission

for every single cell, 8 new ones are created

contractile vacuole controls water balance

sexual reproduction by conjugation


Protist are:

single cell


can be in colonies ( example: Volvox..has up to 5000 cells in it)

posted by Marc Bernard Carmichael in Biology Eleven,Biology Eleven Notes,Micro Bio and have No Comments

Immune Notes

The Acme “Us and them: Immuno Review”


It is a few days till the exam…you have studied hard. The quiz results are both good and bad…so..it is now the final minutes of the game…you have these options: give up, hope for divine intervention, waste time trying to write answers on a micro chip or apply your wit and will to answer these questions…


Part One:

  • Components of us

How does our body recognize something, which is foreign?

The primary factor is recognizing some “thing”…be it alive or not..which does not fit the patterns we normally sense. For example..what is some thing new? It is some thing that comes along that we have not seen before. More often than not, the first responses is to go “pleech” or “ I don’t want to learn this” or “ that is gross”. So the human body has both a means to reject or accept all thing foreign. The foreign feature is known as an antigen.


So to review..

What is an antigen and where could they be found?

How is it recognized?

What cells are responsible for

  1. identifying a foreign particle
  2. responding to a foreign particle
  3. labeling a foreign particle
  4. removing a foreign particle
  5. remembering a foreign particle


How would you compare:

An antigen to an antibody

A cell mediated response to a antibody or humoral response

  • What is the similar and unique cells of both responses?
  • What does one response make that the other does not?
  • What cell types would increase with either response?
  • What are some true and false comparisons regarding T and B cells?

A passive immunity to an active immunity

  • Which one last for a longer time
  • What type of immunity do you get when you are born?
  • Why do antibiotics only provide a temporary solution?






A virus is said to be both alive and not alive. They are so small that they cannot be filtered but they do form crystals. They have proteins, which means they must have DNA. This DNA can mutate. Because virus can change what proteins they can make with their DNA, this explains why we have so many types of flus. Yet is a virus alive? Does it produce any metabolic products or grow? What is it that signals the body that something foreign is there?


  • What surrounds virus genetic material?
  • Can this structure change and how?
  • When are virus active and not active and what words are used to describe that?
  • How are virus classified?
  • What is the big deal about “interferon”?
  • How do viruses enter the body?
  • What is the scoop with retroviruses?



Now bacteria are alive. Put simply they (bacteria) are soup in a bag in a box. Yet we all know there are lots of types of soups. Likewise, though bacteria are a simple life form labeled as “prokaryotes” there are a lot of forms of diversity. From simple pathogens to photosynthetic nitrogen fixers, the Monera are a diverse bunch of critters.


With this in mind..

  • How many groups can bacteria be classified into?
  • What are the features…that is structures folks..that all prokaryotes share?
  • What are structures       you would or would not find in Monera?
  • How do bacteria reproduce…asexually?
  • What is a form of reproduction that is almost like sexual reproduction?
  • What is the deal with strept, staph, cocci, baccilli and sphirrilium?
  • What is the difference between gram positive and gram negative?
  • How can bacteria survive harsh climates?
  • Can you thoroughly compare anaerobic to aerobic respiration?
  • What are the differences between photosynthesis and chemosythesis?
  • What are the differences between photosynthesis and respiration?
  • What are plant like features in bacteria?
  • What are the interactions implied by the words parasitic, saprophytic, symbiotic, pathogenic, and mutalism?
  • What type of bacteria seeks out light and what is this response called?



Putting it all together….


So a virus or a bacteria enters a body…no it is not a joke..


  • What cells recognize the intruder?
  • What cells turn on and off an immune response?
  • If an intruder start using host fuel, what type of intruder would it be?
  • What is the big deal about monoclonal antibodies ( source, function..and usage’s)
  • What are four specific steps of an antibody or humoral response?
  • What are four specific steps of a cell mediated response and how could you evaluate or see these steps occurring with cell populations or biochemicals
  • What is the difference between a primary and secondary response


So you have a fatal virus…

What would be some examples?

Why would one virus be more virulent than another? For example small pox to HIV?


Possible cures…

What are problems with over using antibiotics?

What is the difference between a vaccine and an antibody?

Comparing types of immunity, which would provide the best or worst immunity

Getting sick

Getting a vaccine with dead pathogen

Getting a vaccine with weak pathogen

Getting an antibody that marks a specific pathogen


What is an allergy?


Finally..you have spent all this time studying this stuff…

Some one then states on the news..

“It is important to learn about the immune response”…could you now debate the pro and cons of this statement?

posted by Marc Bernard Carmichael in Biology Eleven,Biology Eleven Notes,Micro Bio and have No Comments

Bio 11(16-17) L31 Jan 5,2017

Bio 11(16-17) L 31                                       Date Jan 5, 2017



Last lessons Objective



Gram staining Yogurt lab

Today’s Objectives  

1.   Mapping Metabolism

2.   Bacteria Reproduction

3.   Experimental design



Number One

Metabolism is the sum of all chemical reactions in a living thing.

Chemical reactions can:

·      Make things or synthesis or anabolic

·      Break things or decomposition or catabolic

·      Convert acids and bases into water and salt

·      Make energy to store

·      Convert on for of energy into another

·      Make heat

·      Release heat


Day in the life of a bacteria

·      You need to make or get energy

·      You need to digest large molecules into smaller ones

·      You need to absorb nutrients and get ride of waste.

·      You need to make genetic material for cell division

·      You need to construct cell membranes and sometimes cell walls


In class mapping of key activities of life and monera terminology


·      Sources of energy : Auto and Heterotroph

·      Means to get energy: Flagella and cilia, saprophytic, parasitic, symbiotic.

·      What happens to the energy

·      Anaerobic and aerobic respiration

·      The topic of waste: endo and exotoxin

·      Cell Division: Binary fission and Conjugation

·      Locomotion and Response to stimuli


Cartoon assignment

Using your metabolism map made in class, create a comic strip entitled “ a day in the life of a bacteria”


Bacteria Cartoons




Life and bacteria





Number Two

Comparing Asexual and sexual reproduction in bacteria

Asexual makes an exact copy: Binnary Fission

Sexual allows for change in genetic information: Conjugation


Consider the following

1.   Which process allows quick growth?

2.   Which process allows bacteria to adapt to quick change in environment?

3.   Which process could produce resistance to antibiotics?

4.   Which process creates diversity?







Bacterial growth time



Asexual reproduction



Bacteria conjugation







Number Three

Experimenting with Bacteria


Examples of experiments with bacteria

·      http://www.hometrainingtools.com/a/gram-stain-antibiotics-project

·      https://www.sciencecompany.com/Bacteria-Growing-Experiments-in-Petri-Plates.aspx

·      http://www.hometrainingtools.com/a/bacteria-experiment-project

·      http://study.com/academy/lesson/growing-bacteria-in-a-lab-experiments-conditions.html


Microbes in your house



Our preliminary quest is to come up with a working hypothesis to explore gram positive and negative bacteria.


Text book Reference


Chapter Eight: Bacteria

True Bacteria Notes on Blog

You tube Reference Life of a bacteria in the gut



Microbes and human life



Evolutionary history of life






Take Home Message ·      Germs is just a general term for a misunderstood living thing!


posted by Marc Bernard Carmichael in Biology Eleven,Biology Eleven Lesson Outline,Micro Bio and have No Comments

Inquiry into Bacteria Notes

Inquiry into Bacteria:


These are focus question to help design your Data Sheet


Topic One: Myths and Monera


Prior to making your data sheet consider what comes to your mind when you hear or read the term bacteria?


Some questions you may want to consider while reading the text:

  • Where are bacteria found?
  • Are most bacteria harmful?
  • How are bacteria related to other organisms?
  • What is the difference between a prokaryote and eukaryote
  • How are the activities of life useful in examining how bacteria interact with other species?


Topic Two: The problems of classification


Here is the first thing to consider:

  • What was the original system to classify organisms?
  • What properties or observations did this system use for classification?
  • Can these observations be used to classify microscopic organism?
  • What techniques could be used to establish observational criteria?
  • What are some limitations of classifying organism based upon structures?





Topic Three: Metabolic Perspectives


Now we have gone molecular, so how can metabolic pathways provide a new way to classify organism?

Consider the following

  • How do organism get or make their energy?
  • How do organisms feed themselves?
  • How is the environment related to metabolism?


Topic Four Interactions with Humans

Positive Interactions

  • What are the top ten positive interactions with bacteria?


Negative Interactions

  • How is metabolism and structure related to negative interactions?
  • How are negative interactions prevented?

(from a macrobiotic to molecular perspectives)


Topic Five: Playing with critters!

  • What is the criteria for sanitary technique?
  • How can metabolic activities be used make observations about bacteria?
  • What simple tests and ideas can we create?


Topic Six: Creating a testable experiment!

  • You will be responsible for creating an experiment!



Bacteria Notes:

Part One: Unity and Diversity

Ways to classify bacteria

  • Shape and size
  • Gram positive and Gram negative
  • Metabolism (include respiration and food source)
  • Archeo and Eubacteria


  1. Size and Shape
  • Bacteria were first described by Leeuwenhoek in 1677 after he had invented the compound microscope.
  • Bacteria range in size from about 1 to 10 um long by about 0.2 to 0.3 um across (1 um = .001 mm).


Most true bacteria come in one of three different shapes:

(1) Rod shaped: Bacillus(i) [filaments or single].

(2) Spherical shaped: Coccus(i) [pairs, chains, groups or single].

(3) Spiral shaped: Spirillum(a) [seldom in colonies]

Some bacteria tend to form groups:

Diplococci are pairs of spherical shaped bacteria

Streptococci are chains of spherical shaped bacteria

Staphylococci are clusters of spherical shaped bacteria


B: Gram positive and Gram negative


The term gram positive or negative, refers to both a staining proccess and specific structure of bacterial cell membranes or wall. The gram staining method is one of the more important techniques in microbiology. Yet one has to realize that this technique is not 100 percent fool proof. Differences in results can be due to type of stains and age of bacteria.

  • The staining process follows the following protocal:
  • Heat fix bacteria to slide
  • Stain with purple dye (crystal violet), rinse with distilled water
  • Stain with with iodine (marker), rinse with water
  • Rinse with alchol wash, functions as a decolorization process in which negative lose colour.
  • Stain with safranin (red stain) which is counter stain for gram negative


In regards to cell membrane structures:


Gram positive bacteria have cell walls composed of peptidoglycan (murein) and teichoic acid. ( basically a sugar based structure combined with amino acids)


Gram negative bacteria also have cell walls composed of a peptidoglycan ( in small amounts) but this layer is surrounded by a lipopolysaccharide outer membrane.


Comparison of Characteristic of Gram + and Gram –

Characteristic Gram Positive Gram Negative
Gram Reaction Stain dark violet or purple Stain pink
Ratio RNA to DNA 8:1 1:1
Nutritional requirements More complex Less complex
Susceptability to penicillin Marked Less marked
Susceptability to streptomycin and tetracycline Much less Marked
Susceptability to anionic detergents Marked Less marked
Resistance to sodium azide Marked Less marked


C: Metabolism and Nutrition

Cell Metabolism:

Nutrients are ingested and then:

  1. broken down by enzymes within cell
  2. further breakdown of material is done to produce energy
  • Energy is absorbed by biochemical ADP (adenine di phosphate)
  • Energy is released by biochemical ATP ( adenine tri phosphate)


Energy can be produced with or without oxygen

  1. Anearobic: are bacteria that do not need oxygen for cell metabolism
  2. Areorobic: are bacteria that require oxygen for cell metabolism
  3. Facualtative: are bacteria that can metabolize with or without oxygen
  • Obligate Aerobes are those which must have oxygen
  • Obligate Anaerobes are bacteria which cannot tolerate


There are many types of nutrition found among bacteria:


Autotrophic Nutrition:

  1. Some are photosynthetic (use sunlight energy to produce their own food).
  2. Some are chemosynthetic (oxidize inorganic compounds to obtain their

energy to produce their own food).

  • These organisms are known as Photoautotrophs and Chemoautotrophs in that they manufacture their own food.

Heterotrophic Nutition.

They must obtain their energy and nutrients from other sources.

For example:

  • Saprophytic bacteria : digest materials in their environment by releasing powerful digestive enzymes. They then absorb the digested nutrients.
  • Parasitic bacteria : rely on other organisms to provide the digested nutrients directly.



Part Two: Interactions

Bacteria can exist everywhere there is life this includes:

  • in the air
  • in the water
  • in the earth
  • on plants
  • in organism
  • without bacteria, we as humans could not exist
  • bacteria are the most primitive form of life because they:
  1. a) grow and reproduce ( as often as one time every 15-25 minutes)
  2. b) they use nutrients to survive
  3. c) they have simple cell structures
  • it is possible to see bacteria through a light or electron microscope
  • Bacteria are both helpful and harmful
  • To preserve or stop bacteria metabolism they can be:


dried out




Dangerous bacteria are called pathogens because they cause diseases.

  • to control pathogenic bacteria you can remove bacteria by:

removing all bacteria using extreme heat

wash with antiseptic soaps

use antibiotics

specific immunization for specific bacteria proteins

  • Some bacteria can become resistant to antibodies by altering protein coat or structure of cell wall.
  • Bacteria can change into dormant forms called spores, which allow the bacteria to stop metabolism in extremely harsh environments


Useful Bacteria (at least 12 reasons!)

Most bacteria are not pathogenic — include decomposers, nitrogen

fixing bacteria, vitamin producing bacteria, bacteria used to make

insulin and growth hormone, bacteria used in dry cleaning, tanning,

cheese, yogurt


Essential Bacteria:

Bacteria can be helpful because:

  • they help plants absorb nutrients from the soil ( specifically nitrogen)
  • they are used to make milk products such as yogurt, cheese and butter
  • they can be used to manufacture antibiotics
  • they can alter biproducts from sewage treatments into non toxic waste
  • they can be used to produce specific gases such as methane
  • they are used for fermentation


  • Escherichia coli Gram – rod shape (bacilli)
  • Sarcina lutea Gram + round shape (cocci)
  • Bacillus subtilis Gram + rod shape (bacilli)
  • Bacillus cereus Gram + rod shape (bacilli)
  • Serratia marcescens Gram – rod shape (bacilli)
  • Rhodospirillum rubrum Gram – spiral shape (spirilla)


Harmful Bacteria

Harmful bacteria can cause disease (Pathogenic) by interfering with the host’s normal routine, by destroying cells and tissues, by producing endotoxins and exotoxins, and by eliciting an immune response.

  • An endotoxin is a toxin within the bacterium that is only released when the bacterium dies and it breaks down.
  • An exotoxin is a toxin released by living bacteria.


Koch’s Postulates: –

used to prove that an organism is responsible for a particular disease.

  1. must be shown that the organism in question is always present in

the diseased hosts.

  1. microbe must be isolated from the host and grown in a pure


  1. microbe from pure culture must be capable of producing the

disease symptoms in a new healthy host.

  1. microbes isolated from the newly infected host must be grown in a

pure culture and compared to the original micro-organism.



  1. a) Respiratory Tract: Strep throat, Rheumatic fever, Scarlet fever;

Pneumonia, Whooping cough, Diphtheria, Tuberculosis…

  1. b) Skin: Staph (pimples and boils), Leprosy, Gas gangrene…
  2. c) Nervous System: Tetanus, Botulism, Meningitis…
  3. d) Digestive System: Typhoid fever, Cholera, Dysentery; (food

poisoning) Salmonella, Botulism, Staph…

  1. e) Venereal Diseases: Gonorrhea, Syphilis…




Infection by bacteria

There are three lines of defence through which bacteria must


  1. a) through the strong epidermal tissue (skin).. .in wounds, pores,


  1. b) phagocytic white blood cells which engulf foreign materials including bacteria.
  2. c) antibodies produced by other white blood cells.


Active Immunity

– is slow acting (because the body is taking time to produce antibodies against the infection); but long lasting (because the body produces “memory cells” which “remember” how to produce these specific antibodies again).

Normally produced by actual initial infection (chicken pox), or by using a vaccine (polio, smallpox). The vaccine consists of either weakened (attenuated) bacteria, dead bacteria, or artificial products which resemble the actual foreign invader (antigen).


Passive Immunity

This is fast acting (because the person is injected with antiserum containing the necessary antibodies or antitoxin); but short-lived (because the person does not actually produce the antibodies – hence no memory cells for the future!). The protein antibodies are often provided from the blood of a larger animal such

as a horse! (Tetanus, Rabies). New techniques have been designed so that bacteria can produce specific antibodies. Newborns initially have Passive Immunity through the passage of antibodies across the placenta, and in the Mother’s milk. In some cases, injection of Toxoids stimulate the production of natural antitoxins.


Antibiotics a biological substance which will kill or slow (inhibit) the growth of an organism.

e.g. Penicillin, Tetracycline, Bacitracin, Ampicillin,


  1. a) must be bacteria-specific.
  2. b) some people are allergic to certain antibiotics.
  3. c) some could kill off useful bacteria.
  4. d) may reduce the competitive pressure and allow

harmful bacteria to survive.

  1. e) may cause resistant strains to develop.

Other biocides include: Sulfur Drugs, antitoxins, various

bacteriocides, disinfectants…


Part Three: Changes with time



  1. Bacteria reproduce mostly asexually by a process called BinaryFission. In this method, the circular ring of DNA replicates, and then the cell divides into two daughter cells — each with its own DNA.


  1. Some bacteria can also undergo sexual reproduction by a process called Conjugation. In this method, the “male” is connected to the “female” by a tube called a Pilus. The DNA from the “male” then travels through the tube to the “female”. Here, it recombines with the “female” DNA and the “female” bacterium then divides.


  • Some bacteria can be Transformed into a different cell by absorbing fragments of DNA of other cells. In another method of producing recombined bacterial DNA, bacteriophages (viruses) carry portions of the bacterial DNA from one cell to another. This process is called Transduction.



  1. When environmental conditions are not favourable, some bacteria are capable of forming highly resistant thick-walled Endospores until conditions once again return to normal.


Part Four Form and Function

Cell Structure:

A bacteria cell has the following structures:

  • Nuclear material in the form of DNA to pass on genetic information
  • Cell membrane: which controls the flow of material in and out of a cell
  • Ribosome: which assist in making cell proteins
  • Cell wall
  • Flagella
  • Endospores


Bacteria Lab Questions:

  1. Why must you always use sterile technique when working with bacteria?
  2. What does “pathogenic” mean?
  3. What is an “inoculum”?
  4. List three general rules for handling bacteria.
  5. When is the Pour Plate Method of culturing bacteria used?
  6. Why must you be careful in regulating the temperature of the melted agar in the Pour Plate Method?
  7. In procedure 7 in each of the labs, why did you have to flame the mouths of the test tubes?
  8. What is the reason for using the streak plate method?
  9. What is the reason for using the Pour plate method?


posted by Marc Bernard Carmichael in Biology Eleven,Biology Eleven Notes,Microbio and have No Comments

Bio 11 (16-17) Lesson 25 Dec 8

Biology 11 (16-17) Lesson 26                                         Date Dec 8 2016



Last lessons


1)    Review virus reproductive

2)    Intro to notion of an infection

3)    Intro to immunology


Today’s Objectives 1)    Virus and immune system and big Ideas

2)    Active and Passive Immunity

3)    Introduction to Monera



Number One

·      Defining critical thinking

·      Self evaluation


Virus and immune system


Three Big Ideas

a)   Taxonomy

b)   DNA and Evolutions

c)   Activity of life


1)    Properties of a virus

2)    Virus Quiz



Online Reference






Number Two



Using bio vocab to discuss two types of immunity.


Active: to initiate full immune response with memory

Passive: No immune response just antibodies and no memory


Active verses passive immunity




Bio quizlets


·      https://quizlet.com/10792737/viruses-bacteria-and-the-immune-system-flash-cards/

·      https://quizlet.com/125940964/bacteria-viruses-immune-system-flash-cards/

·      https://quizlet.com/109837387/chapter-17-chapter-35-viruses-the-immune-system-flash-cards/

·      https://quizlet.com/42975170/viruses-and-immune-system-flash-cards/



Number Three

Problems to solve:

·      What is Monera?

·      Classification of Monera

·      What do bacteria do?

·      How to observe bacteria


General characteristics of the kingdom Monera are as follows:


•   They are primitive organisms.

•   All organisms of the kingdom are prokaryotes.

•   They are present in both living and non-living environment.

•   They can survive in harsh and extreme climatic conditions like in hot springs, acidic soils etc.

•   They are unicellular organisms.

•   Membrane bound nucleus is absent.

•   DNA is in double stranded form, suspended in the cytoplasm of the organism,referred as nucleoid.

•   A rigid cell wall is present.

•   Membrane bound cellular organelles like mitochondria are absent.

•   Habitat – Monerans are found everywhere in hot springs, under ice, in deep ocean floor, in deserts and on or inside the body of plants and animals.

•   Nutrition – autotrophs – can prepare their own food, heterotrophs – depend on others for food, saprophytes – feed on dead and decaying matter, parasitic – live on other host cells for survival and cause, symbiotic – in mutual relation with other organisms, commensalism – it is where one organism is benefited and the other is not affected, mutualism – where both the organisms are benefited.

•   Respiration – respiration in these organisms vary, they may be obligate aerobes – the organisms must have organisms for survival; obligate anaerobes – the organisms cannot survive in the presence of oxygen; facultative anaerobes – these organisms can survive with or without oxygen.

•   Circulation – is through diffusion.

•   Movement – is with the help of flagella.

Reproduction is mostly asexual, sexual reproduction is also seen. Asexual reproduction is by binary fission, sexual reproduction is by conjugation, transformation and transduction.


Key Points



·      Kingdom verse Domain

·      By structure and by function

·      Defining what is a primitive structure

·      Defining by metabolism



·      Auto and Heterotroph

·      Aerobe and anaerobe

·      Photo and Chemo synthesis

·      Taxis


Positive and negative roles of bacteria


12 Positive roles



A comparison of good to bad




Observing Bacteria


Through a microscope





Looking at petri dishes



Chemical responses and Staining



Yogurt and bacteria




Text book Ref


Gap notes for Bacteria

Chapter 8

Online Youtube videos


·      https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qvcq8LziGd0

·      https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZtaATIC0S3E

·      https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jZGQfO85uzM



Take Home Message Critical thinking is


“thinking that attempts to arrive at a decision or judgment only after honesty evaluating alternatives with respect to available evidence and arguments”.


Donald Hatcher

“Reasoning and Writing”

posted by Marc Bernard Carmichael in Biology Eleven,Biology Eleven Lesson Outline,Micro Bio,Science 10 and have No Comments

Bio 11 Evolution of the Blank Project

Biology Eleven

Evolution Project: Evolution of the _________.


The purpose of this activity is to find an item within your life that you can examine and explore ideas related to the concept of evolution. For example; how has a particular toy changed since you were a child? How has the fashion of shoes changed? What about the evolution of “Barbie” or GI Joe? Has there been a change in sporting items such as: skis, snowboards; baseball gloves and golf clubs?


  • Part One: Selecting an item ( 4 marks)

Select an item within your life that you have been interested in since your were a child. This item can be a type of toy, a sporting item, an article of clothing or another category that you wish to present. Once you have selected an item, please consult with me and sign up to insure no duplication of projects.


What are you looking for?

  1. In reference to your item, find and provide evidence of a minimum of four stages of structural alterations that have occurred.
  2. Show these stages with a diagram, drawing or rich written description.


  • Part Two: Describing your item ( 8 marks)
  1. By observing and describing qualitative and quantitative observations of your item, describe how the features of your item have changed with time.
  2. Using the biological vocabulary listed in your vocabulary sheet, describe changes of your items in biological terminology.
  3. Cite evidence of items that may have been ancestors to your item.
  4. Make a family tree of your item
  5. On your family tree show possible convergence and divergence, and any other patterns of inheritance.




Part Three: Mechanisms of change and your item                           total:   (8 marks)

Describe mechanisms that caused the change

  1. Using Lamarack’s and Darwin’s ideas to explain why or how your item changed with time                   (4 marks).
  2. Use your family tree to describe and label possible mechanisms of change.

(2 marks)

  1. Compare two other non-biological mechanisms or causes for changes of your items, (For example: Consumerism, Media and advertising, Fads and economics). ( 2 marks)


Presentations of assignment:

  1. Answer and show graphic and written information to satisfy the project criteria on a poster board. You should be able to put on information on one side of the poster board. Marks will be deducted for unorganized work and hand written work.


  • Complete prior to consultation:
You first item choice second choice
Stages of development Stages of development
1. 1.
2. 2.
3. 3.
4. 4.
Possible ancestor Possible ancestor
Confirmation of consultation Confirmation of consultation


posted by Marc Bernard Carmichael in Biology Eleven,Biology Eleven Notes and have No Comments

Bio Exam 3 (Intro, Evolution,Taxonomy and DNA) Review

Biology Intro to DNA Exam Review

A historical perspective  and  Vocabulary Clues

  • Defining if something as alive or not
  • Source of life                                                                           Abiogenesis                                                                          Hypothesis
  • Microscope  Cell Theory
  • Classification of Living things Dichotomous Key             Binomial Name
  • Nature and the change Evolution                                        Adaption

Divergent Evolution

Convergent Evolution

Natural Selection

Adaptive Radiation

Isolation Mechanisms

  • Gene Frequency Hardy and Weinberg      Gene Pool


Gene flow

Genetic Drift

  • Making DNA PCR                                             Recombinant DNA

DNA replication

Protein Synthesis

In this evaluation you need to

Part One:

Scientific method and Taxonomy

  1. What is the order of classification going from complex to specific?
  2. How does a scientific name show a degree of relatedness?
  3. If a cell has organelles, what type of cell is it?
  4. If a cell has not nucleus what type of cell is it?
  5. What is the function of a cladogram?
  6. How are Domains linked Kingdoms

Part Two


  1. What at the types of direct and indirect proofs for evolution?
  2. When there is convergent what evidence could you use?
  3. Homologous, Analogous and Vestigial structure, how do they apply to evolution?
  4. What is an adaption? How is it linked to evolution?
  5. What is the significance of movement between genes in populations?
  6. How do finch populations in the Galapagos Islands show natural selection, divergent evolution and isolation mechanisms?
  7. If two species show similar proteins or dna, are they directly related?
  8. How are Darwin and Lamarck similar and different?

Part Three


  1. Label all the structures that make up DNA ( sugar, phosphate and nitrogen base)
  2. Know how information flows from DNA code to sequence of a protein
  3. Transcribe DNA code to RNA (know to change Thymine to Uracil)
  4. Identify complementary base pairs for DNA and RNA.


Short Answer Topics

Can you explain using a graph and or written paragraph the difference and significance of punctuated equilibrium verses gradual change? Which did Darwin support and why?

Can you explain why genetic drift, gene flow and natural selection all depend upon mutations?

Can you take a sample sequence of nitrogen bases as letters ( A,T,C,G) and convert that code into mRNA, transcribe the mRNA code into tRNA and solve what the amino acid sequence should be?

Can you explain the difference between reproductive isolation and geographic isolation?

Can you provide three functions for DNA?

posted by Marc Bernard Carmichael in Biology Eleven,Biology Eleven Notes and have No Comments

Bio 11 Chapter 6 Gap Notes

Biology 11

Mr. MBK Carmichael

Name: ____________________ Date: __________ Block: _____



Chapter 6 – Genetic Basis of Evolution

Read pages 174-176, 181-182, and 187-190

Use the text, sidebars, and illustrations to answer the questions below:


What is the main source of genetic variation among individuals in a population?


What is a gene pool?





What are the 3 factors that bring about evolutionary change?


What is mutation?




Describe the two types of mutations?





What is genetic drift?






What are alleles? (use the definition from the glossary, then give an example)



Explain what you think it means for “allele frequencies in a population to change.” Give an example




What is migration (gene flow)?





What is speciation?


What is a species?



What are the two ways in which a new species may arise? Describe each one.





posted by Marc Bernard Carmichael in Biology Eleven,Biology Eleven Notes and have No Comments

Bio 11 PLO’s




By the end of this unit, you must be able to:


1) describe the process of evolution

  1. describe the basic structure of deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) with reference to the following terms:
    • double helix
    • sugar-phosphate backbone
    • nitrogenous bases (A, T, C, G)
    • complementary base pairing (A-T, C-G)
  2. explain the role of DNA in evolution
  3. describe the five agents of evolutionary change:
  • mutation
  • genetic drift
  • gene flow
  • non-random mating
  • natural selection
  1. differentiate among and give examples of convergent evolution, divergent evolution, and speciation
  2. compare the gradual change model with the punctuated equilibrium model of evolution



By the end of this unit, you must be able to define the following:


o     complementary base pairing

o     convergent evolution

o     divergent evolution

o     deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA)

o     double helix

o     evolutionary change

o     gene flow

o     genetic drift

o     gradual change model

o     mutation

o     natural selection

o     nitrogenous base

o     non-random mating

o     punctuated equilibrium model

o     speciation

o     sugar- phosphate backbone

posted by Marc Bernard Carmichael in Biology Eleven,Biology Eleven Notes and have No Comments

Bio 11 Evolution Exam Review

Biology Eleven:    Evolution Exam Review


An almost complete vocabulary list ( check text for extra terms)


Vocabulary Term Your definition and example
accidental selection  
adaptive radiation  
artificial selection  
artificial selection  
directional evolution  
fixity of species  
isolation mechanism  
natural selection  
punctuated equilibrium  


Topic One: Adaptation

  • What are some theories or ideas related to the origins of life?
  • What is the fundamental unit of life and what are the activities of this unit?
  • What is an adaptation?
  • How does an adaptation become favourable?
  • What are examples of different types of adaptations
  • How could observed adaptations be associated with a theory?
  • What happens if a species fails to adapt?


Topic two: The Process of Evolution

  • What is the difference between a process and a mechanism?
  • Why can the term “evolution” be interpreted several ways?
  • How can one observe that a change has occurred?
  • What patterns can be hypothesized with changes in:
  • fossils: what sort of changes can fossils have and how can observations be misleading?
  • embryology: how are embryos associated with family trees?
  • anatomy: What is the significance of homologous and analogous structures and how could they be linked to ideas about convergence and divergence?
  • physiology How are tissue structures and functions related to evolution?
  • biochemistry How are proteins and amino acid sequences associate with DNA and how species are related?


  • What are some possible sources of error with fossil proof?
  • How is the earth’s geography associated with how species change?
  • If species can be proven to change with time, what factors effect that change?
  • What is the principle of convergence and divergence?


Topic Three: Mechanisms of Evolution

  • Why do species change or do they remain the same?
  • How could the process of reproduction be associated with the mechanisms of evolution?
  • Adaptation allows an organism to evolve so what causes an adaptation?
  • Are adaptation inherited through use and disuse?
  • Are adaptations controlled by some form of natural selection?
  • How is speciation related to a mechanism of change?
  • How is the rate of change associated with how an organism adapts?


  • From a scientific point of view, what are some of the weakness of Lamarck’s argument
  • What did Lamarck contribute to evolutionary ideas?


  • What are the five specific points of Darwin’s mechanism of evolution?
  • What is the importance of individual variation within a population?
  • In order for an adaptation to be selected what must occur?
  • What is the importance and or contribution of sexual reproduction in evolution?


  • How could today’s ideas (i.e. genetic influence, symbiotic relationships etc.) be consistent or against Darwin and Lamarck’s ideas?
  • What biological discoveries have contributed to changing the interpretation of evolution?
posted by Marc Bernard Carmichael in Biology Eleven,Biology Eleven Notes and have No Comments