" The Big Picture!" by Mr C

VSB Science Blog

Archive for October, 2019

Anatomy and Physiology:How does a cell work?

How does a cell work?

You mission is to make three detailed diagrams of organelles and building blocks to make”

a) Pathway from Nucleus to cell membrane to make a protein.

b) Pathway to make a complex fat (such as steroids) and or detoxifying an alcohol to make a fat.

c) Pathway into and out of a mitochondria.


Step one:

Make a labelled two dimensional drawing of organelles involved for three pathways.

Step two:

Include building block to make specific biomolecules and also show where these building block come from.

For example: Lysosome to make amino acids that are then transported to ribosomes to make protein.

Step Three

For cellular respiration you should include pathways (by name) within the mitochondria matrix. Also show construction of ATP including ATPase and concentration gradient. In one half of mitochondria show what is going into the mitochondria, on the second half, discuss what is being constructed and then released from the mitochondria.

Not that you should pay attention to all molecules including: biomolecules, water, hydrogen and possible ions.

This sheet will be used to answer specific multiple choice questions.

It should be prepared for next class.


Please look at the following to get a better understanding of working of cell



Smooth ER




posted by Marc Bernard Carmichael in Biology 12,Biology 12 Lesson Outline and have No Comments

Life Science Chem of life tips.

Carbohydrates..how sweet they are..

What are three names of simple sugars?

Why are simple sugars in your diet more harmful that starch?

Why are these almonds I am eating sweet?

Why use brown sugar instead of white sugar?

What are the different types or sources of sugars?

How are glycogen, starch and cellulose similar or different?

What is up with gluten and gluten free diets?

Did you know Oreo cookies are gluten free?

FAT! …no way…Lipids!

What the different structures and functions of lipids.

How is cholesterol both “good” and “bad”?


What are the building blocks of proteins and what chemicals or functional groups do they have?

What molecules are coded to make protein?

What three nucleic acids have an acid, a base and a sugar? How are they similar or different?

You planning to do IronMan in Hawaii…next summer..Woot Woot!

How would you alter your diet to produce muscles three months before the event?

How about a month or even the days of the event?

Remember..you are what you eat!

So I will continue munch this trail mix and ponder on what to have for dinner!



posted by Marc Bernard Carmichael in Biology Eleven,Biology Eleven Lesson Outline and have No Comments

Night before exam and all through the house..

For Bio 12 Anatomy and Physiology Students..

Please get some sleep tonight!

Here is a site with good data for your cheat sheet.

Chemistry of life Water https://courses.lumenlearning.com/boundless-biology/chapter/water/


posted by Marc Bernard Carmichael in Biology 12,Biology Twelve Notes and have No Comments