" The Big Picture!" by Mr C

VSB Science Blog

Archive for November, 2019

Life Sciences Lesson Wed/Thurs 27

Life Sciences ( C4-C5)  Wed and Thurs 27,28


Topic Vocab/Sub topic  

Deadliest being on Earth

Virus https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YI3tsmFsrOg


Bacteriophage and lytic and lysogenic cycle.   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hFwA0aBX5bE


Bacteriophage inserts   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=41aqxcxsX2w


Replication of Envelope Virus   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=StYOdR8hOUU




Key Points  
1 Specific cycles are associated with which specific viruses
2 Which cycle would create the most virus?
3. How can phage be used in biology and medicine?
4. What are the three “life cycles” a virus can have?
5. How do animal viruses differ from the bacteriophage?
6. What properties of a bacteriophage could be used to argue that a phage is alive?
posted by Marc Bernard Carmichael in Biology Eleven,Biology Eleven Lesson Outline and have No Comments

Anatomy Take Home

This is template number three..

Please look for revisions.

Anatomy and Physio: Take Home Exam


“Written in the Code”


Your mission to prove understanding of two processes involving DNA.


The two processes you need to explore are:


  • The process and function of replication.
  • The process and function of Protein synthesis.


You will show proficiency in understand by completing three specific challenges


Challenge one:

You are to provide a detailed diagram that shows the both structures and functions of   biomolecules involved with DNA replication.

You are to provide a detailed diagram that shows the structures and functions of biomolecules in the process of  Protein Synthesis.

You are to show all steps of this process including what initiates and stops it.

Your diagram should be a hybrid of many diagrams found within your notes, text and online.

Your diagram should include at least 36 terms found in your references.

( You can make a combined list of terms and processes prior to making the diagram)

Your reference should be a bibliography.


Challenge Two

For each process you need to write a one page (two sided) translational story to discuss the process.

A translational process can be a children’s story, a screenplay, but not a step by step text book description!

Extra mark will be added for creativity.


Challenge Three: Pragmatic Example.

You are to find three practical examples for how replication is linked to either medicine or bioengineering.

You are to find three practical examples of how is DNA and protein synthesis associated with

Gene therapy or biological research.

You provide a descriptive paragraph for each example.

One example should be from popular media.

One example should be from a crediable science resource.

One example should be an abstract from a current lab


Challenge Four: Find and answer 2 BC provincial written questions

Look up versions of BC provincial Biology exam questions  (written portion) and select two questions for each process. You should also include answer key.


The bonus round…Make a link between your two stories to show links associated with the replication of DNA and the process of protein synthesis. What is a link? How do your two stories show commonality between replication and protein synthesis



Mission One Below Expectations Meet Expectation Exceeds expectations
Mission One Clarrity in diagram

Table that Includes total minimum 36 terms.

Shows each stage of process

Has a biobliography

Colour coded for processes

Has labels to show specific process

Mission  Two 2 stories

Type written

Two sides of one paper per story.

Words are highlighted

Creativity factor added for style of story

Mission Three Should have a total of six paragraphs,  type written with bibliography.

3 levels

a) Common News/Media

b) Scholastic reference ( from a university source ).

c) specific abstract from a lab


Mission Four Total of 4 provincial written questions (two per topic) with answer key


Bonus Explain link between two stories



posted by Marc Bernard Carmichael in Biology 12,Biology 12 Lesson Outline and have No Comments

Life Sciences Evolution Exam Guide

Acme Guide: Evolution exam


Cell Theory What are the key points regarding this theory?

Why is a cell a fundamental unit of life?

Abiogenesis In this theory, where did new species come from?
  How is “fixity of species” related to theory of evolution?

Why does sexual reproduction contribute to diversity of species?

What is the most reliable method to dating the earth’s age?

When is a population considered adapted to minor environmental fluctuations (changes).

How is an inherited variation related to the environment?

What are two examples of the rate of change in evolution?

What are four definitions of evolution and why?

(consider process, theory, change in gene pool and diversity in species)

How is structure and function related homologous, analogous and vestigial structures?

What are four forms of indirect evidence? Provide an example.

What are three reasons why fossils may create some confusion in regards to creating a phylogenic tree.

Lamarck Did the organism change to the environment or did the environment change the organism in Lamarck’s theory and law?

What was his theory?

What was his law?

What are some examples of his theory and law?

What is an example of “an acquired characteristic”

  What are Darwin’s six specific points?

How did Darwin link “natural selection” to “artificial selection”?

Why is struggle for existence linked to Malthus

Why is Wallace linked to “survival of fittest”?

In both Lamarck’s and Darwin’s theories, is the source of genetic variability discussed? Why not?

Darwin’s ideas was based upon overpopulation and survival of the fittest, why?

Evolution in action In the case study of English Peppered Moths, what is the source for change in colour of the moth?

In the case study on amino acids and insects, how is biochemical indirect evidence linked to “degree of relatedness”?

  In the case study with mosquitos and DDT, some mosquitos developed resistance to DDT. How would Lamarck and Darwin explain this?
  If an animal “develops” a trait to catch prey, is this a proof of an acquired characteristic?
  Lamarck states some animals “develop” an acquired characteristic vs Darwin says “nature selects”. What is the difference in the role of environment on the organism for these two theories?
  In the case study of horses, what type of selection and rate of evolution is occurring?

In the “Barbellus” lab, how is geological evidence linked to phylogenetic trees?

  If an organism does not have “genetic potential” to adapt then the species becomes what?

What does the term “assurance” mean?

What does “fundamental” mean?

What does “fluctuate” mean?

  What is directional selection? Example


  What is stabilizing selection? Example
  What is disruptive selection? Example
  What is an example of evidence that is not indirect evidence?
  What is the difference between convergence and coevolution?
  What is “speciation” and how is it linked to isolation mechanisms?


  How is speciation linked to adaptive radiation?
  How is adaptive radiation linked to divergence of a species?
  In an interbreeding population of organisms, what is a fertile offspring called?

If two species interbreed and create nonfertile species, what are they called?

  If someone visited the Hawaiian Islands and noticed 10 species of butterflies while going from island to island, how could they explain the diversity of species by looking at Darwin’s evidence in the Galapagos Islands? What would be the role of isolation mechanisms, adaptive radiation, overpopulation, fitness of species and types of selections such as disruptive, stabilizing and directional selection.
posted by Marc Bernard Carmichael in Biology Eleven,Biology Eleven Notes,Evolution and have No Comments

Life Science Acme Guide for Chapter 3 Quiz

Acme Guide for Chapter 3


  1. Darwin’s importance of competition and or struggle for existence came from which author/researcher?
  2. What was the essay by Malthus called and how was it linked to Darwin’s ideas?
  3. Step by step, what are the six point that Darwin uses to explain his theory of evolution and natural selection?
  4. Which evolutionary theorist used the giraffe to show use and disuse?
  5. What is the difference between the theory of disuse and use and law of acquired characteristics?
  6. If an organism was intentionally changes such as chopping off tails or cutting ears (such as some dog species) and the pups were still born with tales, which theory could this evidence challenge?
  7. Recalling the industrial melanism case study, how did the moth originally get the black colour?
  8. Darwin fostered the idea of both natural and artificial selection, what would be an example of artificial related to domestic animal stocks?
  9. If the environment selects a specific trait in an insect population, whose theory would. This evidence supports?
  10. If a population in a cold and dry environment has a warm protective covering as a form of an adaption that allows the species survive and produce more offspring, whose theory is supported by this evidence?
  11. Could birth rate be influenced by getting long legged bird species bottoms wet?
  12. Was the source of variability in a species every discussed in Darwin’s theory?
  13. What is the process of multiplication of species called?
  14. What is an example and definition for term hybrid? Can some hybrids become infertile?
  15. What is a preserved imprint of a former living organism foot called?
  16. In a short passage of geological time there is a rapid change in morphology, unlike gradual model of change, this is called what?
  17. According do Darwin the story behind why there were 14 different species in the Galapagos islands is due to a variety of variables.
  18. Were there natural predators?
  19. Where did the original species come from?
  20. Was there an abundance of food for just one type of species?
  21. How is speciation linked to natural selection? (for example, how isolation mechanisms influence which species survives? Could you give an example?
  22. How did diversity in population influence which birds, iguanas and even tortoise to survive.
  23. If a bird species did not have a specific trait or shape of beak, could it survive on another island? Why?
  24. Could you use the answers from the above questions to explain speciation and natural selection in the Galapagos island?


Study resource at blog is file is “Lumen Biology Resources”

posted by Marc Bernard Carmichael in Biology Eleven,Biology Eleven Notes,Evolution and have No Comments

Life Sciences: Great Resources for Evolution

Life Sciences: Lumen Biology Resources


Main Topic Content Web Address
Evidence for


Intro https://courses.lumenlearning.com/biology1/chapter/introduction-7/


  Study Guide https://courses.lumenlearning.com/biology1/chapter/study-guide-introduction-to-evolution/


  Animal Phylogeny https://courses.lumenlearning.com/biology1/chapter/the-evolutionary-history-of-the-animal-kingdom/


  Evidence of Evolution https://courses.lumenlearning.com/biology1/chapter/video-evolution-its-a-thing-crash-course-20/


Mechanism of Evolution   https://courses.lumenlearning.com/biology1/chapter/study-guide-mechanisms-of-evolution/


  Natural Selection https://courses.lumenlearning.com/biology1/chapter/video-natural-selection/


  speciation https://courses.lumenlearning.com/wmopen-biology2/chapter/speciation/


DNA and populations and Evolution   https://courses.lumenlearning.com/biology1/chapter/population-evolution/


  Adaptive evolution https://courses.lumenlearning.com/biology1/chapter/adaptive-evolution/


  Genetics and Evolution https://courses.lumenlearning.com/biology1/chapter/video-evolutionary-development-chicken-teeth-crash-course-17/


posted by Marc Bernard Carmichael in Science 10 and have No Comments

Life Science Lesson Nov. 4th 2020

Bio 11 Lesson Plan

Date Nov 4th2019


Unit or Concept Specific Task Resource
Last Class

Kingdom of life

Worksheet using hand out. Text book
Pre test resources List format

1)Three specific pieces of information”

2)Scientific method


3) Kingdoms of life


Online resources


Acme Guide


At vsb blogs “the big picture”


Listed a Bio 11 notes “Text one acme guide”


Listed as Bio 11 lesson plans Nov 4th, 2019

Review of Taxonomy sheet Hand example to show phylogenetic key vs dichotomous key.

Start specific questions

For duotang

Some sample questions

Due next week

Focus on concepts within questions that need to be explored.

Review of

Evolution sheet

Start with specific questions For duotang

Due next week

Some sample questions

Some words to explore in evolution


Phylogenic Tree Phylogenetic tree assignment

Species are classified based on evolutionary relationships

Due at the end of the month
Online references Scientific Method https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yi0hwFDQTSQ


  Taxonomy https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F38BmgPcZ_I




  Kingdoms of Life https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XQccyAvSR0E



posted by Marc Bernard Carmichael in Science 10 and have No Comments

Life sciences Acme Guide

Acme Guide Test One


Scientific Method Focus Question Resources from class
Taxonomy   7 in text and Unit E in study guide
  How is a binomial name created for an organism? Worksheets
  What are the two parts of a binomial name?  
  Which comes first in a binomial name, genus or species? Why is one name capitalized?  
  Are species classified by their presumed evolutionary relationship?  
  What is the scientific name for humans?  
  According to the binomial classifications system, what phylum do humans belong to?  
  According to the binomial classification system, what class do humans belong to?  
  According to the binomial classification system, what family do humans belong to?  
  Why is Latin used to classify living things?  
  Does a dichotomous key consider evolution?  
  Do dichotomous keys use qualitative or quantitative properties of a living things?  
  What is the difference between a dichotomous key and a phylogenetic key?  
Five Kingdoms of life What is the sequence of most diverse life forms to specific life forms, starting with the idea of Kingdoms Chapter 1

Worksheet and handout

  Which kingdom do Bacteria and cyanobacteria belong to?  
  Molds and mushrooms belong to which kingdom?  
  Moss and ferns belong to which kingdom  
  Humans belong to which kingdom?  
  What is the taxonomic sequence starting from the most specific to the most diverse?  
  Where the kingdoms of life made up prior to any theories?  
  How are prokaryotes and eukaryotes similar and different?  
  How do kingdoms help explain the number of cells and organism has?  
  How do kingdoms help explain specific activities of life?  
Scientific Method All scientific inquiries begin with what activity? 1
  What is a theory?  
  What does biology prefer objective vs subjective inquiry?  
  What is the Cell theory  
  What is the Gene Theory  
  What is the Theory of abiogenesis?  
  What is the evolutionary theory?  
  A tentative explanation of an observation is what?  
  If someone proposed a testable idea and after many different types of tests of that idea what would you have?  
  What is the proper sequence of the scientific method starting with a testable idea?  
  Do the conclusions of an experiment ever change?  
  Why do scientist use something called the scientific method?  
  Can a hypothesis be proven true?  
  What is the definition of a control?  
  What is the experimental variable and what is its function?  
  Do scientist report all their findings as a newspaper article?  
  What is the last step of the scientific method and can it change?  
  If something is proposed to be “true” in science, what is it referred to as?  
  Do all scientific experiments need to be published?  
  When conducting an experiment, why is the function of randomizing test of a variable and picking the same species?  
  Are ethical and moral questions testable?  
  Do all hypothesis need to be proven false?  


posted by Marc Bernard Carmichael in Biology Eleven,Biology Eleven Notes and have No Comments