" The Big Picture!" by Mr C

VSB Science Blog

Archive for October, 2017

Bio 11 Quiz Review (Chapter 3)

Chapter Two: Evidence of Evolution Quiz

Topic One: Definitions

  • Adaptive radiation
  • Divergent evolution
  • Convergent evolution
  • Isolation mechanisms
  • Speciation
  • Geographic isolation
  • Ecological isolation
  • Morphological isolation
  • Behavioral isolation
  • Reproductively incompatibility
  • Evolution
  • Extinction

Specific questions about “Adaption”

  1. When is a population considered to be adapted to its environment?
  2. What would make an adaption desirable?
  3. Do all adaptions need to be morphological?
  4. What are four types of adaptions for a duck?


Can be defined as:

  • A process by which populations exhibit gradual changes over several generations.
  • Is a theory that best describes how species living today are descendants of species of the past generations?
  • Provides an explanation of how the biological diversity present today

Directed Evidence

  1. The most impressive direct evidence of evolution comes from the study of what biological structures?
  2. What type of soil are fossils found in?
  3. Where would you most likely find fossils?
  4. How are fossils linked to how the earth’s plates move?
  5. What gas allowed more speciation to occur?
  6. Why would the fossil records of reptiles and mollusk be easier to find that flatworms?
  7. How are some chemical ways to figure out how old a fossil is?
  8. What are four problems with using fossils as direct evidence?
  9. What is convergence and divergence and how would that be linked to the Pangaea theory?

Indirect evidence

  1. How could embryos of an organism be linked to how they have evolved?
  2. What are examples of vestigial structures that could be used both for embryonic and morphological indirect evidence?
  3. Homologous and Analogous structures show what sort of evidence?
  4. Why is biochemical evidence said to show “a degree to which most species are related?
  5. What would be the different between biochemical and physiologic indirect evidence?
  6. If two species had the same type of enzymatic protein, what type of evidence would this be?

Speciation and Isolation mechanisms (remember drawing).

  1. What is the distinction between a “mechanism” and a process like “speciation”?
  2. How would populations change with isolation mechanisms?
  3. How could one species of birds look different than a related species found on the other side of a mountain range?
posted by Marc Bernard Carmichael in Biology Eleven,Biology Eleven Notes and have No Comments

Bio 12 (17-18) Chapter 4 Membranes Oct 26,2017

Bio 12 (16-17) L14                              Date: Oct 26


Last lessons


Class Notes or Information

1.   Cell membrane structures




Today’s Objective 1.   Osmosis, what is the difference between diffusion and facilitated diffusion?

2.   Work sheet on Organelles and Osmosis questions

3.   Selectively permeable membrane worksheet


Number One

To answer the question for objective number one and to provide information to solve topic 3 challenge











From this information, what do you notice?


Two options!



Number Two

In preparation for dialysis lab


Semi permeable verse Selectively Permeable

Movement across membranes with proteins


Modeling membranes



Comparison Youtube



Analogy youtube





Number Three

Passive, Facilitated verses Active transport


Step one: Passive compared to Active




nice graphic analogy of kayaking as a way to compare active to passiv transport




A good English video



A..um..written powerpoint.



A..hands on verbal description




Text Reference Chapter Three

Cell organelle practice quizzes

·      https://www.biologycorner.com/quiz/qz_cell.html

·      http://www.proprofs.com/quiz-school/story.php?title=cell-organelles-their-functions

·      http://anatomycorner.com/cell/cell_quiz.html

·      http://www.sciencegeek.net/Biology/review/U1Organelles.htm

·      http://www.cellsalive.com/quiz1.htm


Google hunt Cell metabolism and organelles

·      http://www.edu.pe.ca/gray/class_pages/rcfleming/cells/notes.htm

·      http://biology.tutorvista.com/animal-and-plant-cells/organelles.html

·      http://people.eku.edu/ritchisong/301notes1.htm



Class Notes References    
Take Home message



We need to discover which makes a better French fry. Soak the whole potato with skin in salt water

Soak cut slices of potatoes in salt water

Soak cut slices of potatoes in fresh water

posted by Marc Bernard Carmichael in Biology 12,Biology 12 Lesson Outline and have No Comments

Bio 11 (2017-18) Evolution Chapter 3 Oct 25

Bio 11 (17-18) Evolution                                     Oct. 25,2017



Last lessons Objective



Darwin’s Daring Proposal

Today’s Objectives o  1) Adaptive Radiation and what Darwin did not know

o  Gradual Rate of Evolution

o  Punctuated Equilibrium

o  Evalutation Timeline


Number One


Darwin verses Lamarck

Key differences in vocabulary


Acquired Characteristic

Law of Use and Disuse



Struggle for existence via Malthus

Competition and survival of fittest via Wallace.


Remember 4 Examples included those found in the text.


What neither knew was the source of diversity in traits in a population.


The idea of adaptive radiation is a noun..it is a concept that proposes the the more diverse the population the easier it is for that population to radiate and adapt to a larger range of areas.

 Lab due at end of the week

Number Two


So whose theory did Darwin argue with?

Darwin verse Lamarack


Darwin’s argument

A yahoo version



An more academic version



Lets revise..and simply


If a population grows without any limiting factor is grows at a geometric rate.

Geometric growth leads to over population

Yet there is no over population and this is due to “a struggle for existence” ( related to economics idea by Malthus)


Part two

With a population, the is a diverse range of how a trait is shown. (think about a litter of puppies).


Those traits that allow the species to survive, are passed onto the next generation.


The mechanism that select which traits are passied onto the next generation is a natural selection.

Note..”survival of the fittest” was not first written by Darwin.




Wallace also noticed a selection process by natural sources in his collection of animals.


The main focus of Darwin’s argument was to challenge Lamarck’s idea that individual species changed with time due to use and disuse of traits.


He used fossil records and data acquired in his five year voyage to propose “the origin of the species”.


In regards to his interpretation of changes in beak structure of finches, we should not that

Each island had limited predation, a unique habitat that created a variety of food sources. These factors within the environment were used to support his argument.










Darwin Verses Lamarck




Comparison Table




Focus Questions:

Is a theory a fact?

How does the scientific method provide structure to create a theory?

How are direct and indirect evidence used to replace an actual experiment that validates Darwin’s ideas?

Is there a way to create an experiment that could validate the mechanisms of evolution?

For Darwin, what selects a trait?

How does this differ with Lamarck?

What is a common missing factor that both Darwin and Lamarck did not know about?

How could you disprove Lamarck idea of an acquired characteristics?


Rate of Change within evolution


Gradual Change



Punctuated equilibrium



Gradualism verse punctuated



Venn diagram to compare



Focus Questions





Number Three


answering question about natural selection




This is not a proof that changes occur with time, it is a proposal of the mechanism as to why things change with time.


Artificial Selection






Text book Ref


Chapter Three

Case study on Moths (Natural Selection)

Page 96 in Nelson Text

Answer all question and put into green duotang


Case study DDT ( Artificial Selection)

Page 101 in Nelson Text

Answer all questions and put into green duotang

You tube Reference Natural Selection Rap



Artificial Selection Rap



Take Home Message A theory is a form of an objective argument based upon evidence that is usually used to support a hypothesis that has been replicated in a variety of formats.


Theories can change with time and they are not facts.


To create a logically sound argument, it is wise to examine objective evidence that both supports and argues the premise that you are defending.


Do not go into a battle of wits with an unarmed opponent.

posted by Marc Bernard Carmichael in Science 10 and have No Comments

Bio 11 2017 Oct 16

Bio 11 (17-18)                                     Oct 16th



Last lessons Objectives




1.   Exam

2.   Taxonomy for class plants

3.   Media board assignments


Today’s Objectives a)   Solving the mystery of Barbellus

b)   What is a cladogram?

c)    How to use fossil evidence as direct proof





Number One

Barbellus Activity

Handed out or



Step one:


Organize by layer of rocks with oldest on the bottom.


Step two

Organize by similarity in structure. You can move the organism side ways but not up or down? Why?


Step three


Identify structures that look similar? For example: limbs, fins, eyes, segments in body and antenna. How would these structures be linked to environment the organism lives in?


Create cladogram with aquatic species on x axis and terrestrial


As seen via the internet


Basic ideas

·      Law of superposition

·      Adaptations

·      Using a cladogram

·      Extinction

·      Diverge and converge











Number Two

What is a cladogram



Higher level interpretation from Yale




From Utah






Understanding a phylogenetic tree





Number Three


Preview to next class lab


a)   Isolation mechanisms


b)   Elephant lab








Each student to do one of each assignment for full marks per term.
Text book Reference

Chapter 1 pg. 38-49


Class Notes

Chapter 7 Taxonomy

Chapter 2 Evidence of evolution



Class hand outs



You tube Reference How to write Cornell Notes






Take Home Message  


posted by Marc Bernard Carmichael in Biology Eleven,Biology Eleven Lesson Outline and have No Comments

Bio 11

Bio 11 (17-18)  Date Oct 10 th



Last lessons Objective



Classification and Taxonomy

Today’s Objectives  

1.   Direct Evidence (Fossils)

2.   Indirect Evidence (4 types)

3.   Isolation Mechanism and Evolution



Number One


Question: What organism are these bones from?

Using a skeleton of a limb, how can we observe some evidence of an animals structure and function?

What structures are in the limb?


Refer to class notes posted at web blog.

Problems with fossils

Type of soil : Usually sandstone or limestone.

Types of fossils (3)



In resin

Type of material to fossilize ( hard verses soft)

Amount of fossil remains

Movement of fossils due to predation

Movement due to local geological or environmental   change

Movement due to earthquakes

Movement due to plate tetontics


BBC information on fossil records



Sample of some problems with fossils



How things work (Problems with fossils)




Number Two

Question: What are the four indirect proofs of change with time.

“Speaking English..were you in the boat when the boat sank…”

Ontogeny recapitulates phylogeny

Morphology (Homologous and Analagous)

Biochemical similarities

Physiological similarities


How things work (proofs of evolution)




Powerpoint on Indirect Evidence





Number Three


Case study of evolution of Horse from Chapter Two

Please note to start with time being the oldest evidence.


Plot line

Make best fit line

Calculate the slope of line


Next Class Exam


Make key for next class

Text book Reference


Chapter Two Table
You tube Reference  

Richard Dawkins and proof of evolution



Evidence of Evolution made easy




Take Home Message  

There are three constants in life..paradox, change and humour.


Find a bone called a Humerus, you will see evidence of change and proof of why bones can be called funny bones..


posted by Marc Bernard Carmichael in Biology Eleven,Biology Eleven Lesson Outline and have No Comments

Bio 11 (17-18) Oct 5

Biology 11 Lesson Outline                                      Date Oct 5th



Last lessons Objectives




Designing an experiment

Pre test review

Today’s Objectives  

1.   Exam

2.   Taxonomy for class plants

3.   Media board assignments





Number One

Part One of Introduction Evaluation

(Not including taxonomy)



Number Two

Room 411 has over 16 plants

You mission is to create a key to find the names of each plant.

You should:

·      Photograph the plants

·      Find a plant key to classify your plant

·      Note all plant structures to classify plants


Number Three


Each week we need to update the Room 411 Biognus bulletin board



1)   Media story with photo

2)   Cartoon

3)   Vocabulary for the week


For each category, you will need to consider the following


1)   Is the work neat and organized

2)   Include a feedback section regarding how it is linked to course content

3)   A critical thinking question and possible answer


Each student to do one of each assignment for full marks per term.
Text book Reference

Chapter 1 pg. 38-49


Class Notes

Chapter 7 Taxonomy

Chapter 2 Evidence of evolution



Class hand outs



You tube Reference How to write Cornell Notes




DNA and RNA (Amoeba Sisters)





Take Home Message  

You are what you eat.

Do not forget Vitamins


posted by Marc Bernard Carmichael in Biology Eleven,Biology Eleven Lesson Outline and have No Comments

Bio 11 Exam Review

Biology 11 Scientific Method, Taxonomy and Five kingdoms Test Review


Yes, you are allowed an index card to put anything you want on it.

I would suggest you record the classification of humans first.




  • Which comes first in a binomial name, the genus or species?
  • Which word in a binomial name has a capital letter?
  • What is the scientific name for humans?
  • Humans belong to which kingdom?
  • Which phylum do humans belong to?
  • Which class do humans belong to?
  • What family do humans belong to?


Five Kingdoms

  • Bacteria and cyanobacteria belong to which kingdom?
  • Molds and mushrooms belong to which kingdom?
  • If you are looking at a proper order going from most general to specific, how
  • Would you arrange the seven groups of living things. (KPCOFGS)?


Scientific method

  • Which theory states that organisms contain coded information that dictates their form, function, and behavior?
  • Which theory states that all organisms are composed of cells?
  • Which theory states that all living things have a common ancestor and are adapted to a particular way of life?
  • What is biogenesis and how is it linked to theories of living things?


  • Is a hypothesis an a tentative explanation for an observed phenomena or results?
  • What is the proper order for the sequence of a scientific methodology?
  • Can a conclusion of an experiment change?
  • What is the scientific method?
  • Can a hypothesis be proven true?
  • What is the purpose of a control?
  • Do scientist always put their results in the news?
  • What is usually the step of the scientific method?
  • Of all the steps of a scientific method, which has the most evidence for being true?
  • What is the purpose of a hypothesis?
  • If you are experimenting with a particular independent variable, is it important to use the same type of living thing in both the control and test groups? Why?
  • A theory that is accepted by more scientist is often called what?
  • Can you test an ethical or moral decision using the scientific method?
posted by Marc Bernard Carmichael in Biology Eleven and have No Comments

Bio 11 Exam Review

Bio 11 Exam Review ( Introduction)


Topic Focus Questions
The studying of biology and science ·      How does a scientific inquiry begin?

·      Can scientific discoveries occur without an an experiment?

·      What are three conditions on earth that make it a good place for living things?

Scientific Method ·      What are three criteria for a hypothesis?

·      What is the difference between a theory and a law?

·      Are theories open to further study? Why?

·      A formal hypothesis always includes which two words?

·      The beginning of a theory always begin when scientist do what?

·      In order for a hypothesis to be valid, what must it be?

·      How do you outline an experiment?

·      What is a control?

·      What is a dependent and indepedant variable?

·      What are examples of qualitative and quantitative observations.

·      In an experiment where you are testing a variable, how many samples would you test?

Activities of life ·      How is reproduction linked to the idea of continuity?

·      If an animal uses a structural feature to move, how could this be linked to evolution?

·      Which activity of life is linked to the other five or six activities of life?

·      How is a living thing different than a non living thing?


Six Big Ideas ·      How is the idea of unity and diversity shown when comparing different species?

·      How is adaption linked to the ideas of evolution and changes with time?

·      What is another term to describe how living things maintain their chemical balance?

·      How would you describe the term continuity using an example?

·      What would be examples of the six big ideas?

·      What is unity and diversity and how could you explain it using examples of similar and different species?


Levels of organization ·      What is the smallest level of organization?

·      What is an organic molecule?

·      What is the definition of a population and how is it linked to the notion of a species?

·      How would you rank activites of life from a biome to a cell?

·      What power of a microscope would you use to examine a eukaryotic cell?

·      How can you define the term species verses a population? Could you give an example?

·      Is an ecosystem composed of just living things? (Can you provide an example?)

Fields of biological study ·      If some one is looking at the shape of a skull which field of biology are they studying?

·      If some one is looking at animals, which field of biology would they be in?

·      What would be the field of biology that explores how living things carry on their life activities?

posted by Marc Bernard Carmichael in Biology Eleven,Biology Eleven Lesson Outline and have No Comments