" The Big Picture!" by Mr C

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Archive for May, 2017

Bio 11 Worm Study Guide

Bio 11 Worm Lab Sheet                          Name____________________________


Your mission is to dissect a worm.

Using your “map” or diagram of worm anatomy, you will prepare a study guide which you can use for the lab quiz.


The lab quiz will be pictures of actual dissections or pictures of live worms.


You will also need to be able to discuss 5 systems of the worm.


  1. Digestive system
  2. Circulatory System
  3. Excretory System
  4. Nervous System
  5. Reproductive System


A system is a group of organs, composed of tissues and cells. You will need to identify specific organs and their function.


You should also answer the following questions (from “Biology Corner”)


  1. What is the name of the pumping organs of an earthworm?
  2. Trace the parts of the digestive tract through which food passes.
  3. Which parts of the earthworm serve as its brain?  How are these parts connected to the rest of the body?
  4. Which of the parts of the worm’s body that you saw are included in the excretory system?
  5. How can you find out whether an earthworm eats soil?
  6. Among the earthworm’s structural adaptations are its setae. How do you think the earthworm’s setae make it well adapted to its habitat?
  7. How is the earthworm’s digestive system adapted for extracting relatively small amounts of food from large amounts of ingested soil?
  8. Your dissection of the earthworm did not go beyond segment 32.What will you observe if you dissect the remainder of the worm to its posterior end?
  9. On a separate piece of paper, ( or your study guide) draw and label the parts of the earthworm you observed, and color code the systems. Use green for the reproductive system, yellow for the digestive system, blue for the excretory system, and red for the nervous system.
  10. During mating, two earthworms exchange sperm. Fertilization is external, and cocoons are produced from which the young eventually emerge. Refer again to steps 5 and 11, where you located the earthworm’s reproductive organs. Use a reference to identify the role of each organ in the reproductive process of the earthworm. On a separate paper, summarize your findings.
posted by Marc Bernard Carmichael in Biology Eleven Notes,Worms and have No Comments

Bio 11 (2016-2017) Worm Lab May 26

Bio 11 (2016-17) Worms 3                 Date May 26, 2017



Last lessons Objective



1.   Round worms (Nematoda)

2.   Segmented (Annelida)


Today’s Objectives  

1.   Disect Worm and make a study guide for lab quiz



Number One

Using the following resources you will be dissecting a worm and making a study guide.


You can use

a)   Lab in white lab book

b)   Diagram of worm anatomy, for template for study guide

c)    Lab sheet for dissection with questions



Number Two

Earthworm Lab links


Download and do this lab worksheet (for marks)



For your study sheet




For Study Guide




Biology Corner Lab




Biology Corner Earth worm lab key




From these two labs:


a)   Read through the information

b)   Answer the questions on “Lab Sheet with questions”

c)    Read through and do question in Biology Junction pdf. (yes for marks!)


d)   From these two labs, you can now add to your template any information that you think will be helpful for the quiz.




Number Three

How good is your guide?


Start off and google “earth worm lab dissection pictures”.

Can you identify individual structures and their function?

Can you identify which system you are looking at?



Prep for earthworm lab

Earthworm Anatomy



virtual dissection



Text book Reference Chapter Twelve  
You tube Reference  

Comparing nematode to annelida




Practice quiz and worksheets :Annelida



Practice quiz and worksheet: Nematoda



Comparison youtube





Take Home Message It is ok…we found the worm!
posted by Marc Bernard Carmichael in Biology Eleven,Biology Eleven Lesson Outline and have No Comments

Bio 12 (2016-17) Brain Lab 25th May

Bio 12 (2016-17) Brain lab                                                 Date: May 25th


Last lessons Objective 1.   Exterior labeling of the Brain Evaluations


Today’s Objective 1.   Anatomy of the lower Central Nervous System

2.   From primitive brain to neucortex

3.   Limbic and Addiction Assignment

4.   Quiz Nervous system next Class


TopicOne The emotional brain and limbic region


Brain notes


Video from Khan Academy





Evolution of the brain

·      http://thebrain.mcgill.ca/flash/d/d_05/d_05_cr/d_05_cr_her/d_05_cr_her.html

·      https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Evolution_of_the_brain

·      http://www.scientificamerican.com/article/how-has-human-brain-evolved/




Clues for Drug Action Worksheet

Key terminology

a)   inhibitors

b)   action potential

c)    acetylcholine


d)   See cheat sheet for GABA


e)   Dopamine

f)     Noradrenaline



Link to function and structures of the brain



Text Ref  

Mader “Inquiry to life”


You tube http://www.thestandrecovery.com/brain-science-what-like-its-hard/



Class Notes  




Take Home msg



Next Class quiz on Neurons to CNS


posted by Marc Bernard Carmichael in Biology 12,Biology 12 Lesson Outline and have No Comments

Bio 11 (2016-17) Worms 2 May 24th

Bio 11 (2016-17) Worms 2                 Date May 24, 2017



Last lessons Objective



1.   Worms (that are flat)

2.   Drawing and life cycle

Today’s Objectives  

1.   Round worms (Nematoda)

2.   Segmented (Annelida)



Number One

Key Points for round worms

1.   Pseudocoelomate

2.   Full digestive system

  1. Parasitic.
  2. Unsegmented.
  3. Complex cuticle without cilia.
  4. Intermal fertilization.
  5. 1cm to 8m in length.
  6. No circulatory system.
  7. Alimentary tract present.


Notes on Nematoda

10.                 See gap notes and check green duotang


Filarian worms in the eye



worms in face



Guinea Worm disease




Student youtube about nematode



Nematoda Classification




Number Two




What is new?

1 coelomate

2 Closed circulatory system with hemoglobin

3 hermaphroditic with internal fertilization

4 waste management via nephridia

5 segmentation

6 ectoparasite

7 hydroskeleton and dorsal pore

8 Advancement of muscle control

9 More complex cephalization


What is the big deal about earthworms?



Annelida Classification



Porifera to Annelida



Diversity of things



Using leeches for medicine



Science of leeches




Sample Annelida: “the earth worm”


10 facts about earthworms




Number Three

Prep for earthworm lab

Earthworm Anatomy



virtual dissection



Text book Reference Chapter Twelve
You tube Reference  

Comparing nematode to annelida




Practice quiz and worksheets :Annelida



Practice quiz and worksheet: Nematoda



Comparison youtube





Take Home Message It is ok…we found the worm!
posted by Marc Bernard Carmichael in Biology Eleven,Biology Eleven Lesson Outline,Worms and have No Comments

Bio 11 (2016-17) Worms 1 May 19th

Bio 11 (2016-17) Worms 1                          Date May 19th



Last lessons Objective



Cnidaria ( two tissues and two life forms!)

Marine and freshwater.

Today’s Objectives  

1.   Quick Quiz

2.   Worms (that are flat)

3.   Drawing and life cycle



Number One

Key Points for flat worms

1.   Have several systems

2.   Diversity in life style (parasite or predator)

3.   Marine and fresh water

4.   Hermaphroditic and different sexes

5.   Three germ layers

6.   Bilateral symmetry

7.   cephalization



Number Two

Notes on Platyhelminthes

a)   See gap notes and check green duotang

b)   Note new structures and systems


You tube references

Biology of Platyhelminthes



Planaria Notes via youtube



Planaria fencing



Notes on Nematoda

a)   See gap notes and check green duotang


Student youtube about nematode



Nematoda Classification






Number Three

Be prepared to discuss both Nematoda and Annelida on Tuesday.  
Text book Reference Chapter Twelve  
You tube Reference  

Comparing Platyhelminthes to Nematoda



Comparison youtube



Take Home Message Worms are creepy…

Next quiz on Platyhelminthes and Nematoda

posted by Marc Bernard Carmichael in Biology Eleven,Biology Eleven Lesson Outline and have No Comments

Bio 11 Reptile Gap Notes

Biology 11

Name: ____________________ Date: __________ Block: _____


Class Reptilia: Animals that Creep



  • (L. reptilis = “__________”)
  • evolved from _______________ about _______________ years ago


Make a venn diagram to compare Reptile to Amphibian

















Major Groups of Reptiles

  1. _________________________
  2. _________________________
  3. _________________________
  4. _________________________



Reptile Adaptations



  • Many have strong, bony skeletons able to ___________________________
  • most have _____ limbs and feet with __________



Body Covering

  • skin is _____ and _______________
  • covered with hard __________
  • functions in protection from _______________ (drying out) and from _______________.



  • breathe _____
  • depend on __________ for obtaining oxygen


  • has _____ chambers (like that of _________)
  • ventricle partially divided by a ___________
  • when the ventricle __________, the opening in the septum __________ and the ventricle is temporarily divided into _________________.
  • this reduces the mixing of _______________ and ____________________


Circulatory system

= _____________ system.

  • The left half of the ventricle receives __________ blood from the ____________, and pumps it to __________.
  • The right half of the ventricle receives __________ blood from the _____________, and pumps it to _______________.



  • in most reptiles, wastes are excreted as _______________, which is insoluble and needs very little water to produce
  • this allows reptiles to survive without drinking water. They get enough water from _______________.
  • therefore many reptiles can survive in _________________________
  • turtles excrete wastes as __________ (similar to __________).



  • Most reptiles lay eggs covered with shells that are _______________
  • the egg contains __________________________ for the developing embryo
  • has a shell which makes it _______________
  • can be laid on __________
  • Most reptiles are ___________ (their eggs are laid and incubated _________________)
  • some reptiles are __________ – they give birth to _______________.
Name Function
yolk sac  



because egg-shells are impervious to both water and sperm, _______________ is required.

  • reptiles have a __________ – a posterior opening shared by the __________, __________, and __________ tracts. The word comes from Latin, and means ” __________”.
  • most reptiles have _______________, which are stored inside the body.
  • male crocodilians and turtles have a __________
  • lizards and snakes have a pair of __________ (penes = plural for _________)


Did You Know?

The incubation temperature of eggs determines the sex in many reptiles. Nests with high temperatures produce more females, and nests with lower temperatures produce more males.

posted by Marc Bernard Carmichael in Biology Eleven,Biology Eleven Notes,Chordata and have No Comments

Bio 11 Fish Gap Notes

Biology 11

Name: ____________________ Date: __________ Block: _____


Aquatic Vertebrates – Fishes


  1. Class Agnatha – Jawless Fishes
  • a = “­­­­­­­­­­__________” + gnatha = “__________”
  • include: _______________ and ________________
  • origins: appeared about ________­­­­­ mya
  • have a _________ but no backbone
  • other features which they do not have:
  • no _______________, no __________ (so they cannot bite or chew), and no _______________


  1. Hagfish (aka: ___________________)
  • protect themselves with __________
  • lifestyle: ______________________________ ____________________
  • feed by _______________________________


  1. Lampreys
  • lifestyle: ______________________________
  • feed with circular ____________________________ with rows of _________________________



  1. Class Osteichthyes – Bony Fishes
  • osteo = “__________” + ichthyes = “__________”
  • largest group of vertebrates, includes _____________________________
  • evolved from _______________ about _____ mya
  • have ____________________ so they can bite food
  • have a backbone and skeleton made of __________
  • have paired ______________________________
  • 2 groups of bony fish:
  1. a) ray-finned fish
    • more than half of all vertebrates
    • includes: __________________________
  • fins are __________________________


  1. b)   lobe-finned fish
  • includes _________________________
  • fins are _________________________, supported by a central core of _________
    • probable ancestors of __________
  1. Class Chondrichthyes – Cartilagenous Fishes
  • chondros = “__________________” + ichthys = “_________”
  • include __________________________________
  • evolved from _______________ about _____ mya
  • have ____________________ so they can bite food
  • have a backbone and skeleton made of _______________ (not bone)
  • have paired _______________________________________________
  • skin is very rough – covered with toothlike __________ – has been used as sandpaper
  • lifestyle: most are __________







Adaptations of Fish


  1. Heart and Circulation
  • ­­­­­­­­­fish have a _____________________ circulatory system
  • the heart has _______ chambers (one __________ and one _______________)
  • blood is pumped from the __________ to the __________, where it absorbs __________, and releases ____________________
  • clean oxygenated blood flows to the __________ __________, were it delivers ___________, picks up __________ then returns to the __________
  • in a single-loop system blood pressure has to be ________________ in order to get blood through 2 capillary beds



  1. Swim Bladder
  • looks and functions like a _______________ filled with gas (oxygen, carbon dioxide and nitrogen).
  • Fish can add or remove gas from the bladder
  • helps the fish maintain _______________ and adjust depth easily

  1. Respiration
  • fish obtain oxygen through ____________________ made of thousands of filaments
  • the gills are covered with an ____________ which protects the gills
  • fish “swallow” water which passes through the ________ to exit the body
  • as the water passes over the gills, oxygen diffuses from ________ into __________, and metabolic wastes diffuse from _____ into ________ and exit the body



  1. Kidneys
  • main function is to ____________________________________________ in the body
  • also function to __________________________________
  • saltwater fish
  • their tissues are _______________ than surrounding water
  • they tend to __________ water (problem of “drying out”)
  • so they drink lots of water and excrete excess salt through __________
  • the kidneys excrete wastes in the form of __________ (like ours)
  • these fish produce _______________ urine
  • freshwater fish
  • their tissues are __________ than surrounding water
  • they tend to __________ water
  • their kidneys excrete wastes in the form of __________ which is toxic, so it is flushed out with lots of water
  • these fish produce large amounts of very __________ urine



  1. Body Covering
  • they are covered with __________, which function in _______________ but do not prevent water loss



  1. Senses

– the ___________________is a sense that allows fish to detect movement and vibration in surrounding waters.

– members of class Chondrichthyes (sharks, rays and skates) have __________________ that allow them to detect electrical fields produced by living organisms.



  1. Reproduction
  • fertilization usually external (called “_______________”)


posted by Marc Bernard Carmichael in Biology Eleven,Biology Eleven Notes,Chordata and have No Comments

Bio 11 Amphibian Gap Notes

Biology 11


Name: ____________________ Date: __________ Block: _____



Class Amphibia – Living in Two Worlds














Class Amphibia – Amphibians

  • amphi = “__________” + bios = “_____”
  • origins: first _______________ to live on land
  • evolved from ___________________________________about _____ mya
  • include ___________________________________________________


Have 2 Life Stages:

  • a __________ which undergoes ______________ to become an ________






Adaptations of Amphibians to Land



  1. Skeleton
  • most adult amphibians have strong __________ and _____ adapted for ___________________ (hopping or crawling)


  1. Body Covering
  • skin is ____________________ with no __________
  • function of skin: __________ – many amphibians have ______________ on their skin
  • also functions in ____________________ – since __________ and _______ pass through easily
  • amphibians in water have the problem of ____________________________
  • amphibians on land have the problem of _____________________________


III. Respiration

  • tadpole respiration through _____
  • adult amphibian respiration 90% through _____
Capillaries in _____ and _____
  • lungs are _____________________________ (some salamanders have no lungs)


  1. Heart and Circulation
  • tadpole heart has _____ chambers – like that of a _______
  • adult amphibians have ___ chambers: separate left and right ______, but only 1 __________.
  • tadpole has _____ loop, like a _____
  • adult has _____ circulatory loops: the __________ loop and the __________ loop.
  • in pulmonary loop: deoxygenated blood goes to _____ and/or _____, where it picks up _________, and releases ______________, then it goes back to the _________ where it partially mixes with deoxygenated blood from __________
  • systemic loop: mixed blood sent to _________ ______________
Capillaries in _____

  1. Kidneys and Excretion
  2. Tadpoles and aquatic adults:
  • similar to _________________________
  • primary function of kidneys is ___________________
  • kidney produces __________ which is toxic and requires lots of water
  • amphibians produce _______________ of urine
  1. Terrestrial adults:
  • kidneys conserve water by producing ______ instead of ammonia – less toxic
  • urine more _______________
  • produce _____ urine


  1. Reproduction
  • must return to the water to reproduce
  • fertilization may be
  • __________ (spawning) – ______ and ______ released into water (frogs and toads)
  • __________ (salamanders and newts)
  • eggs are not waterproof – must be laid in __________ or in ________________ ___________
  • eggs are coated with a clear jelly that functions to keep them __________ and protects them from _______________
  • zygote develops into an aquatic __________, which undergoes _______________ into a terrestrial __________.



VII. Unique Adaptations

  • Frogs and Toads have a __________ that functions to ______________________ (no similar structure in fish)



Did You Know?

Poison dart frogs excrete alkaloid toxins through their skin that are poisonous to would-be predators. However, the frogs do not synthesize their own poisons. The frogs obtain the toxins from animals that they eat, such as ants and mites, and then store the toxins in their skin glands. Because of this, captive bred poison dart frogs do not contain significant levels of toxin.      




posted by Marc Bernard Carmichael in Biology Eleven,Biology Eleven Notes,Chordata and have No Comments

Bio 11 Chordata Gap Notes

Biology 11

Name: ____________________ Date: __________ Block: _____


Phylum Chordata


Human beings belong to a group of animals that all have backbones or ____________. This group is called the ____________, and is a “subphylum” of the phylum _________.



Classification of Chordates

There are 3 subphyla in phylum Chordata

  1. ____________________ (uro = “__________”)
  2. ____________________ (cephalo = “__________”)
  3. ____________________ (vertes = “__________”)


The first two phyla of invertebrate chordates represent an evolutionary transition between ______________ and ______________



Four Characteristics of Chordates:

All animals in Phylum Chordata have these 4 characteristics at some point in their lives:


  1. Most chordates have a ________________
    • the backbone evolved from the _______________ – a stiff flexible rod made of cartilage that runs along the back
    • ALL chordates have a notochord at some point during their development
    • in _______________ the notochord becomes the ________________
    • benefits of a notochord/backbone: muscles can attach to the notochord, allowing chordates to


  1. All chordates have a ____________________
    • the nerve cord runs parallel to the _______________
    • in vertebrates this is surrounded and protected by the __________ (segments of the backbone)
    • at the ___________ end it is enlarged to form the __________


  1. Chordates have _____________ gills
    • (pharynx = “____________”)
    • aka: ________________ (branchial = “_______”)
    • gills are used for _______________ and ______________
    • gills are supported by _____________ made of _______________
    • in embryos, gills start out as pouches in the pharynx. All ____________ have pharyngeal gill pouches at some point during their development
    • in chordates that breath water, the gill pouches become _____________ supported by__________
    • in chordates that breath air (for example _______________), the gill pouches develop into organs such as __________, and the gill arches become structures such as _______________ and ________________ (voicebox)


  1. All chordates have a ____________________
    • the _____________________________ extend into the tail, which allows the tail to be used for ____________
    • found at some point during development in all _____________



Evolutionary Origins of Chordates:


The invertebrate phylum most closely related to the chordates is _________________

  • Both phyla belong to a group of animals called __________________ (deutero = “_____________” and stome = “___________”)
  • All other invertebrates belong to a group called __________________   (proto = “_____________”)
  • The feature that Chordates and Echinoderms share is how and when their ______________ forms during embryonic development______ __________________________________



                      Protostomes                      Deuterostomes



















The 2 Invertebrate Chordate Phyla


  1. Characteristics of Urochordatata (sea squirts or tunicates)
  • lifestyle: ________________________________________
  • covered by a “tunic” (tunic = “__________”)
  • has a _____________ but no ________________
  • larva has ____________________________
  • only chordate characteristic in the adult is _____________________


















  1. Characteristics of Cephalochordata (lancelets)
  • lifestyle: _______________________________
  • retain all 4 chordate characteristics throughout life












  1. Characteristics of Vertebrata (animals with backbones)
  • in all vertebrates (except the hagfish) the notochord is replaced with a backbone made of ________________ ( = ___________________________________)
  • the ___________________ is surrounded and protected by the __________
  • Vertebrates also have:
    • a complex ­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­_______________ and a large _______________ protected by a ________________
    • an endoskeleton with ________________ and one or two pairs of ________________
    • complex ________________
    • special ________________ (eg: skin, scales)



Vertebrate Classes

There are 7 ____________ of vertebrates

  1. Agnatha – ______________________
  2. Chondrichthyes – ______________________ (sharks)
  3. Osteichthyes – ____________________
  4. Amphibia – _____________________
  5. Reptilia – __________________
  6. Aves – ______________
  7. Mammalia – ___________________




posted by Marc Bernard Carmichael in Biology Eleven,Biology Eleven Notes,Chordata and have No Comments

Bio 11 Echinodermata Gap Notes

Biology 11

Name: ____________ __________________ Date: ________________ Block: _____________



Phylum Echinodermata (Greek: echinos = “spiny”, derma = “skin”)

Pages 340-341


I Background:


  • The Phylum Echinodermata includes 6 Subphyla that include a total of 18 Classes. Some of these Subphyla and Classes include:
    • Subphylum: _____________________________________ (Includes 4 Classes)
    • Subphylum: _____________________________________ (Includes 3 Classes)
      • *Class: ___________________________________- Sea Lilies and Feather-Stars*
      • Etc.
    • Subphylum: _____________________________________ (Includes 2 Classes)
      • *Class: ___________________________________ – Brittle Stars*
      • *Class: ____________________________________– Sea Stars *
      • Etc.
  • Subphylum: _____________________________________ (Includes 6 Classes)
      • *Class: ____________________________________ – Sea Urchins and Sand Dollars*
      • *Class: ____________________________________ – Sea Cucumbers*
      • Etc.
    • Subphylum: _____________________________________ (Includes 1 Class) (ALL EXTINCT!!!)
      • Etc.
  • Subphylum: _____________________________________ (Includes 2 Classes) (ALL EXTINCT!!!)


  • Echinoderms are completely _____________________ and only live on the bottom of the ocean floor


DID YOU KNOW!!!: The development of Echinoderms after the egg stage is so similar to that

of the Chordata, as well as being unique to only those two Phyla that it is believed that the Chordates (Vertebrates) and the Echinoderms share a common ancestor!!!


II Body Plan/Structure:


  • Echinoderms demonstrate a _____________________________ symmetrical body plan (Though it is strongly believed that they evolved from a bilaterally symmetrical ancestor, WEIRD!!!)
  • Most members of the Phyla are ____________________________ with _____________ similar body segments arrayed around a central core
  • They contain the three true germ layers:
    • ________________________________
    • ________________________________
    • ________________________________
  • All Echinoderms possess a true ______________________________________ made of _____________________________________________ that is covered with a layer of __________________________________
  • The Echinoderms possess a _________________________________________________
    • This is a system of fluid-filled _____________ that acts like a hydraulic pressure system
    • The system is used for ______________________________, _____________________ and ______________________________
    • Water is drawn into the water vascular system through a structure called a _______________________________.
    • The water travels down a structure called a _______________________________ until it reaches the circular ___________________________ that encircles the central core
    • The water is passed down to each _____________ through the _____________________________ where it enters the _____________________________ (Small bulbs)
    • The _______________________________ are connected to little sucker-like feet called ___________________
    • The ____________________ and the ______________________ are called ___________________________________


III. Feeding:


  • There are many forms of feeding among the Echinoderms from carnivores to filter feeders
  • Most echinoderms have a very ________________________ digestive system
  • There is a __________________ that is connected to a ______________________ that is connected to an ________________
  • The stomach extends into each arm where digestive juices are released to digest the food


DID YOU KNOW!!!: Sea Stars can be deadly carnivores. They will mount their prey

(usually an unsuspecting Bivalve) and wrap their arms around it until the opening of the Bivalve is facing the mouth of the Sea Star. From here the Sea Star pulls the Bivalve open using its sticky tube feet and powerful arms. It then everts its stomach into the Bivalve and digests the Bivalve inside its own protective shell. The Sea Star then pulls its stomach back inside to digest the organic material!!!


DID YOU KNOW!!!: Sea Urchins scrape food off of hard surfaces using a special structure

called Aristotle’s Lantern. Who knows, if you study hard and become a famous Philosopher and Biologist you could name an anatomical structure after yourself too!!!


  1. Respiration:


  • The thin-walled ________________ allow for simple _____________________ to occur
  • Some Echinoderms contain special __________ on their epidermis that aid in respiration
  • NOTE: There are always exceptions to the rules and there are some Echinoderms such as the Sea Cucumbers that have more advanced respiration systems


  1. Internal Transport:


  • The Water Vascular System is responsible for transporting ________________, _____________________and _____________________ throughout the body


  1. Excretion:


  • Undigested food is released out of the _______________
  • The Water Vascular System is again used to release metabolic wastes into the surroundings
  • The Wastes are released from the _________________



VII. Response:


  • Echinoderms have a central _________________ that surrounds the stomach
  • The central nerve ring connects to _____________________________ that extend into and control each arm
  • In general Echinoderms have a very ___________________ nervous system
  • They can generally only respond to:
    • ___________________________ – Use special structures found all over the body on the epidermis
    • ___________________ – Some have very very simple _______________ on the tips of their arms
  • The Echinoderms have some very interesting defence mechanisms
    • Sea Stars have ____________________________on their back side which act like pinchers and keep organisms off of them
    • Sea Cucumbers, when threatened will expel their ____________________________ in hopes of deterring their predator


VIII. Movement:


  • Echinoderms are either ____________________ or very slow moving
  • They use their Water Vascular System to pump water in and out of their _____________________ to crawl along the ground


DID YOU KNOW!!!: The ferocious Sunflower Star is by far the fastest moving Echinoderm

and can move at speeds up to 1 meter per minute!!!


  1. Reproduction:


  • The Echinoderms have separate _____________ and _________________ organisms
  • The _________________ of most Echinoderms take up the entire coelom
  • The __________ and _________________ produced by the gonads are simply released into the water by both sexes
  • Once the egg has been fertilized it matures into a _________________________ symmetrical larvae which eventually matures into the adult
  • Echinoderms also have the ability to ___________________________ body parts after they have been damaged or removed


  1. Ecological Roles:


  • Echinoderms are incredibly important in terms of ecological importance
  • Many of its members help recycle nutrients by feeding on decaying matter
  • Others help control the populations of the prey they feed on such as Bivalve population
  • They have also proven to be devastating to populations because if the Echinoderm populations are not themselves controlled they have a tendency to overeat and destroy





posted by Marc Bernard Carmichael in Biology Eleven,Biology Eleven Notes,Echinodermatat and have No Comments