" The Big Picture!" by Mr C

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Archive for November, 2016

Bio 11 (16-17) Lesson 24 Nov 29th

Biology 11 (16-17) Lesson 24                                         Date Nov 29 2016



Last lessons


1)    Test 3

2)    Mind Map for Virus


Today’s Objectives 1)    What is a virus

2)    Virus and virus reproductive cycles

3)    Pathology of a virus



Number One


Exam Review Feedback

·      Multiple choice Questions

·      Challenge with interpreting a diagram

·      Building blocks of DNA (Nucleotide)

·      RNA verse DNA

·      Pro and Eukaryote (see hand out)


Activities of life included with Virus

Virus alive or not

Diagrams of Virus (Ten structures)

Shapes of Virus (3)

Three cycles for virus ( lytic, latent and mutagenic)


Structure and function

Biomolecules (Protein,DNA and RNA)


Web information











Today’s powerpoint






Number Two

What does a reproductive cycle show?

Types of cycles

a)   Lytic     (Lysis is to break)

b)   Latent (remains dormant in cell)

c)   Mutagenic (Changes DNA in host)

Key points

Where is the virus in relationship to the host cell

What is the affect of viral nucleic acid on host

What are three ways that viruses get into cells? (video)



What is a retrovirus?


Video comparing lytic verse lysogenic






Number Three

Pathology is study of disease

Problems with Host and non host interactions

Introduction to the immune system.


Videos discussing pathology





Text book Ref


Chapter 7 (Taxonomy and virus)

Chapter   (The immune system)

Online Next step ( Reproduction and not dying)



See acme guide to immune system as you listen to this video



Take Home Message Vaca in Spanish means “cow”. Don’t have a cow disease!
posted by Marc Bernard Carmichael in Science 10 and have No Comments

Bio 11 Evolution of the Blank Project

Biology Eleven

Evolution Project: Evolution of the _________.


The purpose of this activity is to find an item within your life that you can examine and explore ideas related to the concept of evolution. For example; how has a particular toy changed since you were a child? How has the fashion of shoes changed? What about the evolution of “Barbie” or GI Joe? Has there been a change in sporting items such as: skis, snowboards; baseball gloves and golf clubs?


  • Part One: Selecting an item ( 4 marks)

Select an item within your life that you have been interested in since your were a child. This item can be a type of toy, a sporting item, an article of clothing or another category that you wish to present. Once you have selected an item, please consult with me and sign up to insure no duplication of projects.


What are you looking for?

  1. In reference to your item, find and provide evidence of a minimum of four stages of structural alterations that have occurred.
  2. Show these stages with a diagram, drawing or rich written description.


  • Part Two: Describing your item ( 8 marks)
  1. By observing and describing qualitative and quantitative observations of your item, describe how the features of your item have changed with time.
  2. Using the biological vocabulary listed in your vocabulary sheet, describe changes of your items in biological terminology.
  3. Cite evidence of items that may have been ancestors to your item.
  4. Make a family tree of your item
  5. On your family tree show possible convergence and divergence, and any other patterns of inheritance.




Part Three: Mechanisms of change and your item                           total:   (8 marks)

Describe mechanisms that caused the change

  1. Using Lamarack’s and Darwin’s ideas to explain why or how your item changed with time                   (4 marks).
  2. Use your family tree to describe and label possible mechanisms of change.

(2 marks)

  1. Compare two other non-biological mechanisms or causes for changes of your items, (For example: Consumerism, Media and advertising, Fads and economics). ( 2 marks)


Presentations of assignment:

  1. Answer and show graphic and written information to satisfy the project criteria on a poster board. You should be able to put on information on one side of the poster board. Marks will be deducted for unorganized work and hand written work.


  • Complete prior to consultation:
You first item choice second choice
Stages of development Stages of development
1. 1.
2. 2.
3. 3.
4. 4.
Possible ancestor Possible ancestor
Confirmation of consultation Confirmation of consultation


posted by Marc Bernard Carmichael in Biology Eleven,Biology Eleven Notes and have No Comments

Bio Exam 3 (Intro, Evolution,Taxonomy and DNA) Review

Biology Intro to DNA Exam Review

A historical perspective  and  Vocabulary Clues

  • Defining if something as alive or not
  • Source of life                                                                           Abiogenesis                                                                          Hypothesis
  • Microscope  Cell Theory
  • Classification of Living things Dichotomous Key             Binomial Name
  • Nature and the change Evolution                                        Adaption

Divergent Evolution

Convergent Evolution

Natural Selection

Adaptive Radiation

Isolation Mechanisms

  • Gene Frequency Hardy and Weinberg      Gene Pool


Gene flow

Genetic Drift

  • Making DNA PCR                                             Recombinant DNA

DNA replication

Protein Synthesis

In this evaluation you need to

Part One:

Scientific method and Taxonomy

  1. What is the order of classification going from complex to specific?
  2. How does a scientific name show a degree of relatedness?
  3. If a cell has organelles, what type of cell is it?
  4. If a cell has not nucleus what type of cell is it?
  5. What is the function of a cladogram?
  6. How are Domains linked Kingdoms

Part Two


  1. What at the types of direct and indirect proofs for evolution?
  2. When there is convergent what evidence could you use?
  3. Homologous, Analogous and Vestigial structure, how do they apply to evolution?
  4. What is an adaption? How is it linked to evolution?
  5. What is the significance of movement between genes in populations?
  6. How do finch populations in the Galapagos Islands show natural selection, divergent evolution and isolation mechanisms?
  7. If two species show similar proteins or dna, are they directly related?
  8. How are Darwin and Lamarck similar and different?

Part Three


  1. Label all the structures that make up DNA ( sugar, phosphate and nitrogen base)
  2. Know how information flows from DNA code to sequence of a protein
  3. Transcribe DNA code to RNA (know to change Thymine to Uracil)
  4. Identify complementary base pairs for DNA and RNA.


Short Answer Topics

Can you explain using a graph and or written paragraph the difference and significance of punctuated equilibrium verses gradual change? Which did Darwin support and why?

Can you explain why genetic drift, gene flow and natural selection all depend upon mutations?

Can you take a sample sequence of nitrogen bases as letters ( A,T,C,G) and convert that code into mRNA, transcribe the mRNA code into tRNA and solve what the amino acid sequence should be?

Can you explain the difference between reproductive isolation and geographic isolation?

Can you provide three functions for DNA?

posted by Marc Bernard Carmichael in Biology Eleven,Biology Eleven Notes and have No Comments

Bio 12 L18 Nov 9 2016

Bio 12 (16-17) L18                              Date: Nov Wed


Last lessons


Class Notes or Information

1.   Dialysis tube lab




Today’s Objective 1)   Lab Quiz

2)   Continue doing membrane diagram

3)   20 Multiple Choice Questions Quiz (Mon)

4)   Test on Wed 15


Number One

Lab Quiz feedback

Use evidence in your lab verses notes.


Number Two

Make sure to study all the ways that proteins work in membrane


Some helpful sites

·      https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Transport_protein

·      http://biology.tutorvista.com/animal-and-plant-cells/plasma-membrane.html

·      https://quizlet.com/27193453/chapter-5-study-guide-membrane-structure-and-function-flash-cards/




Number Three

Test for both Membranes and Organelles will be on Wed the 16th of November



Prior to end of term, we will have one last exam of DNA,RNA and protein synthesis

Text Reference Chapter 3 and 4


Please complete membrane assignment

Google hunt  



Class Notes References Chapter Four in text
Take Home message



posted by Marc Bernard Carmichael in Biology 12,Biology 12 Lesson Outline and have No Comments