" The Big Picture!" by Mr C

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Science 10 June 3rd 2016

Science 10 Lesson Outline                            Date: June 3rd


Last lessons Objectives


Bring Money (4 dollars) for workshop!

Chapt 3 Vocab



Today’s Objective 1.   Chapt 3 MC

2.   Working on “cheat sheet” for Pretest on Tuesday

3. Purple Duotang Contents


Number One


Key Points

·      Common questions on multiple choice test are vocabulary based. Many words are not just science terms.


Number Two

1.   You will be allowed hand written legal size sheet started in class.

Sheet needs to include concept map from Unit review and cross section diagram.

2. You can use grade 10 exam booklet



Number Three

The following is a list of items for the Duotang



1.   Lab on Vinegar and Chalk

2.   Media assignment on Nuclear power


Earth Sciences

1.   7 day weather lab assignment

2.   Media assignment on plate tectonics

3.   Problem set worksheets

4.   Energy in the atmosphere and biogeoclimate map hand outs



1.   Media assignment on farming

2.   Media assignment on pollution linked to fashion

3.   Feedback on vegan story (same lesson as fashion)



Please make sure to read through the blog lessons to confirm that this list is correct.


Media assignments due on Tuesday next week


Do not take duotangs!






Video and Youtube


BC provincial exams. Note you need to read and sign off for the right to print up the exam. You cannot make multiple copies nor use for other purposes.





Other stuff! Please not that I have put a page with links to several teacher pages.
Next Class Pretest for Unit and review prior to Unit 1


Take Home Message Do not forget!!!!!

Bring 4 dollars to class for workshop




posted by Marc Bernard Carmichael in Science 10,Science Ten Lessons and have No Comments

Sc 10 Jun 1st 2016

Science 10 Lesson Outline                            Date: June 1, 2016th


Last lessons Objectives


3.3 Evaluations


Today’s Objective 1) Vocab Quiz for chapter 3

2) Life in the frog pond

3) Concept map and cross section of land diagram as study guide for pre test



Number One


To help with review purposes, please go to the following link.

·      https://community.yorkhouse.ca/course/view.php?id=59

·      (note that the flow chart is a download file with yorkhouse)


We will review next class some vocab and true and false questions prior to the multiple choice evaluation.

You will be able to use your workbook for the evaluation


Number Two

What is going on with the frog pond in the class room.

I will post some observations and discuss how the concepts about ecology can be applied to how our froglets are evolving.

In the “pond” we do have two invasive species (snails and duck weed). Abiotic factors such as temperature, ph and nitrates will be included in write up)


Number Three

To make a study guide we are going to start with completing the concept map found in your text on page 154.

On the opposite side of this sheet we are going to show how concepts can be applied to a cross section of both water and land. We will look at these study guides next class.




  Sustainability assignment is going to be due next Tuesday


  Video and Youtube

The following is a list of videos on ecology

·      https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL8dPuuaLjXtNdTKZkV_GiIYXpV9w4WxbX

·      https://www.khanacademy.org/partner-content/crash-course1/partner-topic-crash-course-bio-ecology



  Exam Review Material

·      http://www.askmryuen.com/askmryuen2007/science10notes.htm

·      https://s-chen.wikispaces.com/Ecology

·      http://www.bcscience10.com/pgs/links_u1.html


Other stuff! Please bring four dollars for work shop!  
Next Class Multiple choice Quiz for Chapter 3  
Take Home Message Remember..in Mother natures kitchen you either adapt…or die.  


posted by Marc Bernard Carmichael in Science 10,Science Ten Lessons and have No Comments

Sc 10 May 30th 2016

Science 10 Lesson Outline                            Date: May 30th 2016


Last lessons Objectives


3.1 Evaluations


Today’s Objective 3.2 Affect of Humans on the ecosystem

3.3 Sustainable Farms and invasive species



Number One


·      Powerpoint on 3.2 and 3.3



·      Videos




Number Two

Invasive and native plants





Number Three


Why sustainable farms?


Video references

·      https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pV_Wv6pt62o

·      https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZQwn69A3z9A


·      Sustainable farming

·      https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8O3gX0JVTeo

·      https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4lW_M1GfQPQ



You are writing a simple article on sustainable farming.

The editor has asked you to do the following


a)   Provide a photo for your article

b)   Using the following animals and plants, create a food web to show interactions among species.

c)    Provide three sources of information.

d)   Simple one page write up considering : Who,What, where, when, why and how questions regarding sustainable farming.


Animals and plant to consider (see video 1 above)

Cattle, pigs,chickens, goats and two types of grains or plant species to help the soil between crop harvesting




  Practice Quizzes



Chapter 3 Quizlet



BC Sc 10




  Video and Youtube


Coral Bleaching


Invasive goldfish in Canada


Invasive Lionfish in Florida




  Exam Review Material

·      http://www.askmryuen.com/askmryuen2007/science10notes.htm

·      https://s-chen.wikispaces.com/Ecology

·      http://www.bcscience10.com/pgs/links_u1.html


Other stuff! Please bring four dollars for work shop!  
Next Class Vocab Quiz for Chapter 3  
Take Home Message Do not blame the world’s troubles on cows!  


posted by Marc Bernard Carmichael in Science 10,Science Ten Lessons and have No Comments

Sc 10 May 15th 2016

Science 10 Lesson Outline                            Date: May 15th


Last lessons Objectives


2.2 and Vocab from Chapter one Worksheet
Today’s Objective 1.   Multiple Choice Chapter One

2.   Chapter 2.3 “Bioaccumulation”

3.   Water and Clothing industry


Number One


While the evaluation was a foot…some thoughts

Many words in biology are words created from latin origins.

Terms like “bio” and “di” are sometimes great building blocks to understand grander words like..bioaccumulation…

Bio is life and to accumulate is to do what?


Lets discover some examples..


Number Two

Consider the following metaphor

Lets think of stuff that should not be in your room..say a plate or dish. If I asked each of you what was in your room it may be a small amount. If we added all of the rooms together what happens to the amount of plates? If we did a survey of several high school student’s rooms what would happen to the number of plates?

On the back of your 2.3 sheet try to construct both a food pyramid and a food web.


Answers to your worksheet are found by viewing

2.3 Bioaccumulation Powerpoint at the following site.




Number Three

A news source says


the fashion industry is the dirtiest industry on the planet”.


Your mission:


Find evidence to support or debate the statement.

Remember to write down the source of the information.

Is the source popular news, academic or political?

Try and find some sources that include some numbers.


After a broad level google search

Cite three sites to argue for the statement

Cite three against.



Once you have your data


A)   Can you please create a flow chart to show how the fashion industry pollutes water.

B)   Can you offer some practical solutions both in your own life and community?

C)  Is there a word to describe accumulation of pollution due to multiuse of a resource like water? Can you invent one.

D)  Put (A-C) onto a legal size piece of paper to be used as a poster.



Treasure Hunt


Wiki Ref on Bioaccumulation



Bioaccumulation and biomagnification



Defining Bioaccumulation




Video and Youtube






Fashion and Pollution..some places to start


Prior to reading ..try and define who is the source and their point of view.


·      http://ecowatch.com/2015/08/17/fast-fashion-second-dirtiest-industry/

·      http://www.greenpeace.org/international/en/campaigns/detox/water/polluting-paradise/

·      http://www.environmentalleader.com/2014/10/06/assessing-the-environmental-impact-of-the-fashion-world/

·      https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_True_Cost


Other stuff! What is your take on this story?



Next Class Adapt or Die…is it really that extreme?


Take Home Message Do not forget!!!!!

Bring 4 dollars to class for workshop




posted by Marc Bernard Carmichael in Science 10,Science Ten Lessons and have No Comments

Science 10 May 6th

Science 10 Lesson Outline                            Date: May 6th, 2016


Last lessons Objectives


1)   Exam on Earth Sciences

2)   Work book 2.2

3)   Vocab Quiz next class

Quizlet for Chapter 1





Today’s Objective ·      Fact or Fiction Challenge

·      El Nino in a tank

·      Unit 1 Work sheet (Question 1-24)



Number One

In the news today



Your mission

What is Ms May’s point of view?

Find three sources of information that support her point of view.

·      One source should be a public citizen point of view.

·      One source should be media source like News paper,enews, Tv

·      One source should be from a scientific source.


Find three sources from an alternate point of view.

Again three sources should be public, news and scientific


After finding the information

·      Record point of view in point form

·      Review points of view

·      State your point of view based upon the evidence that you have found.


There is no right or wrong answer, just back up your point of view with objective evidence.



Number Two

El Nino



This will be the next media assignment. So if you find new articles, please let us know.


Number Three

Unit Worksheet

Please focus on questions linked to Chapter 1-2


Yes the numbers did skip from 5-12!



Online Resources Predator and Prey Videos


Population Dynamics


Aquarium researchers and El Nino


Why study ecology


Why is it important to study ecology





Next Class Quiz on vocab, chapter 1

Review of Chapter Two

Data collection from aquarium and terrarium resources

Take home message Three constants folks..

Paradox, change and humour

All things are connected.

posted by Marc Bernard Carmichael in Science 10,Science Ten Lessons and have No Comments

Sc 10 May 2nd 2016

Science 10 Lesson Outline                            Date: May 2nd, 2016


Last lessons Objectives


1)   Last class ( Levels of organization)

2)   Pretest Review

3)   Chapter 1.1 Quiz http://www.bcscience10.com/pgs/quiz_section1.1.htm




Today’s Objective ·      Change exam to Wednesday

·      1.2

·      2.1




Number One

What is the difference between an ecosystem and a biome?





Our tadpole environment compared to research



Abiotic and biotic

Why define biological interactions?



How to organize biological observations into ideas

Some thorough notes on Ecosystems



Why study ecosystems



Cleaning poop from water





Number Two

Focus questions

What is the difference between a food chain and an energy pyramid?

Why does the amount of energy change between different trophic levels?

What happens when we change levels of energy or populations in a trophic level?


Energy flow through ecosystems

Teacher Power point and work sheet



Key points

Each step of energy transformation will lose a portion of the original energy.

The further you move up the food chain, the more energy you need.

Respiration, the burning of sugar, requires oxygen and sugar and gives off water and carbondioxide.

Switching to being warm blooded means you need more energy.


Number Three

Flow of energy in coral reefs



Renewable Energy




2.1 Quiz



Another quiz




Tales or tails about bovine feces







Online Resources Ecosystems and flow of energy









Next Class Evaluation ( Earth Science Unit)
Take home message A web is not a pyramid, a food chain is not showing the amount of energy being transferred. Instead of swimming in shallow water, adapt and overcome the fear..learn to learn in the deep end of the pool of knowledge!
posted by Marc Bernard Carmichael in Science 10,Science Ten Lessons and have No Comments

Science 10 April 22,2016

Science Ten Lesson                                     Friday the 22nd, 2016


From Last Class Review for Pretest

Please see separate Review Page

Topic 1 Alive or not?

Prior to reading chapter one


View the following Youtube videos





Can you..

Identify six activities that all living things do?


A simple activity to do!




What is the difference between inductive and deductive?



How does biology do both types of reasoning?



How to study biology I have selected university and high school sites.

Please know the strategies are pretty much the same.

Please take and peak and give me some feedback


·      https://www.butte.edu/cas/tipsheets/studystrategies/studybio.html

·      http://www.howtostudy.org/resources_subject.php?id=4

·      http://www.wikihow.com/Study-for-Biology

·      http://www.vpul.upenn.edu/lrc/lr/PDF/studying%20bio%20(W).pdf



Topic Two Starting with 1.1

So where do we begin the journey of learning about life?

If we looked at all living things we could organize our observations

The size of the living thing or how that living thing relates to non living things.

1.1 Starts with the frontier of living and non living things.



Please note the levels of organization below.

Please put each on a cue card and give your own definition and an example.

Where do we start to consider the interactions between living and non living things?



Levels of organization

When we look at small things we go from:

·      Energy

·      Atoms and molecules

·      Biomolecules

·      Cells

·      Tissues

·      Organs

·      Systems


When we look at larger mixed living and non living we go from

·      Species

·      Population

·      Community

·      Ecosystem

·      Biomes


And now an youtube from team batman



Topic Three So we are about to look at living and non living things in the classroom!


The question is..”How can we take observations and convert them into ideas and or theories?”.


Hear are some some suggestions






Take home msg “Life is stranger than biology textbooks.”

David Rains Wallace, The Untamed Garden and Other Personal Essays

posted by Marc Bernard Carmichael in Science 10,Science Ten Lessons and have No Comments

Science 10 Lesson Outline March

Science 10 Lesson Outline                                                        Date: March 2nd


Last lessons Objectives


7.2 ( See Power Point)

Worksheet on Half life




Today’s Objective 7.3 Nuclear Reactions


Power point




Number One

Nuclear Fission

Key Concepts

Nuclear Reaction

Writing and rules for nuclear reactions





Nuclear Fission of Uranium ( pg 317 practice)


Study key



Class Notes



An analogy to consider..nuclear fission is a bit like bowling



Number Two

Using Chain Reactions

Candu Reactors



Nuclear Fussion

Vancouver Firm in the news!



Comparing Fission to Fusion

Some notes on fission and fusion


Duck and cover video


Nuclear Energy our misunderstood friend



History of Nuclear Weapons



Neutron Bomb




Number Three



News article Assignment.

Compare in Fusion to Fission


Select three articles to defend a point of view and one article to challenge.


Point of view:

Is nuclear power a wise form of energy for humans?


Record your references

Write a simple point form outline to defend your point of view.

Write a paragraph conclusion to support your point of view


How to write an argument essay



Outline for an argument statement







Take Home Message Answers for 7.3



If the wheel is fixed..we might as well dance!

Neutron Dance







posted by Marc Bernard Carmichael in Science 10,Science Ten Lessons and have No Comments

Science 10 29th Feb

Science 10 Lesson Outline                            Date: Feb 29th


Last lessons Objectives


Final for Chemistry




Today’s Objective Geological Time and Half life

7.2 In text



Number One

So if the history of the earth was a meter stick, when did the earth begin and when did humans show up?


Geologists use radiometric dating to estimate how long ago rocks formed, and to infer the ages of fossils contained within those rocks. The universe is full of naturally occurring radioactive elements. Radioactive atoms are inherently unstable; over time, radioactive “parent atoms” decay into stable “daughter atoms.”


7.2 In our text.


Geological Time Scale



Wiki on Geological Time





Number Two




Number Three






Youtube Explaination






Most radioactive places on earth







Take Home Message Cool story about a clock that will run for 10000 years!



Steward Brand and the long now clock



The longnow organization





posted by Marc Bernard Carmichael in Science 10,Science Ten Lessons and have No Comments

Science 10 Feb 19th

Science 10 Lesson Outline                            Date: Feb 19th


Last lessons Objectives


Chapter Five Test Evaluations


Today’s Objective Chapter 6 Test

7.1 Review Sheets




Class Average



Number One

Reading the question issues


In the T and F section there were four easy questions. It was easy if you knew the difference between an element and a compound! It was easy if you had highlighted your work book and answered the reading question. Sadly, 85% found these difficult questions a bit of a challenge. Which does make me wonder how questions labeled as easy can be so hard? Hmm..surface area and reactions..increase the effort and less difficult.


All synthesis reactions do not convert elements to a single product!

Synthesis reactions can have elements as a reactant but they can also combine compounds and elements or compounds and compounds to product a single product.


All decomposition reactions do not convert a single compound into elements. Like a synthesis reaction, there is not just compound to element nor elements to compounds.


Increasing surface area is thought to increase the rate of chemical reactions because it increases the number of collisions between reactant particles!


Remember my advice…highlight the workbook, and answer the reading questions.


Kindling is small pieces of wood. To light a fire, you need to start with small pieces of wood and then slowly add more wood. Remember in the vinegar lab when you ground up the chalk into small pieces and then slowly added vinegar you had a better reaction.


Now..when you read your text and book..bite of small portions of text and then slowly record notes and add questions.


Sadly, four easy reading questions was the reason that the class averaged dropped to 60 percent.


Face it..you need to learn to read efficiently. Like a good meal..small bites and chew..




Number Two

Do cell phones cause Cancer..or better still do phones cause students to read less? Over the week end, take the time to actually read the book, not just the workbook. As you read start to work on Cornell Notes


You tube


Practical plan for Cornell Notes


Wiki how



Make thorough notes for chapter 4-6

Do not just memorize concepts and vocab.

Read…R..E..A…D…the book and imagine how to explain the information to Sparky


Number Three






Take Home Message “Something of value is never made in haste nor understood without effort.”  


posted by Marc Bernard Carmichael in Science 10,Science Ten Lessons and have No Comments