" The Big Picture!" by Mr C

VSB Science Blog

Science 10 Feb 19th

Science 10 Lesson Outline                            Date: Feb 19th


Last lessons Objectives


Chapter Five Test Evaluations


Today’s Objective Chapter 6 Test

7.1 Review Sheets




Class Average



Number One

Reading the question issues


In the T and F section there were four easy questions. It was easy if you knew the difference between an element and a compound! It was easy if you had highlighted your work book and answered the reading question. Sadly, 85% found these difficult questions a bit of a challenge. Which does make me wonder how questions labeled as easy can be so hard? Hmm..surface area and reactions..increase the effort and less difficult.


All synthesis reactions do not convert elements to a single product!

Synthesis reactions can have elements as a reactant but they can also combine compounds and elements or compounds and compounds to product a single product.


All decomposition reactions do not convert a single compound into elements. Like a synthesis reaction, there is not just compound to element nor elements to compounds.


Increasing surface area is thought to increase the rate of chemical reactions because it increases the number of collisions between reactant particles!


Remember my advice…highlight the workbook, and answer the reading questions.


Kindling is small pieces of wood. To light a fire, you need to start with small pieces of wood and then slowly add more wood. Remember in the vinegar lab when you ground up the chalk into small pieces and then slowly added vinegar you had a better reaction.


Now..when you read your text and book..bite of small portions of text and then slowly record notes and add questions.


Sadly, four easy reading questions was the reason that the class averaged dropped to 60 percent.


Face it..you need to learn to read efficiently. Like a good meal..small bites and chew..




Number Two

Do cell phones cause Cancer..or better still do phones cause students to read less? Over the week end, take the time to actually read the book, not just the workbook. As you read start to work on Cornell Notes


You tube


Practical plan for Cornell Notes


Wiki how



Make thorough notes for chapter 4-6

Do not just memorize concepts and vocab.

Read…R..E..A…D…the book and imagine how to explain the information to Sparky


Number Three






Take Home Message “Something of value is never made in haste nor understood without effort.”  


posted by Marc Bernard Carmichael in Science 10,Science Ten Lessons and have No Comments

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