" The Big Picture!" by Mr C

VSB Science Blog

Archive for the 'Biology 12 Lesson Outline' Category

Anatomy and Physiology (muscle cells) Jan 10th 2020

Anatomy and Physio Tissues Labs (Muscle Tissue) Jan 8th 2020



Topic Key Points Resource


Organs are made of tissues Worksheet labelling tissues found in anatomical structures

Three  types of muscle tissue

Skeletal muscle

Cardiac muscle

Smooth muscle

Overview by Khan academy



Skeletal muscle Are defined by structure and function

a)     Voluntary (controlled movement)

b)    Striation due to overlapping protein.

c)     Due to overlapping muscle bundles they appear multi nucleated



Cardiac Muscle Are defined by structure and function

a)     Involuntary ( autonomic nervous)

b)    Cylindrical fibres

c)     Intercalates discs ( join cells )

What is the function of the intercalated discs?




Smooth muscle Are defined by structure and function

a)     Spindle shaped fibres

b)    Central nuclei

c)     Found in walls of internal organs or viscera.

d)    Contracts (involuntary via autonomic system.

e)    Called “smooth” due to lack of striation

Which organs have smooth muscle?

Videos on muscles

Crash Course



Muscle Basics for Athletes



Take home The job of muscle is to move something.

Striation is linked to what?

What organelles would be in muscle and why?

What elements are vital for muscles and why?

Worksheet handed out for lab
posted by Marc Bernard Carmichael in Biology 12,Biology 12 Lesson Outline,Biology Twelve Notes and have No Comments

Anatomy and Physiology Lesson Jan 8

Anatomy and Physio Tissues Labs ( Epithelial Tissue) Jan 8th2020



Topic Key Points Resource


Organs are made of tissues Worksheet labelling tissues found in anatomical structures Overview by Khan academy



Epithelial tissues Are defined by

a)     Layers ( simple or striated)

b)    Shape of cells




c)     Cell membrane structurs such as cilia



Role of tissues Note: diversity of names of epithelial tissue is due to diversity of functions of the tissue.

Functions (5):








posted by Marc Bernard Carmichael in Biology 12,Biology 12 Lesson Outline,Biology Twelve Notes and have No Comments

Anatomy Take Home

This is template number three..

Please look for revisions.

Anatomy and Physio: Take Home Exam


“Written in the Code”


Your mission to prove understanding of two processes involving DNA.


The two processes you need to explore are:


  • The process and function of replication.
  • The process and function of Protein synthesis.


You will show proficiency in understand by completing three specific challenges


Challenge one:

You are to provide a detailed diagram that shows the both structures and functions of   biomolecules involved with DNA replication.

You are to provide a detailed diagram that shows the structures and functions of biomolecules in the process of  Protein Synthesis.

You are to show all steps of this process including what initiates and stops it.

Your diagram should be a hybrid of many diagrams found within your notes, text and online.

Your diagram should include at least 36 terms found in your references.

( You can make a combined list of terms and processes prior to making the diagram)

Your reference should be a bibliography.


Challenge Two

For each process you need to write a one page (two sided) translational story to discuss the process.

A translational process can be a children’s story, a screenplay, but not a step by step text book description!

Extra mark will be added for creativity.


Challenge Three: Pragmatic Example.

You are to find three practical examples for how replication is linked to either medicine or bioengineering.

You are to find three practical examples of how is DNA and protein synthesis associated with

Gene therapy or biological research.

You provide a descriptive paragraph for each example.

One example should be from popular media.

One example should be from a crediable science resource.

One example should be an abstract from a current lab


Challenge Four: Find and answer 2 BC provincial written questions

Look up versions of BC provincial Biology exam questions  (written portion) and select two questions for each process. You should also include answer key.


The bonus round…Make a link between your two stories to show links associated with the replication of DNA and the process of protein synthesis. What is a link? How do your two stories show commonality between replication and protein synthesis



Mission One Below Expectations Meet Expectation Exceeds expectations
Mission One Clarrity in diagram

Table that Includes total minimum 36 terms.

Shows each stage of process

Has a biobliography

Colour coded for processes

Has labels to show specific process

Mission  Two 2 stories

Type written

Two sides of one paper per story.

Words are highlighted

Creativity factor added for style of story

Mission Three Should have a total of six paragraphs,  type written with bibliography.

3 levels

a) Common News/Media

b) Scholastic reference ( from a university source ).

c) specific abstract from a lab


Mission Four Total of 4 provincial written questions (two per topic) with answer key


Bonus Explain link between two stories



posted by Marc Bernard Carmichael in Biology 12,Biology 12 Lesson Outline and have No Comments

Anatomy and Physiology:How does a cell work?

How does a cell work?

You mission is to make three detailed diagrams of organelles and building blocks to make”

a) Pathway from Nucleus to cell membrane to make a protein.

b) Pathway to make a complex fat (such as steroids) and or detoxifying an alcohol to make a fat.

c) Pathway into and out of a mitochondria.


Step one:

Make a labelled two dimensional drawing of organelles involved for three pathways.

Step two:

Include building block to make specific biomolecules and also show where these building block come from.

For example: Lysosome to make amino acids that are then transported to ribosomes to make protein.

Step Three

For cellular respiration you should include pathways (by name) within the mitochondria matrix. Also show construction of ATP including ATPase and concentration gradient. In one half of mitochondria show what is going into the mitochondria, on the second half, discuss what is being constructed and then released from the mitochondria.

Not that you should pay attention to all molecules including: biomolecules, water, hydrogen and possible ions.

This sheet will be used to answer specific multiple choice questions.

It should be prepared for next class.


Please look at the following to get a better understanding of working of cell



Smooth ER




posted by Marc Bernard Carmichael in Biology 12,Biology 12 Lesson Outline and have No Comments

Lesson 7: Anatomy and Physiology Sept 18, 2019 Lipids and Proteins

Anatomy and Physiology 12  ( L7)  Sept Lesson Wednesday 18


Intro Content Evaluations and Resource
Topic One Biology is a story

“Feed the good wolf”

“Make tea”




Topic Two Lipid structure and function Lipid notes

In class power point

Khan Academy


Bowman Biology



Topic Three Whoops with lipids, trans fats and steriods Video on trans fats


Video on steroids

Pro and Cons


Role of Cholesterol



Topic Four Intro to Proteins Khan academy / Protein Structure


Bomen Biology/ Proteins



Take home   You are what you eat. Take time to feed the good wolf and when stressed..drink a cup of tea! Now..study up on functions of protein.


posted by Marc Bernard Carmichael in Biology 12,Biology 12 Lesson Outline and have No Comments

Bio 12 Feb 2018 Timeline

Bio 12 Time Line



Date Lesson Topics Activity Assessment
Feb 1   Digestion Activity focusing on


Stomach hormones

Large intestines.

2 Hand outs

rabbit hole

What is ciliac disorder and is there a link to menopause?

5th Pig Dissection External Anatomy and internal viscera


Virtual pig dissection



7th Pig Dissection Internal anatomy


9 Intro to Circulatory “the pipes”

circulation flow

Basics of arteries, veins and capillary. (Blood vessels)


Cross section of vessels and flow rate and pulse


Two circuits of flow


Notes Page 1


3 specific diagrams and graphs


Pig Lab Quiz

Power point


14 Heart Heart Anatomy

Cardiac Flow

Cardiac Cycle

Heart Beat


Page 2-3


Digestion Quiz

(MC 28 questions)


16 Circulatory 2 Study guide for Heart and blood flow

Vascular pathways

Blood pressure and pulse


Digestion Exam
21 Circ 3


Lymphatic system

Fetal Blood flow

Cardiac and systemic pathology


23 Circ 4 Study guide for exam


Circulatory Quiz
27 Circ to Blood Hand out notes for Blood Circulatory Exam



posted by Marc Bernard Carmichael in Biology 12,Biology 12 Lesson Outline and have No Comments

Bio 12 (17-18) Chapter 4 Membranes Oct 26,2017

Bio 12 (16-17) L14                              Date: Oct 26


Last lessons


Class Notes or Information

1.   Cell membrane structures




Today’s Objective 1.   Osmosis, what is the difference between diffusion and facilitated diffusion?

2.   Work sheet on Organelles and Osmosis questions

3.   Selectively permeable membrane worksheet


Number One

To answer the question for objective number one and to provide information to solve topic 3 challenge











From this information, what do you notice?


Two options!



Number Two

In preparation for dialysis lab


Semi permeable verse Selectively Permeable

Movement across membranes with proteins


Modeling membranes



Comparison Youtube



Analogy youtube





Number Three

Passive, Facilitated verses Active transport


Step one: Passive compared to Active




nice graphic analogy of kayaking as a way to compare active to passiv transport




A good English video



A..um..written powerpoint.



A..hands on verbal description




Text Reference Chapter Three

Cell organelle practice quizzes

·      https://www.biologycorner.com/quiz/qz_cell.html

·      http://www.proprofs.com/quiz-school/story.php?title=cell-organelles-their-functions

·      http://anatomycorner.com/cell/cell_quiz.html

·      http://www.sciencegeek.net/Biology/review/U1Organelles.htm

·      http://www.cellsalive.com/quiz1.htm


Google hunt Cell metabolism and organelles

·      http://www.edu.pe.ca/gray/class_pages/rcfleming/cells/notes.htm

·      http://biology.tutorvista.com/animal-and-plant-cells/organelles.html

·      http://people.eku.edu/ritchisong/301notes1.htm



Class Notes References    
Take Home message



We need to discover which makes a better French fry. Soak the whole potato with skin in salt water

Soak cut slices of potatoes in salt water

Soak cut slices of potatoes in fresh water

posted by Marc Bernard Carmichael in Biology 12,Biology 12 Lesson Outline and have No Comments

Bio 12 L 6 (17-18) Cells

Bio 12 (17-18) L 6                             Date: Sept 26 2017


Last lessons Objective


1.    Nucleic acid to ATP, RNA and DNA  
Today’s Objective a)    Practice quiz identifying biomolecules

b)   How to study productively

c)    Introduction to the cell



Number One

Review of structure and function of biomolecules



Number Two

How to study productively

Studying is a balance between what you do and why you do it.

·      If you change the reason why you study, then you will also change what you do.

·      If you start study sessions with an objective to learn and take a quiz to discover what you do not know, then after a study session you can note how much you have processed by retaking the same evalutation.

·      Text books already have questions within each chapter to focus your attention on the specific information that could answer the questions within the text.

·      Information can be ranked from finding a simple fact by asking “what”.

·      As you change the question from what to how or why, you need find more evidence to answer the question.

·      Making to notes to memorize limits the depth of information you can discover.

·      Linking facts together fact with facts can be used explain both how and why,

·      The objective of each study session should be to evolve from simple whats to hows and whys.

·      Remember..the mind is like a parachute, it only works if it is open.

·      When you study, open your path of inquiry



Number Three

Introduction to the Cell

a)    The cell Theory



b)   Myths about cells (shape and types)

A cool story



c)    Importance of surface area to volume



d)   Life inside and outside of the cell





Text Reference Chapter 3

Google Inquiry to life chapter three power point and download.



You tube Reference Really cool stuff!


Cells Alive Site (videos, quizzes and more..oh my)




Cell structure



Cell structure and function



BBC The cell:the hidden kingdom



BBC secret of life




Class Notes References New set of class notes handed out


Link for Cell Bio Notes



Answer Key for review notes


Find the review sheet first…was posted in last lesson





New References to practice tests. (Thanks David!)

They are two websites that have quizzes based on the textbook we use. Both links are the same, it’s just a preference of HTML formatting because link 2 has a “nicer” format.


If you click on Link 1, it’s pretty easy to navigate at first glance.


Link 2 is a bit trickier, and you’ll need to look on the left side of the page, then click on the drop-down box to select the chapter.


Link 1) http://www.mhhe.com/biosci/genbio/maderinquiry/quiz.html


Link 2) http://highered.mheducation.com/sites/0072421975/student_view0/index.html



Take Home message



To be inspired…you need to let go of those things that make you uninspired.
posted by Marc Bernard Carmichael in Biology 12,Biology 12 Lesson Outline and have No Comments

Bio 12 L 6 (2017-18) Sept 20

Bio 12 L6 (2017-18)                           Date: Sept 19th 2017


Last lessons Objective Class Notes or Information

1.   Proteins and bonds

2.   Protein functions and denaturing

3.   Introduction to nucleic acids





Today’s Objective 1.   Big Picture

2.   PPT for Chapter Two

3.   The next step “Cells” Chapter 3


Number One

Nutrition and Metabolism



Pleae note the role of these molecules in metabolism.




Nucleic Acids

Note that all four biomolecules have a link to energy.

Note that glucose makes 38 ATP molecules





Number Two

Three versions of chapter 2 powerpoint, you will need to download.




Practice quiz for Chapter Two








Number Three

Please download

Raycroft notes and worksheets









Text Reference Chapter Two

Molecules of life


You tube Reference Chemistry of life



Chemical Bonds



Nutrition and Metabolism



Bioenergetics by Bozeman




Class Notes References

and home work

Study for multiple choice quiz on Friday.




Take Home message



Life…requires free energy yet cell phones and Netflix do not apply. Evaluation Next Class


posted by Marc Bernard Carmichael in Biology 12,Biology 12 Lesson Outline and have No Comments

Bio 12 L4 (2017-18)

Bio 12 L4 (2017-18)                   Date: Sept 14th 2017


Last lessons Objective Class Notes or Information

1.   Sugars

2.   Fats

3.   Other funchtion of CHO’s




Today’s Objective 1.   Amino Acids

2.   Peptide Bond

3.   3 levels of proteins



Number One

An amino acid is recognized by both an amine and an acid group.





Notice that there are four specific groups

While there are many variations of “R” groups, there are a limited number of essential amino acids. These are amino acids that the body does not make.


Some videos




Foods high is essential amino acids






Number Two

The peptide bond and the making of protein



Making and breaking the peptide bond



Number Three

Four levels of protein shapes are linked to their function.






Which groups are linked to each level?

What or how are proteins denatured?

How does structure change as the moves up a level?

What are some examples of cell structures linked to level of structure?









Text Reference Chapter Two

Molecules of life


You tube Reference  

chemistry for biologists



Other reasons to study biology in high school



Class Notes References

and home work

In class work sheet




Take Home message



John the motor protein.



Evaluation Next Class


posted by Marc Bernard Carmichael in Biology 12,Biology 12 Lesson Outline and have No Comments