" The Big Picture!" by Mr C

VSB Science Blog

Archive for the 'Science Ten Lessons' Category

Science 10 Feb 17th

Science 10 Lesson Outline                            Date: Feb 17th


Last lessons Chapter 4 Test ( Three block average 69%)

7.1 in Workbook



Today’s Objective 1 Chapter 5 Test

2. Power point for chapter 7



Number One

Test Feedback

Review section on organic compounds.

Remember graph for acids and base.

Salt, NaCl is not an acid or an organic compound.

Carbon and Hydrogen make organic compounds.

Class average 65%



Number Two


Power Point on Chapter 7





Number Three

Do cell phones cause cancer?( Next weeks media question)


Find three references about cell phone radiation and cancer


Start here:



What is the evidence to prove phones give off enough radiation to cause cancer?


Can you find..

Three you tube references

One popular media reference

One scientific online reference


Find out from your reading

Clinical proof

What type of radiation is involved

What is the affect or action of waves on human cells?



Work book Reference 7.1 and 7.2


You tube Reference Bozeman Radioactive decay




Radioactive decay




Other stuff!    
Next Class Chapter Nine Test next class  
Take Home Message Consider an atom like a boat..if there is too much mass..it sinks. If there are 20 people on the boat and 2 leave the boat, it is like losing alpha decay. The wave made by the boat is gamma radiation. So what is beta decay?  


posted by Marc Bernard Carmichael in Science 10,Science Ten Lessons and have No Comments

Science 10 Lesson for Feb 15th

Science 10 Lesson Outline                            Date: Feb 15th


Last lessons Objectives


End of Labs and projects for Chem Chapter Evaluations

Acceleration Worksheet

Today’s Objective 1 Chapter 4 Test (25MC)

·      Time line for next two weeks

·      Simple News Assignment





Number One


Chapter Four Test! Not a quam..a test


Prior to studying content take this quiz



Identify those concepts you are not clear of while reading the text.

Label in work book, with highlighter key points in 7.1

Do questions and identify which ones you do not understand.

Check online Answer Key.





Number Two


Simple News Assignment:

1)   Find one article about isotopes and/or information found in chapter seven ( in a magazine, online or newspaper), that has been mentioned in the last two months.

2)   Find out a related article that is linked to the topic from before this article was published.

3)   Identify:

·      Who is the article about and who wrote it.

·      What is the key topic of the article

·      Where on the planet is this article about.

·      Why was this article written? Importance of topic?

·      Identify: How this article is linked both to the curriculum and to you.

Due this Friday. Type written



Number Three



Evaluation Timeline

This Week

Monday               Chapter 4

Wednesday           Chapter 5

Friday                 Chapter 6

Next Week

Tuesday               Pre Test

Thursday              Chem unit Exam




Work book Reference  

Chapter 4- 6 Chemistry

Chapter 7     Atoms and isotopes

You tube Reference A virtual 7.1 Lesson Online




Other stuff! Make sure your workbooks chapter 4-6 are complete  
Next Class Chapter 7.1 Discussion

Test Chapter Five


Take Home Message “Chemistry is like cooking, just do not lick the spoon”  


posted by Marc Bernard Carmichael in Science 10,Science Ten Lessons and have No Comments

Science 10 Feb 15th

Science 10 Lesson Outline                            Date: Feb 15th


Last lessons Objectives


Quiz (3) Evaluations

Acceleration Worksheet

Today’s Objective 1 Quiz feed back and Chapter 4 Test (25MC)

2 Intro to Chapter 7

3 Thursday class will be Chapter 5/6 Test (50 MCQuestions)



Number One


Chapter Four Test! Not a quam..a test



Number Two

Isotopes and atoms (7.1)

Work book assignment


Number Three

Evaluation Timeline

This Week

Tues                     Chapter 4

Thursday             Chapter 5/6

Next Week

Monday              Pre Test

Wednesday           Chapter 7 Quiz

Friday                 Chemistry Exam



Work book Reference  

Chapter 4- 6 Chemistry

Chapter 7     Atoms and isotopes

You tube Reference  


Other stuff! Make sure your workbooks chapter 4-6 are complete  
Next Class    
Take Home Message “Chemistry is like cooking, just do not lick the spoon”  



posted by Marc Bernard Carmichael in Science 10,Science Ten Lessons and have No Comments

Science 10 Feb 5

Science 10 Lesson Outline                            Date: Feb 5


Last lessons Objectives


Reaction Rates Evaluations

Acceleration Worksheet

Today’s Objective 1 Collecting Data for Inquiry Based Lab

2 What is a wigit?

3 Vocab and balancing quiz



Number One

From the Inquiry Lab results, you need to do the following


1)   Write a hypothesis as to what ratio of reactants and what procedure will produce the most carbon dioxide when adding vinegar to chalk

2)   Look up the process of carbonation and explain what it is and how it is related to this experiment (you should use a minimum of three references)

3)   Design a lab to yield the most bubbles. ( you will be limited to a maximum amount of vinegar of 25mi and half a chalk stick

4)   Write up you lab and procedure prior to actually testing your procedure.

5)   Leave a result table and a place for a conclusion.

6)   You will need your own lab write up prior to starting the class.





Number Two

The Guinness beer company has a wee little plastic ball in every can of Guinness.

The fizzics of Guinness



Clue number one



Look on-line and find the following

What is the ball called

Who designed it

What is inside the ball?

How does it work?

How is this related to how other drinks are carbonated?

Why did Guinness select this technique to make their beer foamy?


Your research should include a minimum of three web addresses

Do not drink any Guinness Beer while researching



Number Three

Vocab Words

Chemical change       compound           conductivity

Density                     element               formula

Mixture                     physical change     property

Pure substance         reaction               qualitative property

Quantitative property solubility                 solute



Balancing equations (20) also identify type of reaction



Work book Reference  

Chapter 6

You tube Reference  

The science of carbonation



Wiki on carbonation



Why do humans like fizzy water?



Other stuff! Make sure your workbooks chapter 4-6 are complete  
Next Class Quiz time two



Take Home Message Now is the time to start preparing for the future.

See the goal high in the sky..build the stairs to get there now



posted by Marc Bernard Carmichael in Science 10,Science Ten Lessons and have No Comments

Science 10 Nov 19th

Science 10 Lesson Outline                            Date: Nov 19th


Last lessons Objectives


Pre Test for exam

Pre Test review of results


Acceleration Worksheet

Today’s Objective  

1.   Intro to Chemistry

2.   Atom Structure

3.   Model of Atom

4.   Illustrating action of atoms bonding



Number One

Put simply

Physics is about examining forces, energy and motion between objects. It attempts to examine how things interact from a mathematical point of view. It explores the diversity of energy in motion (kinetic) and stored (potential).


Chemistry is about exploring how individual atoms have their own unique properties and how these properties help to explain how groups of may behave.


An atom is a self contained moving object with a center, called the nucleus and a cloud of electrons that surround that nucleus.


Each atom can provide and or store energy.


The structure of an atom influences how it interacts with other atoms.


Many models of the atom are misleading. Lets explore why..

(see list below)





Number Two

Text book 4.1

Atomic structure

Using the periodic table to explore atomic structure






Properties of elements and the periodic table



Using Venn diagrams to compare similarity and difference



How the periodic table works



tour of the periodic table



Compare concepts

·      Atomic mass verses atomic number

·      Family verses period

·      Proton verses neutron and electron

·      Nucleus and orbital



Number Three

Will continue next class


Applying parts of an atom to a working model: The Bohr Model

How to draw a Bohr Model



Concept of a Bohr Model



Concept to compare

·      Orbital verses valence




Topic Four For the next class


Illustrating the structure of an atom when it combines with another atom: The Lewis Model


Wiki info on the Lewis Model



Bozeman video



Ionic Bond



key term is transferring electrons


Covalent Bond



Comparing ionic to covalent



Combining Atomic theory with how atoms bond

The idea of “electron glue”

When atoms combine, electrons are moving.

Concept to compare

·      ionic verses covalent bond





All work up to and including bohr model



Home work
Other stuff! These are not true statements, can you explain why?

·      Only one model of the atom is correct.

·  The electrons in an atom orbit its nucleus like planets in our solar system orbit the sun

·  Electron clouds are pictures of electrons in their orbits.

·  The electron cloud is like a rain cloud, with electrons inside of it like drops of water.

·  An electron cloud has electrons in it, but the cloud itself is made of some other material.

·  Hydrogen is a typical atom.

·  Electrons are larger than protons.

·  Electrons and protons are the only fundamental particles.

·  The current model of the atom is the right model.

·  Atoms can disappear after time.

·  Atoms are microscopic versions of elements—hard or soft, liquid or gas, and so forth.

·  Atoms can be seen with a microscope.

·  Atoms move, so they are alive.

·  An electron shell is hard, like an eggshell.

·  Atoms “own” the electrons in their orbits.


Next Class Chemistry Rap https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xaoy94mx2EU


Deadline for egg drop. Thursday of next week.

You need to have egg not break!

Comic Assignment: Due 20th..Friday.

Marks deducted if late.

Exam for Physics..Monday 23rd

Take Home Message A proton and a neutron were walking down the street. The proton says, “Stop, I dropped an electron. Help me look for it.” The neutron asks, “Are you sure?” The proton replies, “Yes, I’m positive.”

A neutron walks into a restaurant and orders a couple of cokes. As she is about to leave, she asks the waiter how much she owes.  The waiter replies, “For you, No Charge!!!”



posted by Marc Bernard Carmichael in Science 10,Science Ten Lessons and have No Comments

Cartoon physics

Click on the above title  and you should see document with pictures included

Science 10 : Comic Physics Project

Have you ever wondered what you favourite cartoon character would be thinking if they were physicist?


“Here is a famous world war one flying ace about to defy the forces of gravity.

If I leave the ground at 7am and travel at a fixed velocity of 100 miles an hour, when will I reach the front lines which are 600 kilometers away? What about my acceleration? How can this dog house defy the laws of gravity? “


Your mission is to select five physics situations from the following list:


Moving with a fixed velocity

·         Going up

·         Going down

·         Going fast

·         Going slow

·         Going forward

·         Going Backwards

·         Staying in one place



·         Speeding up

·         Slowing down

·         Going upward

·         Going downward

·         Fixed velocity

·         Due to Gravity



The famous world war one flying takes to the sky’s above Europe in search of the dreaded Red Baron

Part One

A)     From this list of 13 options select five examples that you want to show as a physics graph and as a cartoon.

·         For example

Snoopy is taking off to fight the Red Baron

Make a graph to show lifting of the ground as a velocity verses time line.

Part Two

Select three of your examples and complete the story as shown in the next table.

Write up on 8×11 paper

Format should be typed



Physics Explanation



Cartoon Situation
Formulas and Theories


Gravity is a force that takes affect as soon as the object starts to move. As the object falls the velocity of the object changes so there is acceleration.


From the first graph, we notice that in less than a few seconds the distance travelled by the object is rapidly increasing. The formula for determining the velocity of a falling object after a time of t seconds is

vf = g * t



Example Calculations:

At t = 6 s vf = (9.8 m/s2) * (6 s) = 58.8 m/s

At t = 8 s vf = (9.8 m/s2) * (8 s) = 78.4 m/s



In the Cartoon shown Wile E Coyote remains frozen in space until he looks down.


The longer he does not look down the less likely the force of gravity apply


Though cartoon physics is funny, it does not Even


posted by Marc Bernard Carmichael in Science 10,Science Ten Lessons and have No Comments

Science 10 November 4 Lesson

Science 10 Lesson Outline                            Date: Nov 4nd


Last lessons Objectives


Submarine Challenge

Gravity and acceleration Question



Acceleration Worksheet

Today’s Objective 1 Why does gravity not work in cartoons?

2 In class review questions from online

3 Time line for next three weeks



Number One

Physics project


Physics of cartoons



Please look at assignment on Comics and physics





Number Two

This is a very detailed review of the complete Unit of Motion

Remember that next week is a lab practical and a pretest of the unit.




If you go to page 36, you will find an answer key to al quiz questions.


You should start with checking you vocabulary strength by looking at glossary on page 35 and making cue cards to quiz your self.


Also look at this quizlet.



How to avoid making mistakes in any physics questions.

1.1      Do not start calculations with a calculator

1.2      Extract the facts from the question.

1.3      Check to see if any units do not match (for example time is in seconds and velocity is in km/hour.

1.4      Convert units without numerical values first to make sure units cancel.

1.5      Simplify conversion after adding numerical units.

1.6      Do not use the calculator prior to simplification

1.7      Show your work, in long hand and with units.

1.8      Once you calculate the answer with calculator, does the answer make sense ( the object was moving at 350 m/sec2. This means that an object is changing velocity almost nine times the force of gravity. If the question is about an accelerating snail, the answer just does not make sense!

1.9      If you simplify your work, and round up or down to a factor of ten, you can get a great ballpark answer to compare with. For example 38/ 7 is close to 40/10.

1.10   Go back to rule number one!




Number Three

A students in Tuesday’s assembly will take make up quiz on Thursday at Lunch.


The Comics and Physics assignment is due end of next week.




Work book Reference  


You tube Reference  



How to set up and do basic physics questions.



How to do basic velocity questions.



Wiki shows 12 step to solve velocity questions



Real world physics questions




Other stuff! Contact Mr Carmichael to confirm


after school time to test egg speriment.


Next Class Tuesday: Lab Quizzes ( one on velocity and one on acceleration)

Friday : Unit Pretest

Take Home Message “the price of gravity is falling”  



posted by Marc Bernard Carmichael in Science 10,Science Ten Lessons and have No Comments

Science 10 Oct 29th Class

Science 10 Lesson Outline                            Date: Oct 29th


Last lessons Objectives



Chapter 8

Assigned Chapter Review


Egg speriment Web link!



Use the criteria in the lab



Acceleration Worksheet

Today’s Objective 1 The importance of units in Physics

2 Review of Chapter 8 concepts and Exam

3 Review of Acceleration Quiz



Number One

How to do a step by step Acceleration Question


Please note the actual process of selecting information from a question and notice how formulas and facts are used to solve a question. Also note the discussion on acceleration.





  Play video

More practice solving basic physics acceleration problems. In this video the EXPLAINER shows students how to set up and solve acceleration problems using the acceleration equation.


Added on 08/03/2014

















video with instructions







Number Two


How is the graph of time and distance with acceleration different than uniform motion


Number Three

Work sheet solving using technique. Student groups selected to answer specific questions  


Work book Reference  


You tube Reference  



How to set up and do basic physics questions.



How to do basic velocity questions.



Wiki shows 12 step to solve velocity questions



Real world physics questions




Other stuff! Sign up for a group to do for “eggsperiment”

Due at the End of the month

Check web page for eggsperiment sheet


Next Class Chapter Nine Test next class  
Take Home Message Keep it simple student..KISS principle  



posted by Marc Bernard Carmichael in Science 10,Science Ten Lessons and have No Comments

Science 10 Oct 27th

Science 10 Lesson Outline                            Date: Oct 27th


Last lessons Objectives



Chapter 8

Assigned Chapter Review


Egg speriment Web link!



Use the criteria in the lab



Acceleration Worksheet

Today’s Objective 1 The importance of units in Physics

2 Review of Chapter 8 concepts and Exam

3 Review of Acceleration Quiz



Number One

So how do I get facts and come up with a strategy?

Why are units important?


How to solve basic velocity Questions.

Facts, Formula, Work and Units




Number Two


How are acceleration questions different than velocity questions?

What units change?

What is the role of uniform motion?

What is the role of change in direction and velocity?



Number Three


Basic misconceptions for Chapter 8



Basic misconceptions for Chapter 9




Work book Reference  

Chapter Eight and Chapter Nine

You tube Reference Basic Physics Questions



How to set up and do basic physics questions.



How to do basic velocity questions.



Wiki shows 12 step to solve velocity questions



Real world physics questions




Other stuff! Sign up for a group to do for “eggsperiment”

Due at the End of the month

Check web page for eggsperiment sheet


Next Class Chapter Nine Test  
Take Home Message The most important lesson to learn in life is not to give up!  



posted by Marc Bernard Carmichael in Science 10,Science Ten Lessons and have No Comments

Science 10 Oct 19th

Science 10 Lesson Outline                            Date: Oct 19th


Last lessons Objectives



Chapter 8

Assigned Chapter Review





Acceleration Worksheet

Today’s Objective 1 How to calculate Acceleration

2 Review of Chapter

3 Unit Review



Number One


Activity One:

Calculation of Acceleration ( quiz results show a low average).

Need to compare Average velocity to final velocity.


Activity Two:

In class activity, first ten to finish copy review answers and share with rest of class.




Number Two

Prior to exam on Chapter 9 all students need to pass sample acceleration Questions.




Number Three


Prior to Chapter Test on Chapter 8




Do practice quizzes at BC Science 10


Do Khan academy review

One dimensional physics



Average Velocity



Introduction to motion





Work book Reference  

Chapter Eight

You tube Reference  


Other stuff! Sign up for a group to do for “eggsperiment”

Due at the End of the month

Check web page for eggsperiment sheet


Next Class Chapter 8 Test

Unit Review Check

Next week Chapter 9 tes



Take Home Message The difference between and ordeal and an adventure is attitude!  


posted by Marc Bernard Carmichael in Science 10,Science Ten Lessons and have No Comments