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Bio 11 Quiz Review (Chapter 3)

Chapter Two: Evidence of Evolution Quiz

Topic One: Definitions

  • Adaptive radiation
  • Divergent evolution
  • Convergent evolution
  • Isolation mechanisms
  • Speciation
  • Geographic isolation
  • Ecological isolation
  • Morphological isolation
  • Behavioral isolation
  • Reproductively incompatibility
  • Evolution
  • Extinction

Specific questions about “Adaption”

  1. When is a population considered to be adapted to its environment?
  2. What would make an adaption desirable?
  3. Do all adaptions need to be morphological?
  4. What are four types of adaptions for a duck?


Can be defined as:

  • A process by which populations exhibit gradual changes over several generations.
  • Is a theory that best describes how species living today are descendants of species of the past generations?
  • Provides an explanation of how the biological diversity present today

Directed Evidence

  1. The most impressive direct evidence of evolution comes from the study of what biological structures?
  2. What type of soil are fossils found in?
  3. Where would you most likely find fossils?
  4. How are fossils linked to how the earth’s plates move?
  5. What gas allowed more speciation to occur?
  6. Why would the fossil records of reptiles and mollusk be easier to find that flatworms?
  7. How are some chemical ways to figure out how old a fossil is?
  8. What are four problems with using fossils as direct evidence?
  9. What is convergence and divergence and how would that be linked to the Pangaea theory?

Indirect evidence

  1. How could embryos of an organism be linked to how they have evolved?
  2. What are examples of vestigial structures that could be used both for embryonic and morphological indirect evidence?
  3. Homologous and Analogous structures show what sort of evidence?
  4. Why is biochemical evidence said to show “a degree to which most species are related?
  5. What would be the different between biochemical and physiologic indirect evidence?
  6. If two species had the same type of enzymatic protein, what type of evidence would this be?

Speciation and Isolation mechanisms (remember drawing).

  1. What is the distinction between a “mechanism” and a process like “speciation”?
  2. How would populations change with isolation mechanisms?
  3. How could one species of birds look different than a related species found on the other side of a mountain range?
posted by Marc Bernard Carmichael in Biology Eleven,Biology Eleven Notes and have No Comments

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