Acme Guide for Chapter 3
- Darwin’s importance of competition and or struggle for existence came from which author/researcher?
- What was the essay by Malthus called and how was it linked to Darwin’s ideas?
- Step by step, what are the six point that Darwin uses to explain his theory of evolution and natural selection?
- Which evolutionary theorist used the giraffe to show use and disuse?
- What is the difference between the theory of disuse and use and law of acquired characteristics?
- If an organism was intentionally changes such as chopping off tails or cutting ears (such as some dog species) and the pups were still born with tales, which theory could this evidence challenge?
- Recalling the industrial melanism case study, how did the moth originally get the black colour?
- Darwin fostered the idea of both natural and artificial selection, what would be an example of artificial related to domestic animal stocks?
- If the environment selects a specific trait in an insect population, whose theory would. This evidence supports?
- If a population in a cold and dry environment has a warm protective covering as a form of an adaption that allows the species survive and produce more offspring, whose theory is supported by this evidence?
- Could birth rate be influenced by getting long legged bird species bottoms wet?
- Was the source of variability in a species every discussed in Darwin’s theory?
- What is the process of multiplication of species called?
- What is an example and definition for term hybrid? Can some hybrids become infertile?
- What is a preserved imprint of a former living organism foot called?
- In a short passage of geological time there is a rapid change in morphology, unlike gradual model of change, this is called what?
- According do Darwin the story behind why there were 14 different species in the Galapagos islands is due to a variety of variables.
- Were there natural predators?
- Where did the original species come from?
- Was there an abundance of food for just one type of species?
- How is speciation linked to natural selection? (for example, how isolation mechanisms influence which species survives? Could you give an example?
- How did diversity in population influence which birds, iguanas and even tortoise to survive.
- If a bird species did not have a specific trait or shape of beak, could it survive on another island? Why?
- Could you use the answers from the above questions to explain speciation and natural selection in the Galapagos island?
Study resource at blog is file is “Lumen Biology Resources”
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