sweet they are..
What are three names of simple sugars?
Why are simple sugars in your diet more harmful that starch?
Why are these almonds I am eating sweet?
Why use brown sugar instead of white sugar?
What are the different types or sources of sugars?
How are glycogen, starch and cellulose similar or different?
What is up with gluten and gluten free diets?
Did you know Oreo cookies are gluten free?
FAT! …no way…Lipids!
What the different structures and functions of lipids.
How is cholesterol both “good” and “bad”?
What are the building blocks of proteins and what chemicals or functional groups do they have?
What molecules are coded to make protein?
What three nucleic acids have an acid, a base and a sugar? How are they similar or different?
You planning to do IronMan in Hawaii…next summer..Woot Woot!
How would you alter your diet to produce muscles three months before the event?
How about a month or even the days of the event? are what you eat!
So I will continue munch this trail mix and ponder on what to have for dinner!
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