Work on the circulatory system review package and reading (text and workbook).
Complete lab and hand in next class.
Work on the circulatory system review package and reading (text and workbook).
Complete lab and hand in next class.
Work on the heart/circulatory system handout and other reviews/reading.
Be sure you have reviewed the anatomy of the heart in preparation for the lab (either Thursday or Monday).
Finish case study “A typical cold.” Modifications: Part 1 does not need to be a full 1-page report, as long as all the relevant information is included. Part II – Your list of learning issues and group members assigned was due at the end of the period today, in class.
Be sure that you arrive on Tuesday with all the research for the learning issues assigned completed (include citations). Bring 2 copies: 1 will be handed in to me at the start of the period, the other is for you to use during the class. You will be working on part III with your group and relying on the research you bring with you on the individual learning issues.
Be sure you have finished the reading/review package for the Respiratory system and have started the reading for the circulatory system.
Respiratory system diagram was due and collected today, 2 March 2016.
Work on the respiratory system review and be sure you have read the notes and relevant text/workbook sections.
Prepare for the respiratory system section by reading the applicable units in the text/workbook.
Finish the Digestive System lab. Due at the beginning of next class.
Although you may work together during the lab, any assignments that include wording copied from another student or any other source will not be accepted. Please see school guidelines on academic honesty and lab report guidelines (see previous posts) for more information on expectations for written assignments.
New date: Test – Digestive System – moved to 19 Feb 2016.
Complete chart of digestive enzymes (enzyme, source and digestive action), listing at least 11 enzymes (salivary, gastric, pancreatic and intestinal).
Test on digestive system will be 16 February.
Continue working on digestive system review.
Continue studying for the mid-year exam and working on the reading/workbook sections for the digestive system.
See earlier blog posts for topics covered on the exam.
Chapter breakdown is as follows:
Chapters 1-4, 6, 7, 1, 14, as well as scientific method, microscopy, safety and genetics.
Study for mid-year exam and continue reading of text and workbook sections on the digestive system.