Reminder about the clothing drive – Last day is tomorrow, 10 October!
Drop off any clothing you have for donation in the school parking lot and it will be greatly appreciated!
Reminder about the clothing drive – Last day is tomorrow, 10 October!
Drop off any clothing you have for donation in the school parking lot and it will be greatly appreciated!
Continue studying for test. Use the text, workbook, notes. Test is on Thursday, 11 Oct.
Review for test – Thursday 11 Oct.
Use the guide that we went over in class, study notes, workbook, and text.
Test next week on 12 October, Friday. Please study Chapters 1 and 2. Also, work on the workbook sections up to p. 37. Aim to finish by Friday 12 October. I will be checking the workbook sometime after that, but it will help with test preparation.
Reminder about the clothing drive that is happening on 9 and 10 October (Tuesday and Wednesday). Tell your friends and family about it, too!
Have a great long weekend!
Finish the Evolution worksheet (available on Moodle site). Due today but you can turn in on Wednesday.
Finish Elephant Ancestry Worksheet. Due Wednesday.
Finish Expectation 3 from the Learning Guide (Notes on evolution).
Please print the next sheets from the Learning Guide from the Moodle site.
Be ready for a quiz late next week.
Reminder – Clothing drive on Tuesday and Wednesday – Bring any clothing donation you may have.
Continue with workbook assignments. Our goal is to complete the workbook sections relating to Ch. 2 by the end of next week. Some of these pages have already been assigned. Please go through the workbook and begin reading/doing the pages that have not yet been completed. I will check the workbook at a later time.
Test – 11 October 2012 – Thursday – Chapter 2.
Study all Ch. 2 sections and related workbook sections.
Finish Balancing Equations worksheet.
Complete workbook pages 56-80. Many of these pages have been assigned, but some have not. Our goal should be to finish the pages in this section as practice by Thursday, 11 October.
Test – Sections 4.1 and 4.2 – 11 October.
Please ensure you are in the Moodle course! If you are still having problems please see me. Thank you.
WS Periodic Table List and Covalent Binary Compounds was completed and handed in in class today.
Please ensure that by next Wednesday, 10 Oct, you have completed up to p. 40 in the workbook.
Complete and submit Law of Conservation of Mass Assignment found on Moodle. Due in class today.
Continue working on the Types of Chemical Reactions Project. Due 11 October.
Have an excellent trip!
Please ensure that you have signed up for Moodle course bi11mart in the appropriate section, 1-1 or 1-2.
WS Evolution can be found on the Moodle site. Due Friday.
Continue working on expectations 2 and 3 in Evolution.