With the substitute teacher you took notes and worked on worksheet “Periodic table – List” and “Ionic Binary Compounds” which were due at the end of class.
Author: Jeff Spence
Science 10 Martin 2 Oct 2012
With the substitute teacher, you worked on “Chemistry Review” and handed in at the end of class.
Please ensure that you have completed p. 56 – 80 in the workbook by Tuesday 9 Oct.
Science 9 Martin 1 Oct 2012
Enrol in Moodle course if you haven’t done so already.
Finish the Finding Formula and Name practice questions from the overhead.
Project topic, hypothesis, and experimental control are now overdue. Please hand in by Wednesday if you haven’t already done so.
Thank you!
Mini Science 10 Martin 1 Oct 12
Please email me indicating if you will be doing the Chemical Reactions project individually or in a group. Include your group members, if applicable.
Project due date has been extended to 11 October.
Biology 11 Martin 1 October 2012
Please obtain the Evolution assignment from the Moodle site. Due Wednesday.
Please continue with expectations 2 and 3 on Evolution.
Science 10 2-3 Martin 28 Sep 2012
Please enrol in Moodle course sc10mart 2-3.
Finish p. 78-80 in workbook.
Find the assignment on the moodle site “WS Balancing Equations” and complete it. You may print it or write your answers on a piece of lined paper. Due Tuesday.
Science 9 2-2 Martin 28 Sep 2012
Enrol in Moodle course sc9mart 2-2 by tonight, 28 Sep 2012.
Project topic, hypothesis (if….. then….. statement) and experimental control due on Tuesday. Write those three pieces of information on paper, include your name and the date, and hand in on Tuesday.
Finish Handout Worksheet “Formula and Name”
Finish p. 30-31 in Workbook.
Science 10 2-1 Martin 28 Sep 2012
Finish p. 77 in workbook.
Complete the Worksheet “Balancing Equations” found on the Moodle site. In part one, please write the word equation (see notes from class today or workbook). In part two, please balance the equations.
Science 9 1-4 Martin 27 Sep 2012
Workbook pages 30-31 due Monday.
Project topic AND hypothesis statement (If…… then…… ) are due Monday.
If you still do not have a topic, please research and decide on one by Monday.
Enrol in the Moodle course sc9mart 1-4.
Mini Science 10 Martin 27 Sep 2012
Complete WS Ionic Multiple Charges and WS Covalent Binary Compounds found on the Moodle site.
Please submit to Moodle by Monday 1 October 12.
Begin/Continue research on your project – 6 common types of chemical reactions. Decide what form your project will take.
Due 9 October.