Finish reading and workbook for Ch. 6. Review notes and powerpoints on Moodle. Test Ch. 6 will be on Monday, 22 April for period 1-4 and Tuesday, 23 April for period 2-2.
Category: Science 9 Martin 2-2
Science 9 Martin 2-2
Science 9 Martin 10 and 11 Apr 2013
Finish Meiosis activity (p. 198 and 199) including the analyze, conclude and apply questions. Read the notes on Moodle and look at the powerpoint presentations, also on Moodle. Continue working on the workbook for these sections. Workbook check next class – be sure to bring it with you.
Science 9 Martin 8 and 9 Apr 2013
Read the textbook sections relevant to Meiosis 1 and 2. See notes on the Moodle site. Pay attention to how gamete formation differs for males and females (sperm and egg production). Come prepared with the charts you will use to do the activity on p. 198. The chart is available on the Moodle site. Be sure the copy or print it and bring to the next class. Work on workbook sections for this unit.
Science 9 Martin 14 and 15 March 2013
Finish the lab 5-1C and submit. Continue with workbook sections 5-1 and 5-2. Be ready for a test in the first week back on Chapter 5. Have a nice Spring Break!
Science 9 Martin 13 March 2013
Finish Lab 5-1C, including all the questions. Include a title, purpose, discussion (where you discuss what you found out) and conclusion.
Science 9 Martin 11 March 2013
Prepare for the lab on p. 162-163 (Lab 5 1-C) by neatly drawing 6 boxes 30mm tall and 20 mm wide and copying the table. Label the boxes as directed in the instructions.
Please read section 5.2 in the text and be sure that you have started section 5.2 in the workbook.
Work on the miroscope crossword puzzle.
Science 9 Martin 7 Mar 2013
Continue reading section 5.1 and begin section 5.1 in workbook.
Science 9 Martin 5 March 2013
Read section 5.1 and focus on the stages of mitosis. Make notes on the stages, including diagrams.
Science 9 Martin 28 Feb 2013
Please finish p. 152 activity and bring to class. Be sure to finish Ch. 4 review and Ch 4 workbook and study for the Ch 4 test on Monday, 4 March for period 1-4 and 5 March for period 2-2.
Science 9 Martin 27 Feb 2013
Finish workbook section 4 by the test day: Monday, 5 March for section 1-4 and Tuesday, 6 March for section 2-2.
Finish Chapter 4 Review in textbook.