Be sure that all assignments have been handed in: 4 Expectations, 4 Evolution worksheets (Elephant, Natural Selection (beans activity), Evidence of Evolution (the one with the colouring) and Evidence from Structure (with the prairie dog example)).
Author: Jeff Spence
Science 9 Martin 22 October 2012
Continue to work on your Project Proposal – Due 31 October for Section 1-4 and 1 November for Section 2-2.
Be sure to include:
Project Topic
Overview – brief summary of the project – What will you be doing?
Plan – detailed explanation of how you will carry our your experiment. Explain what you will be doing, what you will be measuring, how you will carry out the project, when you will take photographs or record data, etc.
Materials – what items will you be using? How many/much of each? What equipment will you need? etc
Collection of data – When and how often will you be collecting data? How will you collect the data (eg. will you use a stop watch, ruler, or other device? Will you be watching and taking notes? How will you collect the data (eg. in a table, graph, etc)? How often will you collect data?
The proposal should be 1-2 pages long. Be sure to include enough information so that I could have a very good idea of what you will do. Think of this as the plan to help you so that you can actually carry out the experiment next month.
Science 10 Martin 22 October 2012
Read Section 5.1 in textbook – Acids and Bases.
Science 9 Martin 18 October 2012
Finish the 2 worksheets “Ionic Bonding” and “Forming Ionic Bonds” (both sides of sheets). Due Tuesday.
Practice the problems on p. 86 and 87 in textbook.
Have a nice weekend.
Mini Science 10 Martin 18 October 2012
Complete and submit (into Google Docs folder) the Acid and Base assignment available on the Moodle site.
Have a nice weekend.
Biology 11 Martin 18 October 2012
For next class, please ensure that you have printed Part 2 of the LG from the Moodle site.
Have a nice weekend.
Sc 9 Martin 17 Oct 2012
No new homework. Ensure you have done p. 80 and p. 83 already assigned.
also complete workbook pages up to 37 if not already done.
Science 10 Martin 17 Oct 2012
Study for test – Monday 22 Oct . All of chapter 4.
I have posted some old assignments on Moodle in case you haven’t handed them in and need another copy. You can print them and hand them in as soon as possible.
Science 9 1-4 Martin 16 October 2012
Work on p. 80 and 83 in textbook for homework. Due Thursday.
Mini Science 10 Martin 16 Oct 2012
Study for Ch. 4 Test – 18 Oct 2012.
Please ensure that you have submitted all missing assignments if you haven’t done so already.