Biology 12 1-2 26 Sep 2017

Please watch the following videos on your own time:

DNA and RNA: Bozeman Science part 1 (12 mins)

DNA and RNA: Bozeman Science part 2 (10 mins)

What is DNA?: Bozeman Science (10 mins)

Other videos to watch:

Nature of science, Bozeman Science (8 minutes)

Mitosis and Meiosis, Bozeman Science (13:40 minutes)

How to use a microscope (26 minutes)

Water: A polar molecule, Bozeman Science  (8:40 mins)

Crash Course: Water – Liquid Awesome (11:20 mins)

Using the information in the textbook, finish to the best of your ability the DNA handout Parts A to D. We will go over these together in class.

Continue your reading of chapters 2-3. Aim to finish these chapters (using the chapter outlines, if helpful) by 29 September (Friday).

Science handout: several students received this multi-page science handout from me. Please complete it and hand it in on Thursday, 28 Sep. Thank you

Biology 11 1-1 26 Sep 2017

Please watch the following videos on your own time:

DNA and RNA: Bozeman Science part 1 (12 mins)

DNA and RNA: Bozeman Science part 2 (10 mins)

What is DNA?: Bozeman Science (10 mins)

Earlier videos to watch:

Nature of science, Bozeman Science (8 minutes)

Mitosis and Meiosis, Bozeman Science (13:40 minutes)

How to use a microscope (26 minutes)

Water: A polar molecule, Bozeman Science  (8:40 mins)

Crash Course: Water – Liquid Awesome (11:20 mins)

Using the information in chapter 7, finish to the best of your ability the DNA handout Part B.

Continue your reading of chapters 3-4. Aim to finish these chapters (using the chapter 2 outline, if helpful) by 29 September (Friday).

Science handout: several students received this handout from me. Please complete it and hand it in on Thursday, 28 Sep. Thank you.

Biology 12 2-1 25 Sep 2017

Please watch the following videos on your own time:

DNA and RNA: Bozeman Science part 1 (12 mins)

DNA and RNA: Bozeman Science part 2 (10 mins)

What is DNA?: Bozeman Science (10 mins)

Previously watched:

Water: A polar molecule, Bozeman Science  (8:40 mins)

Crash Course: Water – Liquid Awesome (11:20 mins)

Nature of science, Bozeman Science (8 minutes)

Mitosis and Meiosis, Bozeman Science (13:40 minutes)

How to use a microscope (26 minutes)

Complete the cell parts/organelles chart/diagrams handout. We will go over this together in class.

Complete the remainder of the Biological Molecules chart.

Biology 11 2-2 and 2-4 25 Sep 2017

Please watch the following videos on your own time:

DNA and RNA: Bozeman Science part 1 (12 mins)

DNA and RNA: Bozeman Science part 2 (10 mins)

What is DNA?: Bozeman Science (10 mins)

Earlier videos you have watched:

Nature of science, Bozeman Science (8 minutes)

Mitosis and Meiosis, Bozeman Science (13:40 minutes)

How to use a microscope (26 minutes)

Water: A polar molecule, Bozeman Science  (8:40 mins)

Crash Course: Water – Liquid Awesome (11:20 mins)

Using the information in chapter 7, finish to the best of your ability the DNA handout (A – D).

Continue your reading of chapters 3-4. Aim to finish these chapters (using the chapter 2 outline, if helpful) by 29 September (next Friday).

Find out about the following disease (you were assigned one):

1.Pompe’s disease,

2.Tay-Sachs disease,

3.Diabetes mellitus and deafness,

4.Leber’s disease,

5.Leigh syndrome,


7.Cystic fibrosis,



10.Osteogenesis imperfecta,

11.Emery Dreifuss syndrome,

12.Hutchinson-Gilford progeria syndrome,

13.Zellweger sydrome

Answer the following three questions about the disease: 1. What is the disease? What goes wrong? What are the symptoms? 2. What organelle/cell part is involved? 3. What is the treatment, if any?

Biology 12 2-1 21 Sep 2017

Please watch the following videos on your own time:

Water: A polar molecule, Bozeman Science  (8:40 mins)

Crash Course: Water – Liquid Awesome (11:20 mins)

Nature of science, Bozeman Science (8 minutes)

Mitosis and Meiosis, Bozeman Science (13:40 minutes)

How to use a microscope (26 minutes)

Complete the cell parts/organelles chart/diagrams handout. We will go over this together in class.

Complete the first column of the Biological Molecules chart (list the elements found in the type of molecule listed).