" The Big Picture!" by Mr C

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Archive for the 'Science 10' Category

Science 10 April 6th 2016

Science 10 Lesson Outline                            Date: April 6th, 2016


Last lessons Objectives


1)   Mapping course

2)   Provincial Resources

3)   Layers of the earth



Today’s Objective 1.   What is seismic activity? Earth quakes

2.   What is volcanism? Volcanoes

3.   Comparing volcanoes to earthquakes


Number One

This is the story of how plates move when energy is released

From the University of Singapore!



What is the difference between body waves and surface waves? And between P-waves and S-waves?


Body waves travel through the interior of the Earth. On the other hand, surface waves propagate only at the interface between two different media, like the interface between Earth and atmosphere (i.e. the surface of the Earth).Body waves are of two types: Primary waves (also called P-waves, or pressure waves) and Secondary waves (S-waves, or shear waves).P-waves are compression waves. They can propagate in solid or liquid material S-waves are shear waves. They only propagate in solid material. By studying the trajectories of S-waves, scientists could prove that the Earth had a liquid outer core.


1.   Comparing seismic activity as waves (SPL)

2.   Why graph seismic activity as time verse distance? ( An online assignment)

·      It allows us to calculate epicenters of earthquakes! (http://home.wlu.edu/~kuehns/VirtualEarthquake.pdf

·      http://regentsprep.org/regents/earthsci/eqwaves.htm

·      http://www.oakton.edu/user/4/billtong/eas100lab/lab10quake.htm

(Select one of the three and put into duotang)


3.   Lets simplify..

·      Primary waves “push”. They are compression waves and are the fastest waves.

·      Secondary waves “sway sideways”. They are transverse waves. They are the second fastest.

·      L waves are like ripples on an pond. They cycle and are the slowest and yet the most dangerous. L for long time…longitudinal..late..and only occurring on surface of earth.



A cool graphic explaination of seismology!



Comparing seismic waves



Comparing S to P waves


Video and quz study.com





Number Two

Volcanism or Vulcanism..but no Mr Spock

This is the story of magma moving through plates

Some questions to consider

·      How are volcanoes formed and how many types are there?

·      What is the affect of volcanoes on the weather and climate?

·      How have volcanoes affected world civilizations?

A detailed explanation



And now the video version


In class video (complete version)




Number Three

How do we compare volcanoes to earthquakes?

Well both will generally affect your day..


Earthquakes are events occurring due to shifting of plates.

Volcanoes are magma moving and then being released between plates.


Comparing Volcanoes to Earthquakes..which is worse?


Interactive map of earthquakes and volcanoes



Heat transfer through different states of matter






Online Resources Condensed Sc 10 study guide


Previous exams and keys


Ms Chen answers the question..what to know by end of science 10





Next Class Work on seismic activity. (Topic One)

Work on worksheet questions 14-28

No quiz! Postponed to next Tuesday!

Take home message If you want to shake up your world or heat things up..study earth sciences.
posted by Marc Bernard Carmichael in Science 10 and have No Comments

Science 10 April 4 2016

Science 10 Lesson Outline                            Date: April 4th, 2016


Last lessons Objectives


1)   Chapt 12

2)   Piecing together activity

3)   12.2 worksheet



Today’s Objective  

1.   Mapping Science 10

2.   Using provincial exam resources

3.   12.2 Layers of the earth and movement interactions of plates



Number One

1.   What is a map?

·      https://www.msnucleus.org/membership/html/jh/earth/mapstype/index.html

·      http://education.nationalgeographic.org/encyclopedia/map/

Making a “Mind Map”

Mind map app




Number Two

Using the resources

You have both a workbook and an online resource to focus on course material.

One key skill is the ability to do multiple choice questions.

Basic tricks

a)   select the wrong answers and eliminate

b)   with the final two answers, select the questions that is correct all the time.

c)    Do not wobble..no second quesing question answer!

When studying information work through levels of learning by asking questions.

Simple inquiry

What, Where and When


What is a subduction zone. Notice that most answers are things or nouns.

How and why questions:

These questions involve explaining an event or thing using other concepts and actions. If you memorize the basic facts you are only getting half the story.


Number Three


Layers of the earth.

What are some common myths about the layers of the earth?

How do solids behave differently than liquids when they move?

How does energy move differently between a solid, liquid and a gas?


Myths about the earth



The earths layers



Heat transfer through different states of matter





Online Resources Condensed Sc 10 study guide


Previous exams and keys


Ms Chen answers the question..what to know by end of science 10





Next Class Quiz on vocab of chapter 10 and 11

Using provincial guide book

12.2 ideas, plate movement and layers of the earth.

Take home message Do not get stuck between a rock and hard place..Rock on!
posted by Marc Bernard Carmichael in Science 10 and have No Comments

Science 10 March 31 th

Science 10 Lesson Outline                            Date: March 31, 2016


Last lessons Objectives


1)   Comparing 3 cycles and movement of thermal energy (Convection, Rock and Water cycles).

2)   Key concepts and vocab for Earth Sciences Unit.

3)   Media challenge one: What is current debate about plate tectonics?




Today’s Objective  

1.   Word problems

2.   Piecing together activity

3.   Plate tectonics activity comparison sheet



Number One

For next classes vocab quiz, you are to complete problem set sheet (question 1-18). You can cheat answer sheet during tutorial time.

Put this sheet into your duotang.



Number Two

Investigation 12-1 C (page 515)

Using the handout of continents, piece together the plates to the original land mass on legal size piece of paper. You can look at maps on page 509 or go online for clues.



Answer questions on bottom of your legal size page

Use coloured pencils to highlight earth types and fossils

Put this sheet into your duotang



Number Three

Using the reference map of plates and diagram of subduction zones, complete the comparative table sheet.

Put this sheet into your duotang




Online Resources    


Next Class Quiz on vocab of chapter 10 and 11

Using provincial guide book

12.2 ideas, plate movement and layers of the earth.

Take home message Rock on!  
posted by Marc Bernard Carmichael in Science 10 and have No Comments

Science 10 March 29th 2016

Science 10 Lesson Outline                            Date: March 29, 2016


Last lessons Objectives


Intro to Earth Science Chapters Evaluations


Today’s Objective 1)   Comparing 3 cycles and movement of thermal energy (Convection, Rock and Water cycles).

2)   Key concepts and vocab for Earth Sciences Unit.

3)   Media challenge one: What is current debate about plate tectonics?



Number One

Two You tube video clips to revisit ideas about moving plates of earth in Chapter 12

1)   Bill Nye



2)   Plate tectonics




A central idea in Sc 10 Earth Sciences is the movement of thermal energy within different states of matter.


Teacher References:



Chapter 10

Vocab Quizlett


Chapter Prezi




Chapter 11

Vocab Quizlet


Weather Powerpoint


Video on Understanding Weatherfronts




Chapter 12

Vocab Quizlet




Number Two

Key Concepts

In class copy down three cycles in natural systems



rock cycle



and water cycle)



. Use vocab and key concept sheet to add details to cycles.


Number Three

Media Challenge

What are current debates regarding plate tetonics





Online Resources Quizlet for Energy Unit



Text Book Unit Reference



Provincial Exam Unit Guide





posted by Marc Bernard Carmichael in Science 10 and have No Comments

Biology 12 March 31 2016

Biology 12 Lesson Outline                             Date March 29, 2016



Last lessons Objective




Components of Blood

Today’s Objectives  

1.   Unit J Components of blood

2.   Blood Types

3.   Introduction to Hemography



Number One

Prior to reading components of blood realize that your blood is a vivid picture of what is occurring within your body. You can see a chemical display of both regulatory molecules, waste molecules, nutrients and cell that regulate both inflammation and blood clotting.


Videos on Components of Blood



Blood Basics





Get credit for work by checking answer key to worksheet available at tutorial time.


Provincial 5 Q Quiz

Number Two

Blood Type (Power Point)

Video on Blood Type


Mystery about O negative blood.


Donating Blood




Number Three

Interpreting Blood Hemography



Text book Reference


Chapter 12.  
You tube Reference Khan Academy

What is in blood



Bizzare History of blood transfusion



History of blood transfusion




Take Home Message Next class

5 Questions on Circulatory or Blood from Provincial Exams






Topics for next class

a)   Case studies for Hemography

b)   Inflammation and Blood Clotting




posted by Marc Bernard Carmichael in Science 10 and have No Comments

Science 10 Lesson Outline March

Science 10 Lesson Outline                                                        Date: March 2nd


Last lessons Objectives


7.2 ( See Power Point)

Worksheet on Half life




Today’s Objective 7.3 Nuclear Reactions


Power point




Number One

Nuclear Fission

Key Concepts

Nuclear Reaction

Writing and rules for nuclear reactions





Nuclear Fission of Uranium ( pg 317 practice)


Study key



Class Notes



An analogy to consider..nuclear fission is a bit like bowling



Number Two

Using Chain Reactions

Candu Reactors



Nuclear Fussion

Vancouver Firm in the news!



Comparing Fission to Fusion

Some notes on fission and fusion


Duck and cover video


Nuclear Energy our misunderstood friend



History of Nuclear Weapons



Neutron Bomb




Number Three



News article Assignment.

Compare in Fusion to Fission


Select three articles to defend a point of view and one article to challenge.


Point of view:

Is nuclear power a wise form of energy for humans?


Record your references

Write a simple point form outline to defend your point of view.

Write a paragraph conclusion to support your point of view


How to write an argument essay



Outline for an argument statement







Take Home Message Answers for 7.3



If the wheel is fixed..we might as well dance!

Neutron Dance







posted by Marc Bernard Carmichael in Science 10,Science Ten Lessons and have No Comments

Science 10 29th Feb

Science 10 Lesson Outline                            Date: Feb 29th


Last lessons Objectives


Final for Chemistry




Today’s Objective Geological Time and Half life

7.2 In text



Number One

So if the history of the earth was a meter stick, when did the earth begin and when did humans show up?


Geologists use radiometric dating to estimate how long ago rocks formed, and to infer the ages of fossils contained within those rocks. The universe is full of naturally occurring radioactive elements. Radioactive atoms are inherently unstable; over time, radioactive “parent atoms” decay into stable “daughter atoms.”


7.2 In our text.


Geological Time Scale



Wiki on Geological Time





Number Two




Number Three






Youtube Explaination






Most radioactive places on earth







Take Home Message Cool story about a clock that will run for 10000 years!



Steward Brand and the long now clock



The longnow organization





posted by Marc Bernard Carmichael in Science 10,Science Ten Lessons and have No Comments

Pre test discussion

Science 10 Lesson Outline                            Date: Feb 23rd

Last lessons Objectives


Pretest Evaluation

3 Class Average 64%




Today’s Objective

Final Prep for Exam



Class Average



Number One

There was a total of only 8 Questions where folks had problems! I included three difficult questions and more harder average questions and the class average went up! So we are going in the right direction.


Lets review the eight questions


Error One..Please read the book and my notes


All synthesis reactions do not convert elements to a single product!

Synthesis reactions can have elements as a reactant but they can also combine compounds and elements or compounds and compounds to product a single product.


Error Two

When we label a substance, element or compound you need to consider what state of matter it is in (Solid, Liquid and Gas). Oxygen, Carbon Dioxide and Nitrogen can be all three states of matter depending upon the temperature. The question asked how many products should be labeled as a gas. One product, water vapour, is a gas! The word vapour is a molecule in a gas state. While vaporub goes on as a solid..it put vapour smell into the air.


Error Three

Organic chem question. Which element (nonmetal) will form a covalent compound with the most Hydrogen. Sodium is not a non metal..so that is wrong. Oxygen only needs two electrons and Nitrogen only needs three electron, yet Carbon needs four electrons to fill it’s outer orbital and so it will need four hydrogen.


Error Four

Organic Chem Question: When added to water, which will lower ph.

Here is a clue, when you blow bubbles into water you carbonate the water. That carbonate react with water to form carbonic acid. So which compound is a covalent compound with oxgen? Sodium Oxide..nope.

Sodium Hydroxide? Nope. Magnesium oxide? Nope. Nitrogen Oxide..

Bing! Correct. Water is a universal solvent yet it can form acids with covalent oxides.




Error Five

If you combine two aqueous solution together and you get a reaction, it usually is in the form of precipitation. Precipitate means a solid. The big clue is including the state of matter in the reaction. Two aqueous solutions..make a solid…now..is it a double or single replacement reaction?


Error 6

Hmm..this is a covalent question. Two nonmetals combine, so how do we name the molecule? Remember that if the first nonmetal is a single atom…say..Carbon and the second is Oxygen..we have carbon dioxide not monocarbon dioxide. The vocab word is “prefixes”.


Error 7

Another covalent compound question. Two nonmetals combine to form a compound..no it is not the beginning of a bad joke. Two nonmetals will form a covalent compound! They always share electrons. It is just so..two nonmetal..covalent..share!


Error 8

Back to chapter four! The element symbol..say…”C” in a Lewis model represents the nucleus and the inner shell electrons! Why do we use a Lewis model? To show bonding in the outer orbital! Why do we use Bohr? To show atom structure? Why bother? Just because you wear Nikes doesn’t mean you can play basketball..what is inside is a lot different that what is on the outside.






Increasing surface area is thought to increase the rate of chemical reactions because it increases the number of collisions between reactant particles!






Number Two

So how did you do? Pretty much the same mark for most folks..

Get some sleep..think positive or proton thoughts and drink no caffeine after seven!



Number Three






Take Home Message

In practices we show more effort and play harder so that in the actual game, we excel. Walk the walk!



posted by Marc Bernard Carmichael in Science 10 and have No Comments

Science 10 Feb 19th

Science 10 Lesson Outline                            Date: Feb 19th


Last lessons Objectives


Chapter Five Test Evaluations


Today’s Objective Chapter 6 Test

7.1 Review Sheets




Class Average



Number One

Reading the question issues


In the T and F section there were four easy questions. It was easy if you knew the difference between an element and a compound! It was easy if you had highlighted your work book and answered the reading question. Sadly, 85% found these difficult questions a bit of a challenge. Which does make me wonder how questions labeled as easy can be so hard? Hmm..surface area and reactions..increase the effort and less difficult.


All synthesis reactions do not convert elements to a single product!

Synthesis reactions can have elements as a reactant but they can also combine compounds and elements or compounds and compounds to product a single product.


All decomposition reactions do not convert a single compound into elements. Like a synthesis reaction, there is not just compound to element nor elements to compounds.


Increasing surface area is thought to increase the rate of chemical reactions because it increases the number of collisions between reactant particles!


Remember my advice…highlight the workbook, and answer the reading questions.


Kindling is small pieces of wood. To light a fire, you need to start with small pieces of wood and then slowly add more wood. Remember in the vinegar lab when you ground up the chalk into small pieces and then slowly added vinegar you had a better reaction.


Now..when you read your text and book..bite of small portions of text and then slowly record notes and add questions.


Sadly, four easy reading questions was the reason that the class averaged dropped to 60 percent.


Face it..you need to learn to read efficiently. Like a good meal..small bites and chew..




Number Two

Do cell phones cause Cancer..or better still do phones cause students to read less? Over the week end, take the time to actually read the book, not just the workbook. As you read start to work on Cornell Notes


You tube


Practical plan for Cornell Notes


Wiki how



Make thorough notes for chapter 4-6

Do not just memorize concepts and vocab.

Read…R..E..A…D…the book and imagine how to explain the information to Sparky


Number Three






Take Home Message “Something of value is never made in haste nor understood without effort.”  


posted by Marc Bernard Carmichael in Science 10,Science Ten Lessons and have No Comments

Science 10 Feb 17th

Science 10 Lesson Outline                            Date: Feb 17th


Last lessons Chapter 4 Test ( Three block average 69%)

7.1 in Workbook



Today’s Objective 1 Chapter 5 Test

2. Power point for chapter 7



Number One

Test Feedback

Review section on organic compounds.

Remember graph for acids and base.

Salt, NaCl is not an acid or an organic compound.

Carbon and Hydrogen make organic compounds.

Class average 65%



Number Two


Power Point on Chapter 7





Number Three

Do cell phones cause cancer?( Next weeks media question)


Find three references about cell phone radiation and cancer


Start here:



What is the evidence to prove phones give off enough radiation to cause cancer?


Can you find..

Three you tube references

One popular media reference

One scientific online reference


Find out from your reading

Clinical proof

What type of radiation is involved

What is the affect or action of waves on human cells?



Work book Reference 7.1 and 7.2


You tube Reference Bozeman Radioactive decay




Radioactive decay




Other stuff!    
Next Class Chapter Nine Test next class  
Take Home Message Consider an atom like a boat..if there is too much mass..it sinks. If there are 20 people on the boat and 2 leave the boat, it is like losing alpha decay. The wave made by the boat is gamma radiation. So what is beta decay?  


posted by Marc Bernard Carmichael in Science 10,Science Ten Lessons and have No Comments