" The Big Picture!" by Mr C

VSB Science Blog

Science 10 April 6th 2016

Science 10 Lesson Outline                            Date: April 6th, 2016


Last lessons Objectives


1)   Mapping course

2)   Provincial Resources

3)   Layers of the earth



Today’s Objective 1.   What is seismic activity? Earth quakes

2.   What is volcanism? Volcanoes

3.   Comparing volcanoes to earthquakes


Number One

This is the story of how plates move when energy is released

From the University of Singapore!



What is the difference between body waves and surface waves? And between P-waves and S-waves?


Body waves travel through the interior of the Earth. On the other hand, surface waves propagate only at the interface between two different media, like the interface between Earth and atmosphere (i.e. the surface of the Earth).Body waves are of two types: Primary waves (also called P-waves, or pressure waves) and Secondary waves (S-waves, or shear waves).P-waves are compression waves. They can propagate in solid or liquid material S-waves are shear waves. They only propagate in solid material. By studying the trajectories of S-waves, scientists could prove that the Earth had a liquid outer core.


1.   Comparing seismic activity as waves (SPL)

2.   Why graph seismic activity as time verse distance? ( An online assignment)

·      It allows us to calculate epicenters of earthquakes! (http://home.wlu.edu/~kuehns/VirtualEarthquake.pdf

·      http://regentsprep.org/regents/earthsci/eqwaves.htm

·      http://www.oakton.edu/user/4/billtong/eas100lab/lab10quake.htm

(Select one of the three and put into duotang)


3.   Lets simplify..

·      Primary waves “push”. They are compression waves and are the fastest waves.

·      Secondary waves “sway sideways”. They are transverse waves. They are the second fastest.

·      L waves are like ripples on an pond. They cycle and are the slowest and yet the most dangerous. L for long time…longitudinal..late..and only occurring on surface of earth.



A cool graphic explaination of seismology!



Comparing seismic waves



Comparing S to P waves


Video and quz study.com





Number Two

Volcanism or Vulcanism..but no Mr Spock

This is the story of magma moving through plates

Some questions to consider

·      How are volcanoes formed and how many types are there?

·      What is the affect of volcanoes on the weather and climate?

·      How have volcanoes affected world civilizations?

A detailed explanation



And now the video version


In class video (complete version)




Number Three

How do we compare volcanoes to earthquakes?

Well both will generally affect your day..


Earthquakes are events occurring due to shifting of plates.

Volcanoes are magma moving and then being released between plates.


Comparing Volcanoes to Earthquakes..which is worse?


Interactive map of earthquakes and volcanoes



Heat transfer through different states of matter






Online Resources Condensed Sc 10 study guide


Previous exams and keys


Ms Chen answers the question..what to know by end of science 10





Next Class Work on seismic activity. (Topic One)

Work on worksheet questions 14-28

No quiz! Postponed to next Tuesday!

Take home message If you want to shake up your world or heat things up..study earth sciences.
posted by Marc Bernard Carmichael in Science 10 and have No Comments

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