Study for safety test (Monday) and finish review package up to and including page 6.
Category: Science 9
Science 9 1-4 Martin 23 Sep 2016
Work on 4.1 in the workbook and read 4.1 in the textbook. Be sure to study for the safety test (Tuesday).
Science 9 1-4 21 Sep 2016
Write out the steps, in your own words, for making a wet mount slide. Read and study the section on microscopes p. 486-487 in textbook.
Finish section 1.1 in workbook.
The next section coming up is cells and cell reproduction. Find the appropriate parts in the textbook and skim the first few sections.
Bring $10 for workbook, if you haven’t already done so.
Science 9 period 1-4 19 Sep 2016
Work on p. 6 of the science review package, and 1.1 in the workbook.
Science 9 2-1, 2-2 and 1-4, 15 and 16 September 2016
Bring the density lab (accuracy and precision lab) to class if you haven’t handed it in already. Continue working on 1.1 in workbook.
Bring $10 for workbook if you haven’t already done so.
Science 9 1-4 13 Sep and 2-1 and 2-2 14 Sep 2016
Remember to bring $10 for workbook.
If you have the workbook, you can begin to review 1.1 (safety) and work on that section.
Finish the science review package up to page 7.
Look up density. What is it? How do you measure it?
Science 9 Martin 2-1 and 2-2, 12 Sep 2016
Work on the science review handout – complete up to page 6.
Remember to bring $10 for workbook.
Science 9 Martin 1-4, 2-1 and 2-2, 7 and 8 September 2016
Read p. 462 in the textbook (safety) and complete the safety section of the handout (first two pages).