Finish notes on factors affecting chemical reaction rates.
Do p. 281 in textbook and Workbook section 6.2.
Test on Ch. 6 will be on 12 December 2013.
Category: Science 10 Martin 1-4
Science 10 Martin 2 Dec 2013
Finish workbook sections for Ch. 5 and section 6.1. We will go over these next day, so be sure to bring the workbook with you to class.
Science 10 Martin 28 Nov 2013
We will finish the Organic Molecule Model lab next day. Be sure that you have completed the workbook sections for ch. 5 and 6.
Science 10 Martin 18 Nov 2013
Work on the 33 question chemistry worksheet handed out on 14 November (the test day last week).
Science 10 Martin 12 Nov 2013
Study for section 5.1 and 5.2 test – Thursday.
Science 10 Martin 7 Nov 2013
Test on Ch 5 (5.1 and 5.2) Thursday, 14 November. Finish worksheets and workbook.
Science 10 Martin 1 Nov 2013
Please complete the first page of the worksheet (front and back) for homework.
Please complete the workbook sections 5.1 and 5.2.
Science 10 Martin 30 Oct 2013
Take notes on Chapter 5 sections outlined in class, focusing on:
1. Acids – what are they?
2. Bases – what are they?
3. Explain how protons and hydroxide ions are involved with pH.
4. List properties of acids and bases.
5. What are salts?
6. What happens when you mix an acid and a base?
Not for handing in.
Late lab reports should be completed, typed, and handed in by next class, Friday 1 November.
See earlier post for more detailed instructions.
Science 10 Martin 28 Oct 2013
Finish Lab write-up 5-1B on p. 230-231. The lab must by typed and submitted to me next class. Include the following headings:
Title, Purpose, Intro/Background (give a bit of information about acids, bases and pH, and give the source/reference where you found the information), Materials, Procedure (make sure you give information for what we actually did, as we made changes from the book), Observations (this is where you put your data table), Discussion/Questions (answer all the questions on p. 231 as part of the discussion) and conclusion.
The lab must be a neat, complete and high-quality, professional looking assignment in order to get full marks.
Science 10 Martin 23 Oct 2013
Continue working on WB section 5.1 and make sure you have read the textbook section 5.1.
Read over the lab on p. 230-231 of the textbook in preparation for doing the lab in class next day.