Biology 11 Martin 18 Dec 2013

Study Viral/Moneran diseases, pathogens, interferons (p. 372 – 375).
Read the section on Monerans in preparation for next class.
Project – Ecology – Biology 11
In groups of 3-4, choose one of the following areas to research:
– One endangered species
– One endangered biome (rainforest, desert, etc)
– Effects of climate change on a particular species
– Management of waste to reduce impact on a particular ecosystem
– Pollution problem and its effects on a particular ecosystem
– Results of human population on humans (one particular problem)
Identify what you would like to research, and be specific:
– What is the problem?
– How do we know it is a problem?
– Where is it occurring?
– What are side-effects of the problem?
– Will it affect other species/ecosystems/environmental factors?
– Is anything being done to address the problem?
– If so, what is being done?
– What are your ideas on possible solutions to the problem?
Present your research in a digital presentation format (prezi, powerpoint, etc) in front of the class.
Presentation must be 1-2 minutes long. All group members must speak/present.

Good presentations today!

Biology 11 Martin 16 Dec 2013

Read the sections in textbook on Viruses and Viral diseases (Ch. 17 beginning at p. 354).

Finish presentations and be ready to present on Wednesday, 18 December. See earlier blog post to be sure you have all the components included, and be sure to list your sources (where you got the information).

Email the presentation to me by Tuesday night, preferably, and bring a back-up copy to class (on a usb stick, for example). My JO email address is

Biology 11 Martin 2 Dec 2013

Look up the terms Niche, Primary Succession and Secondary Succession and be sure you understand the concept.
Work on the 2 worksheets given out this class and last class to help with your understanding of Ecology.
Describe a feeding relationship that is of interest to you: Pick an organism, and give one organism that it feeds on, as well as one organism that feeds on it. Identify all three as either producer, primary consumer, secondary consumer, etc. Be sure to record the source of the information.