Finish the plants handout and the brainstorming of ideas on plant evolution (Land, tissues, seed, flower staircase).
Final Exam will cover (to varying degrees) the following chapters:
1-10, 13-18, 21, 22, 25, 26-33, 47-49
Some chapters were only covered very generally, or only a small portion was covered. Please look over the chapter and let me know if you have questions on what content we covered. Also study your workbook and your notes, handouts, assignments, etc.
An optional 8.5″ X 11″ study sheet is permitted in the exam. It must meet the following criteria or you will not be permitted to use it during the exam:
- Hand written by you
- Double sided is okay
- Not photocopied, printed, or have any components that are photocopied or printed (eg. printed diagrams pasted on it)
- Must be legible with the unaided eye (no magnifying glasses or other magnifying devices may be used!)
- Must pass inspection on the day of the exam