Quiz on Monerans next class: Be sure you have read section 17-2 in the text and reviewed the notes.
Finish watching the Khan Academy video: Bacteria
Quiz on Monerans next class: Be sure you have read section 17-2 in the text and reviewed the notes.
Finish watching the Khan Academy video: Bacteria
Read section 14.1 in textbook (digestion).
Assigned before Experience Week: p. 57-58 in workbook, and reading of 2.1 and 2.2 in textbook. Be sure you have done these.
New assignment: Finish the Bohr diagrams on the sheets provided. Read section 2.3 in textbook.
Review/re-read notes and section 17-2 in text (Monerans). Answer the questions:
Small quiz next class on the above, and on moneran cell structure.