Work on p. 6 of the science review package, and 1.1 in the workbook.
Month: September 2016
Biology 11 1-1, 1-3 19 Sep and 2-3 20 Sep 2016
Research: How did eukaryotic cells evolve? What are some theories on that? Jot down a few notes for yourself and be prepared to discuss.
Read and take notes on 5-4 to 5-6 in the textbook.
Science 9 2-1, 2-2 and 1-4, 15 and 16 September 2016
Bring the density lab (accuracy and precision lab) to class if you haven’t handed it in already. Continue working on 1.1 in workbook.
Bring $10 for workbook if you haven’t already done so.
Mini Science 10 2-4 16 Sep 2016
Work on parts 2 and 3 of the Case Study handed out in class. Bring completed answers to class for discussion.
Safety test will be after your bike trip.
Biology 11 1-1 and 1-3, 15 Sep and 2-3, 16 Sep 2016
Bring safety contract (signed) if you haven’t already.
Take notes on cell/cell organelles (5-1 to 5-3 in text) and bring to class.
Finish poster on organelle/cell part and be prepared to present it (briefly) to the class at the start of class. No additional time can be given in class to complete the posters. Be sure to list references on the back.
Mini Science 10 Martin 2-4 14 Sep 2016
Finish the Mass, Volume, Density activity if you did not do so in class.
Include title, purpose (to correctly measure mass and volume of an object, and calculate its density), materials, procedure, data/results (include a table, show formulae, provide sample calculations and be sure to include units at every step),discussion (discuss results, show that you have an understanding of mass, volume and density, discuss problems encountered, make recommendations/suggestions/improvements, etc)
Science 9 1-4 13 Sep and 2-1 and 2-2 14 Sep 2016
Remember to bring $10 for workbook.
If you have the workbook, you can begin to review 1.1 (safety) and work on that section.
Finish the science review package up to page 7.
Look up density. What is it? How do you measure it?
Mini Science 10 2-4 Martin 12 Sep 2016
We will discuss scientific method next day, so be sure to have reviewed that section of the textbook (assigned last class).
Science 9 Martin 2-1 and 2-2, 12 Sep 2016
Work on the science review handout – complete up to page 6.
Remember to bring $10 for workbook.
Biology 11 1-1 and 1-3, 9 Sep 2016 and 2-3 12 Sep 2016
Read safety/study handout and p. 18/19 in textbook. Bring signed safety handout to next class. Use the back of the scientific method sheet to “get to know your textbook” (not for handing in).