" The Big Picture!" by Mr C

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Chapter 3 Gap Notes

Biology 11

Mr Carmichael

Name: ____________________ Date: __________ Block: _____



Chapter 3 – Theories to Explain Variation

Read pages 90-104. Use the text, sidebars, and illustrations to answer the questions below:


What is the purpose of scientific theories?


What do the theories of evolution attempt to explain?


Describe the theory of Jean-Baptiste de Lamarck








What is the main contribution of Lamarck to modern evolutionary theory?



Describe the theory of Charles Darwin









What is adaptation?






What are the three main types of adaptation? For each one, give three examples.











What is gradualism?



What is punctuated equilibrium?



Describe two causes of rapid evolution





posted by Marc Bernard Carmichael in Biology Eleven,Biology Eleven Notes and have No Comments

Simple Magnification Questions

Microscopes and Magnification

One of the tools that biologist use is the microscope. It function is to view a world that the normal eye cannot see. Stop for a moment and Imagine the first time some one saw moving matter under the lens. If you were that person, would you be afraid or full of wonder? This is a loaded question simply because now it is common to see magnified images of virus and bacteria in TV commercials. Perhaps the novelty is gone but the usage of the microscope remains a basic skill of any one studying biology.

Concept One: Power

“You’ve got the power…”, nope-wrong idea, but here is the scope. Power means the ability to make something bigger. End of story. The larger the power, the smaller the object you can view. The smaller the power, then you are already looking at organisms that are relatively large. The compound microscope enlarges images through a series of lens and mirrors. By illuminating the image, a reflection of that image passes through the lens to the eye. Starting with the eye is the ocular lens. This lens is used for viewing and is the lens that is adjusted to focus on an object. The objective lens is next to the object and remains stationary while viewing. So how much bigger is the object? Well if you take the ocular lens magnification (on the side of the lens) and multiply that number times the objective lens magnification ( on the side of the lens) you have the total magnification or power that the microscope enlarges the object. Here is the catch. Magnification in this context, is how many times larger is the object your are looking at. For example, at low power on a microscope, the ocular lens is let’s say (10x). This means that the lens will make the actual object 10 times larger. The objective lens is perhaps 5X. So the actual object will now appear ( 5×10) or 50 times larger than it is in real life.

So what!

Well if we are looking at objects under the microscope, we have to realize that the tool, the microscope, is altering what is actualy occurring under the lens. All that we view is now larger than life and just to keep things interesting, all images are inverted and upside down. So if you are looking at an organism swimming to the left of your field of view, it is actually upside down and swimming the opposite way. This may be helpful to remember the next time you are trying to draw a moving organism.

So how do we draw these critters? Well let’s use the worksheet to explain…

Prior to answering questions, lets come up with a strategy to organize our work. This will make life and marking a lot easier.

How to lay out your work: (save this as a template!)

Record facts Do work or calculations Answer

here here

Write formulas




Record facts Do work or calculations Answer

three lens 5 x 2 = 10 low power

2x 5 x 20 = 100 medium power

20x 5 x 200 = 1000 high power



Write formulas

ocular times objective = total power


Record facts Do work or calculations Answer

field of diameter = 10 mm 10 mm/ 4 = 2.5 mm

Write formulas

field of diameter/ # of object = actual size


Record facts Do work or calculations Answer

none use micrometer slide to measure

field of view

remember on average

low power field diameter

Write formulas


Record facts Do work or calculations Answer

high power diameter .45 mm / 20 seconds = mm/sec

equals .45 mm always include units

Write formulas

field diameter (distance)

divided by time equals speed


the source of light is actually quite good and can be focused to level of magnification, as you increase power, you need more light. The amount of light can be adjusted by using the diaphragm.
the organism may or may not be dead. If alive and you are using a slide with a concave depression in the slide, the critter is going to move up and down through the water. So you need to adjust focus as the critter moves. Correct answer
Usually the microscope remains at the same level of magnification. This may change not with time but with who is looking down the lens. Always remember to start with low power, switch to the next objective power and slowly adjust the fine tuning knob.

Trick question…it depends on the type and size of cells. At low power, you would be able to see the largest field of view, so more distance. This is the obvious answer. However you may not be able to focus on small images and so you may have to move up to the next power to see these images. Don’t worry I don’t like trick questions either.


posted by Marc Bernard Carmichael in Biology Eleven,Biology Eleven Notes and have No Comments

Mr. C’s simple Chapter 1 and 2 notes

Chapter One/Two Notes:

Big Ideas in Biology
Unity and Diversity
Changes with time
Structure and Function

In chapter one, we attempt to observe and define some of the attributes of life. We note that all activities of life arise from living things. Through experimentation and the invention of the microscope, we can now theorize that all living things are composed of cells. Therefore; as basic units in biology we can state that cells are the basic unit of life and that there can be as many as six different activities of life observed by all living things. We also noted that in the subcellular level, cells are composed of molecules and that these molecules help regulate and continue the activities of life. We could say that we have outlined some of the parameters of what links all living things together. Therefor exploring part of one of the big ideas in biology, which is Unity and Diversity. Put simply there are several factors, including cellular and molecular structures and activities, which link all living things based upon cellular and molecular activities.

In this next chapter we are going to explore, the other half of this idea, that idea of diversity.

Developing an idea:

Idea Number One: Activities of Life and Adaptation

From the previous chapter, we noted that one of the activities of life is the ability to adapt.

Adaptations put simply is the ability to respond to changes in or around an organism. These changes allow the organism to improve chances of survival. This ability can be inherited and increase an organisms chance of survival.

Idea Number Two: Levels of organization

Level of Organization



There are basic elements found in each living thing,

these include Carbon, Nitrogen, Oxygen, Sulphur


Each living thing needs nutrients in the form of

molecules. The nutrients can be classified as:

Fats and lipids-energy and structure

Carbohydrates- primary source of energy

Nucleic Acids- genetic material to regulate cell activities

Protein: structural and regulatory activities

Vitamin and Minerals: help in chemical reactions


The cell is the basic unit of life

Cell types can be classified either as:

Prokaryotic: primitive cells, without nucleus and organelles (example: bacteria )

Eukaryotic: more advanced cells, with nucleus and organelles


Cells can combine to form organism which have more than one cell. This increases diversity of cell functions and can lead to organism with specific tissues ( cells all doing the same function) and organs ( group of tissues doing similar functions)


Any organism which look alike and can interbreed with another similar organism, in natural conditions, and produce fertile offspring is said to be a species


a group of organism all of the same species, occupying a given area at the same time


a group of populations


Several populations interacting with each other plus abiotic factors


A geographic region based upon a similarity in ecosytems and climate. Example Deserts, Tundra, Boreal forest.

The next question is:

” If organism can be so similar, then how do or how did they become so different?” To explain this change we have yet another theory classified under the concept of evolution. Evolution can be thought of as the change of organism over a period of time. This is yet another big idea in biology ” Changes with time”.

Some questions to ponder:

If organisms change with time, how can that change be shown?
Is the change shown similarity or diversity?
Does the change shown directly or indirectly?
If organism change with time, what is the mechanism that creates that change?
Types of proof in regards to evolution

Like the cell theory, we need proof or evidence to create a theory:

For the theory of evolution we have two types of proof

Direct Evidence
fossils offer direct evidence of pathway, or evolutionary history. This pathway can be considered to be a history to show origins of species and how they changed. This history can be used to explain organisms phylogenic or evolutionary history.
fossils are created due to preserved hard parts of organisms. Fossils can either be original body parts or imprints preserved or ” petrified” with mineral matter.
fossils can be used to show geological time scales
fossils can be used to show two types of evolution, called divergent and convergent evolution.
Divergent Evolution:
process where original organisms evolve into variety of distinct species. Each new population then becomes a new distinct species. Fossil histories can have gaps and so biologist have to hypothesis as to original species, which lead to a variety of species. Put simply a primitive ancestor has the potential to adapt to a variety of environments through structural changes, behavioral change or changes in reproduction. Divergent evolution often notes changes in structures of fossils to create ” family trees” for organisms.

Convergent Evolution:
process of development of similar forms from unrelated species due to adaptation to similar environment. Best example: Marsupials in Australia. Another definition: similar forms in geographically different areas responding to similar environments.

Comparing Divergence to Convergence:

convergent evolution occurs when two dissimilar species change in response to similar environmental conditions and show development of similar characteristics.

Example: Kangaroo and the deer

similarities: in location of eyes, type of teeth, long ears and herd behavior

dissimilarity: marsupial verses placental ancestors

Divergent evolution occurs when members within a singes species change in response to a new and different environmental condition, and each population develops into dissimilar characteristics.

Example: Primate ancestral groups evolving into specific of apes

Indirect Evidence
Often instead of looking at fossils, biologist can look at current species and use other methods to hypothesis their family background. If we assume that adaptation is an inherited trait, then we can look at patterns of inheritance through embryological , structural, physiological or biochemical evidence.

( remember: How many and what are the types of indirect proof ?)

Each organism starts off as a simple cell. If it divides into a multicellular organism the cells divide and create unique structures. An embryo is the prebirth stage of living organism. Embryology is the study of organisms in their earliest stages of development. In the 1800’s it was noted that several organisms show similarities in their embryonic development. This observation brought forth the statement and a theory of recapitulation:

” Ontogeny recapitulates Phylogeny”

In simple terms, each organism shows their evolutionary history ( phylogeny) in its own embryonic development ( ontogeny).

Homologous and Analogous Structures:
Homologous Structures:

Often organisms will have similar structures but these structures serve different functions. This is an example of an indirect proof of divergent evolution. Key thing to remember. Similar structure but different function.

Analogous Structures:

Often organisms will show structures that provide the same function but have differences in structure. Key point, similarity in function but not in structure. This can also be used as indirect proof of divergent evolution.

Vestigial Structures:

Sometimes creatures have structures that serve no apparent function, like hips on snakes or a human appendix. A structure with no apparent function is said to be vestigial.

Physiological Evidence:

How organs within an organism work is the study of physiology. For example observing and learning how organisms excrete waste, would be examining a physiological phenomenon. Tissues and chemical reactions within organs can be regulated by specific

posted by Marc Bernard Carmichael in Biology Eleven,Biology Eleven Notes and have No Comments

Mr. C’s Chapter 3 Notes

Chapter Three: Mechanisms of Change

Some notes to stimulate your appetite to think about the mechanisms of change and how to prepare for chapter three quiz.
In chapter two, we are introduced to evidence regarding showing change with time. The premise is this, from direct and indirect evidence; there are observations that show a change with time. This process of change with time can be shown in adaptations in populations of organisms. We have noted that this process can be shown using concepts such as speciation and isolation mechanisms. Basically, keep one species away from another and allow mating only to occur within this population, the chances are that a unique species will evolve. In chapter three, we begin to hypothesize about the mechanism that causes this change.

Historical note:

Though some philosophers have suggested that we learn nothing from observing history, the case is not the same for observing fossils. We begin with the notion that all species are fixed. No that does not mean neutered but that all species were put on the earth at a specific time and in a specific place. From a western philosophical point of view, those folks that were busy classifying nature never challenged this idea. Biologists were in fact part of a field of inquiry known as natural history and sometimes grouped with natural philosophers. For many years, “Naturalists” were quite content to just identify and classify and to create some universal means to classify all living things. Then the inquiry into how things worked began. The scientific method created a method of thinking to examine the world. Forces such as gravity and energy became the field of inquiry for scientists. From this inquiry came “laws” and interpretations of chemical and physical forces. As naturalist began to observe more history of organisms upon the earth, the inquiry began to follow the same pattern of questioning. What was going on? Why did organisms become extinct? Why were animals different? Were there unknown forces within nature, like the forces of gravity and Newtonian physics?

So now tracking information within the text. Who started asking questions about the fixity of species and how could this questioning affect how people perceived fossils? Once a question is asked, more will follow. So who proposed the idea of adaptations, the law of use and disuse? Why do you suppose he used a term such as “law”? Let’s make a few observations such as”: a heron has long legs, some insects are resistant to insecticides,and some organisms have thick skin or fur. How could we explain these adaptations from Lamarck and Darwin’s point of view?

Now lets get logical and examine some of the ideas proposed by both Lamarck and Darwin.

Here are some statements, can you identify ones that Darwin would support or Lamarck would support? Which Statements can be used with the other to create an argument?

Many types of variations exist within a species
Members of a species tend to increase in a geometric ration from generation to generation (example 2:4:8:16: 32)
Some variations have more survival value than others
Organisms in a population reproduce, but the population tends to remain constant
There is a struggle for survival
Organisms are able to adapt to their environment when they inherit variations that have been developed by their parents through use and disuse of certain organs
How would Darwin use some of these statements to support his mechanism of change? With both Darwin and Lamarck, we have a key problem to consider does the environment affect how an organism evolves, or does the organism have a means to adapt to the environment. One of the key issues is the notion of choice. If we accept the idea that the environment is selecting species, then does the notion of “free will” and “choice” have a place in human thought? So let’s look outside the realm of the human mind. Organisms on the planet have genetic material. This material allows organisms to display traits. This information, first shown by an inventive monk named Mendel remained unknown to both Lamarck and Darwin. So, while both were looking for a source of change, either within the organism or due to the environment neither of them knew about the origin and transmission of variation.

Darwin did consider domestic animal breeding and noted how humans could artificially select traits, but he still didn’t know about the source of these traits. He did suggest that through artificial breeding of animals, humans could “select” a desirable trait. However he was still in a muddle about the origins of traits or why some organisms produced infertile young. For example, the notion of a “hybrid”…which is a product of a cross of two species and in some cases can be infertile such as a donkey and horse was a mystery to Darwin. Darwin did note the formation of species, and the multiplication of species or speciation. He suggested that this process was gradual with time. Yet the more evidence that was brought forth challenged this portion of his idea. Can you define and show examples of the idea known as “punctuated equilibrium”?

Now here is the challenge…

Darwin suggested that his observations about finches in the Galapagos islands was an example of the process of evolution and that by noting this process, the mechanism for natural selection could be illustrated

…First of all…who offered the idea of a struggle for existence and natural selection to Darwin?

Now by using some of the terminology such as:

Isolation mechanisms





Can you describe what occurred with the finches and why they changed with time? Remember to break up you explanation into two parts…the observations that showed a process and the concepts that explain the mechanism.

posted by Marc Bernard Carmichael in Biology Eleven,Biology Eleven Notes and have No Comments

Basic DNA Notes

Molecular Level of Genetics
Most of the molecules found in humans and other living organisms fall into one of four categories:

1. carbohydrates (sugars and starches) 2. lipids (fats, oils, and waxes)
3. proteins
4. nucleic acids

Proteins are large chain-like molecules that are twisted and folded back on themselves in complex patterns. They serve as structural material for the body, gas transporters, hormones , antibodies , neurotransmitters , and enzymes . In fact, when looking at someone, you mostly see proteins since skin and hair are primarily made of them. Proteins acting as enzymes are particularly important substances because they trigger and control the chemical reactions by which carbohydrates, lipids, and other substances are created. When you look at another human being, you mostly see proteins.

Our bodies produce about 90,000 thousand different kinds of proteins, all of which consist of sim- pler units called amino acids .

Proteins in all organisms are mostly composed of just 20 kinds of amino acids. Proteins differ in the number, sequence, and kinds of amino acids. Our bodies produce some of these amino acids, while others come directly from food that we consume.


Proteins, and subsequently amino acids, are mostly made up of just four elements: carbon, oxygen, hydrogen, and nitrogen. In fact, 96.3% of your body is composed of these common elements.

The largest molecules in people and other organisms are nucleic acids. Like proteins, they consist of very long chains of simpler units. However, the components, shapes, and functions of nucleic acids differ significantly from those of proteins. There are two basic varieties of nucleic acids: DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid ) and RNA (ribonucleic acid ). Both play critical roles in the produc- tion of proteins.

A chromosome consists mainly of one or more very long DNA molecules. Each of these molecules contains the genetic codes, or genes, for the synthesis of many different proteins and for the regula- tion of other genes. In a sense, a DNA molecule is a linear sequence of permanently stored blue- prints or recipes that are used regularly by our cells to make proteins out of amino acids.


glutamic acid











Aspartic acid









DNA molecules in all living things have the shape of a double helix , which is like a twisted lad- der. The sides of the ladder are composed of sugar and phosphate units, while the rungs consist of complementary pairs of four different chemical bases. Each combined sugar, phosphate, and base subunit is a nucleotide

s = sugar
p = phosphate

g = guanine c = cytosine a = adenine t = thymine


Section of a DNA molecule showing the double helix molecular shape

The sequence of bases from one nucleotide to the next in line is the code for the assembly of spe- cific amino acids to make specific types of proteins. Therefore, a gene is essentially a specific sequence of these base pairs. The sequence need not be continuous but can be divided into differ- ent sections of a DNA molecule. Apparently, only 1.2-1.5% of the 2.9 billion base pairs in human DNA actually code for genes. These meaningful code sequences are called exons . The remaining 98+% of our DNA base pairs were in the past thought to consist merely of genetic “junk”, referred to as introns . However, it is now becoming clear that much of this “junk” actually has important functions. Some of the introns act as subtle enhancers of genes. Others function as buffers against change by absorbing the mutagenic effect of viruses. Still others help determine the shape of chromosomes. It is likely that future research will discover that the “non-gene” intron code sec- tions, that make up the bulk of DNA, perform still other important tasks.

NOTE: Textbooks written before 2001 most often indicated that there are 100,000 human genes and that 3+% of our DNA base pairs are parts of genes. These estimates were significantly reduced as a result of completion of the entire human genome mapping announced by spokesmen for the Human Genome Project in February 2001. It is now believed that there are only about 32,000 human genes. However, many of these genes apparently code for several different proteins. Now that the human genome “parts list” has been compiled, research will be focused on what these parts do–i.e., what proteins they code for and what those proteins do in our bodies.

Not all of our DNA is in the cell nuclei. A small amount is in the mitochondria , which are located in the cytoplasm and mostly produce fuel for cell functions. Mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) is nor- mally inherited only from our mothers and is unrelated to the nuclear DNA (nDNA) in chromo- somes. The 13 or more genes of mtDNA appear to have relatively few functions.


The second type of nucleic acid, RNA, consists of molecules that are single stranded copies of nuclear DNA segments. They are smaller than DNA molecules and do not have the double helix shape. In addition, the DNA base

thymine is replaced by the RNA base uracil.
The sugar component is also somewhat differ-
ent. RNA is found in both the cell nucleus and the cytoplasm.

In order to understand what RNA does, we need to first examine
how the DNA code is transcribed, or copied, to RNA. The
process begins by a section of a DNA moleculeunwinding and then unzipping in response to a specific enzyme. The separation occurs between the bases, as shown below.

DNA molecule unwinding and unzipping along the base pairs

DNA molecule partially unwinding and unzipping along the base pairs

Free complementary nucleotides in the nucleus are attracted to the now unattached DNA bases on the exposed strands. The result is the formation of a messenger RNA (mRNA) molecule that is a copy, or transcription, of a specific section of the nuclear DNA moleculecorresponding to a gene. Many identical copies are made, one right after another.

mRNA forming free nucleotides

Free nucleotides attracted to exposed bases of a partially unzipped DNA molecule

Free complementary nucleotides in the nucleus are attracted to the now unattached DNA bases on the exposed strands. The result is the formation of a messenger RNA (mRNA) molecule that is a copy, or transcription, of a specific section of the nuclear DNA molecule corresponding to a gene. Many identicopies are made, one right after another.


Generalized animal cell


These new identical messenger RNA molecules then leave the nucleus and go out into the cytoplasm where the protein they are coded for is actually synthesized or assembled.

mRNA migrating out of the cell nucleus

Specifically, the messenger RNA molecules migrate from the chromosomes to the ribosomes, which are small graules in the cytoplasm. Some ribosome are on the surface of mem- brane networks called endoplasmic reticula , while others are free ribosomes. Assembly of proteins takes place at the site of the ribosomes

DNA copied

mRNA migrates to cytoplasm

Generalized animal cell

Protein synthesis begins as ribosomes move along the messenger RNA strand and attach transfer RNA (tRNA) anticodons (each with 3 bases) to triplets of complementary bases on the mRNA.

protein molecule forming

Protein synthesis at the ribosomes initiated by mRNA momentarily bonding with tRNA (Note: this schematic representation is a simplification of the actual process.)

Each transfer RNA attracts and brings a specific amino acid along with it. As a ribosome translates the messenger RNA code, a protein is assembled lineally, one amino acid at a

chromosomes ribosomes

(small dots)

endoplasmic reticula


time. Each kind of amino acid has a single codon that specifies it. A codon is a sequence of 3 nucleotide components chemically bound together (illustrated below). As mentioned above, every nucleotide consists of a sugar, a phosphate, and a base. Codons differ in terms of the sequence of their 3 bases. For example, the sequence CAG

(cytosine-adenine-guanine) is a code for the amino acid glutamine.
This simple genetic code permits 64 different codons because each of the 3 nucle-otides can have 1ofthe4bases(4x4x4=64). Since

P = phosphate S = sugar
B = base

there are many fewer than 64 amino acids,
the code system has built in redundancy–
most amino acids can be attracted by Sugar-phosphate-base chemical bond of a codon transfer RNA having several different base triplets. In other words, some codons are functionally equivalent, as shown in the table below. For instance, asparagine is specified with the sequence AAU (adenine-adenine-uracil). However, AAC (adenine-adenine-cytosine) also works.

Amino Acids

DNA Codons

mRNA Codons










aspartic acid






glutamic acid





















methionine (start codon)
























(stop codon)



(The DNA base thymine is replaced with uracil in the formation of mRNA.) 5

DNA unwinding and unzipping

new DNA forming

free nucleotides

Not all codons specify amino acid components to be included in a protein. For instance, a start codon appears in DNA at thebeginning of the lineal code sequence for each gene and a stop codon is at the end. In other words, they indicate where a protein recipe begins and ends.

Most plant and animal cells have tens of thousands of ribosomes. Many ribosomes simultaneously translate identical strands of messenger RNA. As a result, the synthesis of proteins can be rapid and massive. These same processes can occur at the same time in millions of cells when a particu- lar protein is needed.

In addition to keeping the blueprints for protein synthesis, DNA has one further function–it replicates, or duplicates, itself. At the beginning of this process, the parent DNA molecule unwinds and unzips along its bases beginning at one end. Then in response to an enzyme, free nucleotides pair up with cor- responding bases on both of the DNA strands, as illustrated below. This results in the formation of two exact copies of the original molecule. Nuclear DNA replication occurs just before mitosis and meiosis.

DNA replication

Occasionally, an error is made in DNA replication. For example, an incorrect base pair may be included. This constitutes a mutation. If it occurs in the formation of sex cells, the mutation may be inherited and passed on in future generations. Such errors in replication are the ultimate sources of all new genes and are essential for the evolution of new species. They are also responsible for changes in somatic cells that result in the uncontrolled tumorgrowths of cancer.

It is important to realize that the genetic code system of humans is not unique but is shared by all living things. The same codons code for the same amino acids in people, dogs, fleas, and even bac- teria. In addition, we share many genes with other creatures. For instance, about 90% of human genes are identical to those of a mouse. Even more surprising is the fact that more than 1/3 of our genes are shared with a primitive group of worm species known as nematodes. The universal nature of the genetic code is compelling evidence for the evolution of all organisms from the same early life forms.

©1998, 2000 by Dennis O’Neil. Used by permission of the author.

posted by Marc Bernard Carmichael in Biology Eleven,Biology Eleven Notes and have No Comments

Gap notes for Chapter 2

Biology 11 Ms. Jamieson


1) Write the meanings of the following terms:

a) Adaptation

b) Evolution

c) Population

d) Fossil

e) Species

2) Why is evolution such an important scientific concept?

Name: _________________________ Date: __________ Block: _____

Chapter 2 – Adaptation and Change Read pages 60 – 67, and answer the following questions:

Examples to illustrate your answers

Information from text

an inherited trait or set of traits that improve the chancs of survival and reproduction of oranisms

the process by which populations of living things change over a series of generations

a group of individuals of the same species occupying a given area at a certain time

a group of organisms that look alike and that can interbreed under natural conditions to producce fertile offspring

3) How are fossils formed?

4) What is the geological time scale?

5) What is the Burgess Shale, and where is it?

6) How old are the fossils in the Burgess Shale, and what period in the Earth’s history do they belong to? (see Fig. 2.6 page 64)

7) Why is the Burgess Shale so important?

8) How is the Burgess Shale evidence of divergent evolution

posted by Marc Bernard Carmichael in Biology Eleven,Biology Eleven Notes and have No Comments

Phylogeny and Systemics Notes

Biology 11 Outline Notes

Classification of Organisms

Phylogeny and Systematics

  • Evolutionary biology is about both process and history.
    • °  The processes of evolution are natural selection and other mechanisms that change the genetic composition of populations and can lead to the evolution of new species.
    • °  A major goal of evolutionary biology is to reconstruct the history of life on earth.
  • In this chapter, we will consider how scientists trace phylogeny, the evolutionary history of a group of organisms.
  • To reconstruct phylogeny, scientists use systematics, an analytical approach to understanding the diversity and relationships of living and extinct organisms.
    • °  Evidence used to reconstruct phylogenies can be obtained from the fossil record and from morphological and biochemical similarities between organisms.
    • °  In recent decades, systematists have gained a powerful new tool in molecular systematics, which uses comparisons of nucleotide sequences in DNA and RNA to help identify evolutionary relationships between individual genes or even entire genomes.
  • Scientists are working to construct a universal tree of life, which will be refined as the database of DNA and RNA sequences grows.

    A. Phylogenies Are Based on Common Ancestries

    1. Sedimentary rocks are the richest source of fossils.

  • Fossils are the preserved remnants or impressions left by organisms that lived in the past.
  • In essence, they are the historical documents of biology.
  • Sedimentary rocks form from layers of sand and silt that are carried by rivers to seas and swamps, where the minerals settle to the bottom along with the remains of organisms.
    • °  As deposits pile up, they compress older sediments below them into layers called strata.
    • °  The fossil record is the ordered array in which fossils appear within sedimentary rock strata.

       These rocks record the passing of geological time.

    • °  Fossils can be used to construct phylogenies only if we

      can determine their ages.

    • °  The fossil record is a substantial, but incomplete, chronicle of evolutionary change.

See Chapter 17


Review: Genetics
Read text chp 10 “DNA, RNA, and

Protein Synthesis.” This content is also required for Biology 12.

Conserved Sequences

are similar or identical sequences that may occur within nucleic acids (e.g., DNA), proteins or polymeric carbohydrates within multiple species of organism or within different molecules produced by the same organism. In the case of cross species conservation, this indicates that a particular sequence may have been maintained by evolution despite speciation. The further back up the phylogenetic tree a particular conserved sequence may occur the more highly conserved it is said to be.

Sequence similarities serve as evidence for structural and functional conservation, as well as of evolutionary relationships between the sequences.

Evolution: Taxonomy


Classification of Organisms


  • °  The majority of living things were not captured as fossils upon their death.

     Of those that formed fossils, later geological processes destroyed many.

     Only a fraction of existing fossils have been discovered.

  • °  The fossil record is biased in favor of species that existed for a long time, were abundant and widespread, and had hard shells or skeletons that fossilized readily.

    2. Morphological and molecular similarities may provide clues to phylogeny.

  • Similarities due to shared ancestry are called homologies.
  • Organisms that share similar morphologies or DNA sequences are likely to be more closely related than organisms without such similarities.
  • Morphological divergence between closely related species can be small or great.

° Morphological diversity may be controlled by relatively few genetic differences.

  • Similarity due to convergent evolution is called analogy.
    • °  When two organisms from different evolutionary lineages experience similar environmental pressures, natural selection may result in convergent evolution.

       Similar analogous adaptations may evolve in such organisms.

    • °  Analogies are not due to shared ancestry.
  • Distinguishing homology from analogy is critical in the

    reconstruction of phylogeny.

    • °  For example, both birds and bats have adaptations that allow them to fly.
    • °  However, a close examination of a bat’s wing shows a greater similarity to a cat’s forelimb that to a bird’s wing.
    • °  Fossil evidence also documents that bat and bird wings arose independently from walking forelimbs of different ancestors.
    • °  Thus a bat’s wing is homologous to other mammalian forelimbs but is analogous in function to a bird’s wing.
  • Analogous structures that have evolved independently are also called homoplasies.
  • In general, the more points of resemblance that two complex structures have, the less likely it is that they evolved independently.

° For example, the skulls of a human and a chimpanzee are formed by the fusion of many bones.

Evolution: Taxonomy


Classification of Organisms


  • °  The two skulls match almost perfectly, bone for bone.
  • °  It is highly unlikely that such complex structures have

    separate origins.

  • °  More likely, the genes involved in the development of both skulls were inherited from a common ancestor.
  • The same argument applies to comparing genes, which are sequences of nucleotides.
  • Systematists compare long stretches of DNA and even entire genomes to assess relationships between species.

° If genes in two organisms have closely similar nucleotide sequences, it is highly likely that the genes are homologous.

  • It may be difficult to carry out molecular comparisons of nucleic acids.
    • °  The first step is to align nucleic acid sequences from the two species being studied.
    • °  In closely related species, sequences may differ at only one or a few sites.
    • °  Distantly related species may have many differences or sequences of different length.

       Over evolutionary time, insertions and deletions accumulate, altering the lengths of the gene sequences.

  • Deletions or insertions may shift the remaining sequences, making it difficult to recognize closely matching nucleotide sequences.

° To deal with this, systematists use computer programs to analyze comparable DNA sequences of differing lengths and align them appropriately.

• The fact that molecules have diverged between species does not tell us how long ago their common ancestor lived.

° Molecular divergences between lineages with reasonably complete fossil records can serve as a molecular yardstick to measure the appropriate time span of various degrees of divergence.

  • As with morphological characters, it is necessary to distinguish homology from analogy to determine the usefulness of molecular similarities for reconstruction of phylogenies.
    • °  Closely similar sequences are most likely homologies.
    • °  In distantly related organisms, identical bases in otherwise different sequences may simply be coincidental matches or molecular homoplasies.
  • Scientists have developed mathematical tools that can distinguish “distant” homologies from coincidental matches in extremely divergent sequences.

Evolution: Taxonomy


Classification of Organisms


° For example, such molecular analysis has provided evidence that humans share a distant common ancestor with bacteria.

• Scientists have sequenced more than 20 billion bases worth of nucleic acid data from thousands of species.

B. Phylogenetic Systematics: Connecting Classification with Evolutionary History

  • In 1748, Carolus Linnaeus published Systema naturae, his classification of all plants and animals known at the time.
  • Taxonomy is an ordered division of organisms into categories based on similarities and differences.
  • Linneaus’s classification was not based on evolutionary relationships but simply on resemblances between organisms.

° Despite this, many features of his system remain useful in phylogenetic systematics.

1. Taxonomy employs a hierarchical system of classification.

  • The Linnaean system, first formally proposed by Linnaeus in Systema naturae in the 18th century, has two main characteristics.
    • Each species has a two-part name.
    • Species are organized hierarchically into broader and

      broader groups of organisms.

  • Under the binomial system, each species is assigned a two-

    part Latinized name, a binomial.

    • °  The first part, the genus, is the closest group to which a

      species belongs.

    • °  The second part, the specific epithet, refers to one

      species within each genus.

    • °  The first letter of the genus is capitalized and both names

      are italicized and Latinized.

    • °  For example, Linnaeus assigned to humans the optimistic scientific name Homo sapiens, which means “wise man.”
  • A hierarchical classification groups species into increasingly broad taxonomic categories.
  • Species that appear to be closely related are grouped into the same genus.

° For example, the leopard, Panthera pardus, belongs to a genus that includes the African lion (Panthera leo) and the tiger (Panthera tigris).

• Genera are grouped into progressively broader categories: family, order, class, phylum, kingdom, and domain.

Evolution: Taxonomy


Classification of Organisms


• Each taxonomic level is more comprehensive than the previous one.

° As an example, all species of cats are mammals, but not all mammals are cats.

• The named taxonomic unit at any level is called a taxon.

° Example: Panthera is a taxon at the genus level, and Mammalia is a taxon at the class level that includes all of the many orders of mammals.

  • Higher classification levels are not defined by some measurable characteristic, such as the reproductive isolation that separates biological species.
  • As a result, the larger categories are not comparable between lineages.

° An order of snails does not necessarily exhibit the same degree of morphological or genetic diversity as an order of mammals.

2. Classification and phylogeny are linked.

  • Systematists explore phylogeny by examining various characteristics in living and fossil organisms.
  • They construct branching diagrams called phylogenetic trees to depict their hypotheses about evolutionary relationships.
  • The branching of the tree reflects the hierarchical classification of groups nested within more inclusive groups.
  • Methods for tracing phylogeny began with Darwin, who realized the evolutionary implications of Linnaean hierarchy.
  • Darwin introduced phylogenetic systematics in On the Origin of Species when he wrote: “Our classifications will come to be, as far as they can be so made, genealogies.”

    3. Phylogenetic systematics informs the construction of phylogenetic trees based on shared characters.

  • Patterns of shared characteristics can be depicted in a diagram called a cladogram.
  • If shared characteristics are homologous and, thus, explained by common ancestry, then the cladogram forms the basis of a phylogenetic tree.

° A clade is defined as a group of species that includes an ancestral species and all its descendents.

• The study of resemblances among clades is called cladistics. ° Each branch, or clade, can be nested within larger


• A valid clade is monophyletic, consisting of an ancestral species and all its descendents.

Evolution: Taxonomy


Classification of Organisms


  • °  When we lack information about some members of a clade, the result is a paraphyletic grouping that consists of some, but not all, of the descendents.
  • °  The result may also be several polyphyletic groupings that lack a common ancestor.
  • °  Such situations call for further reconstruction to uncover species that tie these groupings together into monophyletic clades.
  • Determining which similarities between species are relevant to grouping the species in a clade is a challenge.
  • It is especially important to distinguish similarities that are based on shared ancestry or homology from those that are based on convergent evolution or analogy.
  • Systematists must also sort through homologous features, or characters, to separate shared derived characters from shared primitive characters.

    ° A “character” refers to any feature that a particular taxon possesses.

    ° A shared derived character is unique to a particular clade.

    ° A shared primitive character is found not only in the clade being analyzed, but also in older clades.

  • For example, the presence of hair is a good character to distinguish the clade of mammals from other tetrapods.

° It is a shared derived character that uniquely identifies mammals.

• However, the presence of a backbone can qualify as a shared derived character, but at a deeper branch point that distinguishes all vertebrates from other mammals.

° Among vertebrates, the backbone is a shared primitive character because it evolved in the ancestor common to all vertebrates.

• Shared derived characters are useful in establishing a phylogeny, but shared primitive characters are not.

° The status of a character shared derived versus shared primitive may depend on the level at which the analysis is being performed.

  • A key step in cladistic analysis is outgroup comparison, which is used to differentiate shared primitive characters from shared derived ones.
  • To do this, we need to identify an outgroup, a species or group of species that is closely related to the species that we are studying, but known to be less closely related than any members of the study group are to each other.
  • To study the relationships among an ingroup of five vertebrates (a leopard, a turtle, a salamander, a tuna, and a

Evolution: Taxonomy


Classification of Organisms


lamprey) on a cladogram, an animal called the lancelet is a good choice.

° The lancelet is a small member of the Phylum Chordata that lacks a backbone.

  • The species making up the ingroup display a mixture of shared primitive and shared derived characters.
  • In an outgroup analysis, the assumption is that any homologies shared by the ingroup and outgroup are primitive characters that were present in the common ancestor of both groups.
  • Homologies present in some or all of the ingroup taxa are assumed to have evolved after the divergence of the ingroup and outgroup taxa.
  • In our example, a notochord, present in lancelets and in the embryos of the ingroup, is a shared primitive character and, thus, not useful for sorting out relationships between members of the ingroup.
    • °  The presence of a vertebral column, shared by all members of the ingroup but not the outgroup, is a useful character for the whole ingroup.
    • °  The presence of jaws, absent in lampreys and present in the other ingroup taxa, helps to identify the earliest branch in the vertebrate cladogram.
  • Analyzing the taxonomic distribution of homologies enables us to identify the sequence in which derived characters evolved during vertebrate phylogeny.
  • A cladogram presents the chronological sequence of branching during the evolutionary history of a set of organisms.
    • °  However, this chronology does not indicate the time of origin of the species that we are comparing, only the groups to which they belong.
    • °  For example, a particular species in an old group may have evolved more recently than a second species that belongs to a newer group.
  • A cladogram is not a phylogenetic tree.

° To convert it to a phylogenetic tree, we need more information from sources such as the fossil record, which can indicate when and in which groups the characters first appeared.

  • Any chronology represented by the branching pattern of a phylogenetic tree is relative (earlier versus later) rather than absolute (so many millions of years ago).
  • Some kinds of tree diagrams can be used to provide more specific information about timing.

Evolution: Taxonomy


Classification of Organisms


  • In a phylogram, the length of a branch reflects the number of genetic changes that have taken place in a particular DNA or RNA sequence in a lineage.
  • Even though the branches in a phylogram may have different lengths, all the different lineages that descend from a common ancestor have survived for the same number of years.
    • °  Humans and bacteria had a common ancestor that lived more than 3 billion years ago.
    • °  This ancestor was a single-celled prokaryote and was more like a modern bacterium than like a human.
    • °  Even though bacteria have apparently changed little in structure since that common ancestor, there have nonetheless been 3 billion years of evolution in both the bacterial and eukaryotic lineages.
  • These equal amounts of chronological time are represented in an ultrameric tree.
  • In an ultrameric tree, the branching pattern is the same as in a phylogram, but all the branches that can be traced from the common ancestor to the present are of equal lengths.
  • Ultrameric trees do not contain the information about different evolutionary rates that can be found in phylograms.

° However, they draw on data from the fossil record to place certain branch points in the context of geological time.

4. The principles of maximum parsimony and maximum likelihood help systematists reconstruct phylogeny.

• As available data about DNA sequences increase, it becomes more difficult to draw the phylogenetic tree that best describes evolutionary history.

° If you are analyzing data for 50 species, there are 3 × 1076 different ways to form a tree.

  • According to the principle of maximum parsimony, we look for the simplest explanation that is consistent with the facts.
    • °  In the case of a tree based on morphological characters, the most parsimonious tree is the one that requires the fewest evolutionary events to have occurred in the form of shared derived characters.
    • °  For phylograms based on DNA sequences, the most parsimonious tree requires the fewest base changes in DNA.
  • The principle of maximum likelihood states that, given certain rules about how DNA changes over time, a tree should reflect the most likely sequence of evolutionary events.


In science, parsimony is to prefer least complicated explanation for an observation. This is generally regarded as good when judging hypotheses. Ockham’s Razor also states this idea

Evolution: Taxonomy


Classification of Organisms


° Maximum likelihood methods are designed to use as much information as possible.

  • Many computer programs have been developed to search for trees that are parsimonious and likely:
    • °  “Distance” methods minimize the total of all the percentage differences among all the sequences.
    • °  More complex “character-state” methods minimize the total number of base changes or search for the most likely pattern of base changes among all the sequences.
  • Although we can never be certain precisely which tree truly reflects phylogeny, if they are based on a large amount of accurate data, the various methods usually yield similar trees.

    5. Phylogenetic trees are hypotheses.

• Any phylogenetic tree represents a hypothesis about how the organisms in the tree are related.

° The best hypothesis is the one that best fits all the available data.

• A hypothesis may be modified when new evidence compels systematists to revise their trees.

° Many older phylogenetic hypotheses have been changed or rejected since the introduction of molecular methods for comparing species and tracing phylogeny.

  • Often, in the absence of conflicting information, the most parsimonious tree is also the most likely.

    ° Sometimes there is compelling evidence that the best hypothesis is not the most parsimonious.

    ° Nature does not always take the simplest course.

    ° In some cases, the particular morphological or molecular character we are using to sort taxa actually did evolve multiple times.

  • For example, the most parsimonious assumption would be that the four-chambered heart evolved only once in an ancestor common to birds and mammals but not to lizards, snakes, turtles, and crocodiles.
  • But abundant evidence indicated that birds and mammals evolved from different reptilian ancestors.
    • °  The hearts of birds and mammals develop differently, supporting the hypothesis that they evolved independently.
    • °  The most parsimonious tree is not consistent with the above facts, and must be rejected in favor of a less parsimonious tree.
  • The four-chambered hearts of birds and mammals are analogous, not homologous.

Evolution: Taxonomy


Classification of Organisms


• Occasionally misjudging an analogous similarity in morphology or gene sequence as a shared derived homology is less likely to distort a phylogenetic tree if several derived characters define each clade in the tree.

° The strongest phylogenetic hypotheses are those supported by multiple lines of molecular and morphological evidence as well as by fossil evidence.

6. An organism’s evolutionary history is documented in its genome.

  • Molecular systematics is a valuable tool for tracing an organism’s evolutionary history.
  • The molecular approach helps us to understand phylogenetic relationships that cannot be measured by comparative anatomy and other nonmolecular methods.

° For example, molecular systematics helps us uncover evolutionary relationships between groups that have no grounds for morphological comparison, such as mammals and bacteria.

• Molecular systematics enables scientists to compare genetic divergence within a species.

° Molecular biology has helped to extend systematics to evolutionary relationships far above and below the species level.

  • Its findings are sometimes inconclusive, as in cases where a number of taxa diverged at nearly the same time.
  • The ability of molecular trees to encompass both short and long periods of time is based on the fact that different genes evolve at different rates, even in the same evolutionary lineage.

° For example, the DNA that codes for ribosomal RNA (rRNA) changes relatively slowly, so comparisons of DNA sequences in these genes can be used to sort out relationships between taxa that diverged hundreds of millions of years ago.

• In contrast, mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) evolved relatively recently and can be used to explore recent evolutionary events, such as relationships between groups within a species.

7. Gene duplication has provided opportunities for evolutionary change.

  • Gene duplication increases the number of genes in the genome, providing opportunities for further evolutionary change.
  • Gene duplication has resulted in gene families, which are groups of related genes within an organism’s genome.

Introns & Exons (grade 10 review)

Introns are sections of DNA within a gene that do not encode part of the protein that the gene produces, and are spliced out of the mRNA that is transcribed from the gene before it is exported from the cell nucleus. Introns exist mainly (but not only) in eukaryotic cells. The regions of a gene that remain in the spliced mRNA are called exons.

Source: Wikipedia

Introns = interruptions in the DNA Exons = expressed DNA code

Evolution: Taxonomy


Classification of Organisms


  • Like homologous genes in different species, these duplicated genes have a common genetic ancestor.
  • There are two types of homologous genes: orthologous genes and paralogous genes.
  • The term orthologous refers to homologous genes that are found in different gene pools because of speciation.

° The ß hemoglobin genes in humans and mice are orthologous.

  • Paralogous genes result from gene duplication and are found in more than one copy in the same genome.
    • °  Olfactory receptor genes have undergone many gene duplications in vertebrates.
    • °  Humans and mice each have huge families of more than 1,000 of these paralogous genes.
  • Now that we have compared entire genomes of different organisms, two remarkable facts have emerged.
  • Orthologous genes are widespread and can extend over enormous evolutionary distances.
    • °  Approximately 99% of the genes of humans and mice are demonstrably orthologous, and 50% of human genes are orthologous with those of yeast.
    • °  All living things share many biochemical and development pathways.
  • The number of genes seems not to have increased at the same rate as phenotypic complexity.
    • °  Humans have only five times as many genes as yeast, a simple unicellular eukaryote, although we have a large, complex brain and a body that contains more than 200 different types of tissues.
    • °  Many human genes are more versatile than yeast and can carry out a wide variety of tasks in various body tissues.

      8. Molecular clocks may keep track of evolutionary time.

  • In the past, the timing of evolutionary events has rested primarily on the fossil record.
  • One of the goals of evolutionary biology is to understand the relationship among all living organisms, including those for which there is no fossil record.
  • Molecular clocks serve as yardsticks for measuring the absolute time of evolutionary change.
    • °  They are based on the observation that some regions of the genome evolve at constant rates.
    • °  For these regions, the number of nucleotide substitutions in orthologous genes is proportional to the time that has elapsed since the two species last shared a common ancestor.

Homologous genes – genes having similar structures and functions.

Paralogous – two genes or clusters of genes at different chromosomal locations in the same organism that have structural similarities indicating that they derived from a common ancestral gene.

Orthologous – homologous genes that originated through speciation, i.e., genes in different species, that are similar to each other because they originated from a common ancestor (for example, human and mouse, e.g., globin (transport) protein).

Source: Wikipedia

Gene Duplication

Gene duplication occurs when an error in DNA replication leads to the duplication of a region of DNA containing a (generally functional) gene. The significance of this process for evolutionary biology is that if a gene is under natural selection, most mutations will lead to the death of the organism. When a gene is duplicated selection may be removed from one copy and now the other gene locus is free to mutate and discover new functions.

The two genes that exist after a gene duplication event are called paralogs and usually code for proteins with a different function and/or structure. By contrast, orthologous genes are ones which code for proteins with similar functions but exist in different species, and are created from a speciation event.

Source: Wikipedia

Evolution: Taxonomy


Classification of Organisms


° In the case of paralogous genes, the number of substitutions is proportional to the time since the genes became duplicated.

  • We can calibrate the molecular clock of a gene by graphing the number of nucleotide differences against the timing of a series of evolutionary branch points that are known from the fossil record.
    • °  The slope of the best line through these points represents the evolution rate of that molecular clock.
    • °  This rate can be used to estimate the absolute date of evolutionary events that have no fossil record.
  • No molecular clock is completely accurate.
    • °  Genes that make good molecular clocks have fairly

      smooth average rates of change.

    • °  No genes mark time with a precise tick-tock accuracy in

      the rate of base changes.

    • °  Over time there may be chance deviations above and below the average rate.
  • Rates of change of various genes vary greatly.

° Some genes evolve a million times faster than others.

  • The molecular clock approach assumes that much of the change in DNA sequences is due to genetic drift and is selectively neutral.
    • °  The neutral theory suggests that much evolutionary change in genes and proteins has no effect on fitness and, therefore, is not influenced by Darwinian selection.
    • °  Researchers supporting this theory point out that many new mutations are harmful and are removed quickly.
    • °  However, if most of the rest are neutral and have little or no effect on fitness, the rate of molecular change should be clocklike in their regularity.
  • Differences in the rates of change of specific genes are a function of the importance of the gene.
    • °  If the exact sequence of amino acids specified by a gene is essential to survival, most mutations will be harmful and will be removed by natural selection.
    • °  If the sequence of genes is less critical, more mutations will be neutral, and mutations will accumulate more rapidly.
  • Some DNA changes are favored by natural selection.

° This leads some scientists to question the accuracy and

utility of molecular clocks for timing evolution.

• Evidence suggests that almost 50% of the amino acid differences in proteins of two Drosophila species have resulted from directional natural selection.

Evolution: Taxonomy


Classification of Organisms


• Over very long periods of time, fluctuations in the rate of accumulation of mutations due to natural selection may even out.

° Even genes with irregular clocks can mark elapsed time approximately.

  • Biologists are skeptical of conclusions derived from molecular clocks that have been extrapolated to time spans beyond the calibration in the fossil record
    • °  Few fossils are older than 550 million years old.
    • °  Estimates for evolutionary divergences prior to that time may assume that molecular clocks have been constant over billions of years.
    • °  Such estimates have a high degree of uncertainty.
  • The molecular clock approach has been used to date the jump of the HIV virus from related SIV viruses that infect chimpanzees and other primates to humans.
    • °  The virus has spread to humans more than once.
    • °  The multiple origins of HIV are reflected in the variety

      of strains of the virus.

  • HIV-1 M is the most common HIV strain.
    • °  Investigators have calibrated the molecular clock for the virus by comparing samples of the virus collected at various times.
    • °  From their analysis, they project that the HIV-1 M strain invaded humans in the 1930s.

      9. There is a universal tree of life.

• The genetic code is universal in all forms of life.
° From this, researchers infer that all living things have a

common ancestor.

  • Researchers are working to link all organisms into a universal tree of life.
  • Two criteria identify regions of DNA that can be used to reconstruct the branching pattern of this tree.
    • °  The regions must be able to be sequenced.
    • °  They must have evolved slowly, so that even distantly related organisms show evidence of homologies in these regions.
  • rRNA genes, coding for the RNA component of ribosomes, meet these criteria.
  • Two points have emerged from this effort:

1. The tree of life consists of three great domains: Bacteria,

Archaea, and Eukarya.

° Most prokaryotes belong to Bacteria.

Evolution: Taxonomy


Classification of Organisms

  • °  Archaea includes a diverse group of prokaryotes that inhabit many different habitats.
  • °  Eukarya includes all organisms with true nuclei, including many unicellular organisms as well as the multicellular kingdoms.

2. The early history of these domains is not yet clear.

  • °  Early in the history of life, there were many interchanges

    of genes between organisms in the different domains.

  • °  One mechanism for these interchanges was horizontal gene transfer, in which genes are transferred from one genome to another by mechanisms such as transposable elements.
  • °  Different organisms fused to produce new, hybrid organisms.
  • °  It is likely that the first eukaryote arose through fusion between an ancestral bacterium and an ancestral archaean.

Horizontal gene transfer –
hinders clarification of the deepest branchings in a phylogenetic tree that depicts the origins of the three domains.

Biology 7th ed, Campbell Joan Sharp, SFU


Evolution: Taxonomy


Biology 11 Review Notes

Classification of Organisms Appendix See Chapter 17

Vocabulary List for Chapter 17 – Classification of Organisms

 binomial nomenclature  blastopore
 blastula

 cladistics  cladogram  class

 derived character  division
 domain
 domain Archaea

 domain Bacteria  domain Eukarya

 echinoderm  eubacteria

 family

 genus

 kingdom  kingdom  kingdom  kingdom  kingdom

 kingdom  kingdom

Animalia Archaebacteria Eubacteria Fungi

Plantae Protista

 order

 phylogenetic tree  phylogeny
 phylum
 protist

 species
 species identifier  species name
 subspecies
 systematics

 taxonomy

 variety

Some of these terms are used for the online Crossword review.

Evolution: Taxonomy 15

Classification of Organisms Appendix

Vocabulary List by Topic (with additional terms)


Phyogeny and Systematics  phylogeny
 systematics,
 molecular systematics,

A. Phylogenies Are Based on Common Ancestries

1. Sedimentary rocks are the richest source of fossils.

fossil record

2. Morphological and molecular similarities may provide clues to phylogeny.
 analogy.
 homoplasies.

B. Phylogenetic Systematics: Connecting Classification with Evolutionary History

1. Taxonomy employs a hierarchical system of classification.
 binomial.
 genus,

 specific epithet,
 species
 hierarchical classification
 family, order, class, phylum, kingdom,  domain.
 taxon.

2. Classification and phylogeny are linked.


3. Phylogenetic systematics informs the construction of phylogenetic trees based on shared characters.
 clade
 cladistics.

 monophyletic,
 paraphyletic
 polyphyletic
 shared derived character  shared primitive character  outgroup,

 ingroup
 phylogram,
 ultrameric tree.

4. The principles of maximum parsimony and maximum likelihood help systematists reconstruct phylogeny.
 maximum parsimony,

 maximum likelihood
5. Phylogenetic trees are hypotheses.

6. An organism’s evolutionary history is documented in its genome.

7. Gene duplication has provided opportunities for evolutionary change.
 orthologous

 Paralogous

8. Molecular clocks may keep track of evolutionary time.
 Molecular clocks
 neutral theory

9. There is a universal tree of life.

analog- = proportion (analogy: similarity due to convergence)

bi- = two; nom- = name (binomial: a two-part latinized name of a species)

clado- = branch (cladogram: a dichotomous phylogenetic tree that branches repeatedly)

homo- = like, resembling (homology: similarity in characteristics resulting from a shared ancestry)

mono- = one (monophyletic: pertaining to a taxon derived from a single ancestral species that gave rise to no species in any other taxa)

parsi- = few (principle of parsimony: the premise that a theory about nature should be the simplest explanation that is consistent with the facts)

phylo- = tribe; -geny = origin (phylogeny: the evolutionary history of a taxon)

Evolution: Taxonomy 16

Classification of Organisms Appendix

Evolution: Taxonomy 17

posted by Marc Bernard Carmichael in Biology Eleven,Biology Eleven Notes and have No Comments

Biology 11 ( For your resource sheets!) April 21

Biology 11 Lesson Outline                                      Date April 21th



Last lessons Objective



Turning over a new leaf

Today’s Objectives  

1.   Gymnosperm Quizzes

2.   Angiosperm Quiz

3.   Welcome to the world of animals




Number One


Gymnosperm resources to make a better “resource” sheet


Powerpoints and note



All these found at google. Type in gymnosperm powerpoints. If you click on Title ( blue font) the powerpoint will download information to your computer


Chapter 18 Gymnosperms



1   Cached

2   Similar

Gymnosperms. Chapter 18. Two major groups of vascular plants: A. Seedless plants – reproduce via spores. B. Seed plants – reproduce via seeds. 1. Seed = a  …




Lecture 12: Gymnosperms and Angiosperms



1   Cached

Introduction – Gymnosperm means “naked seed” (From the Greek: gymnos … The seeds of the gymnosperms lack a protective enclosure (unlike flowering plants …



Gymnosperms PowerPoint Templates – Boundless

www.boundless.com › … › Biology PowerPoint Templates › Seed Plants


1   Cached

Gymnosperms PowerPoint template, based on college intro-level Biology content . All Boundless PowerPoints are free to edit, share, and use in your class.







1   Cached

2   Similar

Gymnosperms. Spring 2010. Outline. Review of land plant phylogeny; Characters of seed plants; Gymnosperm phylogeny & diversity. Gnetophytes; Cycads …




Can you download “gymnosperm quiz” from Science teachers.com?


Are you able to have unique facts about all the gymnosperm species?


Can you answer how gymnosperms have adapted to living in both deserts and mountians?


Do you have a generic and specific life cycle with information on pollination and gameto and spermato phyte adaptions?


Work together as a group yet have your own unique strategy for putting down information for your self.


Number Two


These will be multiple choice questions. Remember that Angiosperms are the masters of adaption. How have they changed fertilization and pollination to make fruit? What are the names of all the structures they have used to adapt? Why have angiosperms become so successful in adapting?


For both gymno and angio worksheets, get quizlet info yet realize a lot of this stuff is for what level questions.


Number Three

Welcome to the world of multicellular animals and invertebrates! Will update in class.


We will have a worksheet and powerpoint to introduce this unit!


What are charuacteristics of an animal?





Basic question to ponder..

Plant have tissues, hormones, and unique life cycles to get water and to reproduce. They also make their own energy.


So you are now an animal. How do you get your food? How do you digest that food? How do you coordinate a new group of tissues to move? These and many other cool questions are now on the table.


Make sure to sign up for “biobucks”. Notice new visitors in the classroom and see what happened with pea plants!

Text book Reference


Chapter on

Terrestrial Plants

Introduction to animals

Porifera and Cnidarians


You tube Reference What is an invertebrate?








Take Home Message ·      It can be fun to adapt..  


posted by Marc Bernard Carmichael in Biology Eleven,Biology Eleven Lesson Outline,Biology Eleven Notes and have No Comments

Bio 11 Bio Intel Mission One

Biology 11 “Bio Intel Mission One”


Your Mission  

For the last five months you have been introduced to the science of biology. You have studied how to look at living things by using microscopes, petri dishes, dichotomous keys and linking those observations to some key ideas in biology such as evolution and taxonomy.


Now you are being given the mission to gather intel on a specific group of living things.


To keep things organized, you, as a class with organize your data in comparison to the group of organisms known as Protist. You will be divided into three intel gathering groups ( plants, animals and fungi)


Part One  

Each group member is responsible for having a legal size piece of paper with six activities of life and six big ideas .


Each group should have at least 6 team members


Each group needs to organize 15- 20 minutes of information to include:


An introductory written reference to explain and show how you are going to compare your group to protist:


You presentation should include:

A power point organizer

·      To show pictures of the diversity of your group

·      A media reference to your group of organisms

·      Discuss 6 activities of life

·      Discuss 6 big ideas

A simple 12 question Quiz on your information

A reference to a dichotomous key.

A simple classification activity (can be within power point)


The purpose of intel session

·      Can you show similarities and differences between your groups actitivies of life to protist?

·      Can you show similarities and differences between how your group is linked to the six big ideas and protist.

·      Can you get us..the class..into your “world” using protist as a common reference point.


Phase one

Intel update

Each group to provide simple intel session including the criteria from above.


No longer than 20 minutes, no less than 15 minutes.


Please keep all information brief and to the point.


Each group be required to to have a simple 12 question evaluation for the other two groups to take.


It will be the groups responsibility to mark this evaluation.


Phase two

Pathfinder mission

For future classes, your group will be used as specialist to assist in inquiry based learning challenges.
Phase Three

Joint mission

For future classes, your groups will combine to explore ecological problem based challenges.
posted by Marc Bernard Carmichael in Biology Eleven,Biology Eleven Notes and have No Comments

Pesky Protist Project

Your mission Biology Eleven Protist Project

As prestigious and hard working Protist researchers, you have been invited to the second annual Royal Victoria Lake Golf Tournament. The Royal Victoria golf club is located in Tanzania, by the shores of lovely Lake Victoria. Unfortunately; at the first tournament several guest became ill with a variety of symptoms. During the past year, several guest microbiologist and virologist have played the manicured greens of Royal Victoria. None of them were able to isolate a pathogenic virus or bacteria.  Your mission, as individual groups, and as a class, is to solve the problem of pesky Protists preventing proper putting!


To Begin Part One: What you need to know and do….

1.     In a group of two or three select one of the Protists in table 2

2.     Make a overhead copy of the complete life cycle of your Protist, showing changes in shape or body forms, possible paths of transmission, possible inflammation responses in hosts. Record life cycle, pathology and shapes on table 1 10 marks

·       List all possible hosts and vectors (included in life cycle)

·       Show how one of the guest could have been infected by your Protist.

( include in life cycle)

·       List type of guests that may be most “at risk” of getting your disease.

( include in life cycle

Evaluation Marking Plan 1.     ist all possible symptoms for you infection                                              5 marks

2.     List possible medical cures or treatments.                                                5 marks

3.     List possible environmental or sanitary solutions.                                    5 marks

4.     Be prepared to explain how to prevent an epidemic of your disease        5 marks

5.     List what test can be done to diagnose your disease                                5 marks

subtotal 35 marks


In a class symposium:


1. Each group will present each disease using   a power

2. Each group need to propose a possible solution for preventing future epidemics

3. Complete Table 2 subtotal 15 marks

Total project worth 50 marks

What information you need to have on presentation day:

·       list of symptoms

·       your disease table

·       group disease table (handed out in class)

·       map of Royal Victoria golf course




To be in Presentation

Some Local Knowledge:

(possible clues have been highlited)

1.     Close to the Royal Victoria course is “Uncle Bob’s Wild Kingdom Adventure Park“. Last year, on a her first world wide tour, a guest speaker from Canada, Dr. I. B. Hiker, brought a baby beaver as a live specimen. It should also be noted that previous stops on Dr. Hiker’s tour included Mexico and South America.


2.     Up stream from the golf club, The International Darwinian Society, has established a retreat for missionaries from South America.



3.     Next to nearby swamp. an amorous ex San Francisco Fourty Niner football player, Buck “Too Tall” Swenson has decided to start a cattle ranch with his only companion being a large mean cat named “Shep“.


4.     To assist the operation of the golf club, a migrant band Hootoos ( who may be distant relatives of the late great Dr. David Bruce) have set up a makeshift community.

Using the Map For your project

You will have a map and you will need to discuss possible paths or vectors


posted by Marc Bernard Carmichael in Biology Eleven,Biology Eleven Notes and have No Comments