" The Big Picture!" by Mr C

VSB Science Blog

Pesky Protist Project

Your mission Biology Eleven Protist Project

As prestigious and hard working Protist researchers, you have been invited to the second annual Royal Victoria Lake Golf Tournament. The Royal Victoria golf club is located in Tanzania, by the shores of lovely Lake Victoria. Unfortunately; at the first tournament several guest became ill with a variety of symptoms. During the past year, several guest microbiologist and virologist have played the manicured greens of Royal Victoria. None of them were able to isolate a pathogenic virus or bacteria.  Your mission, as individual groups, and as a class, is to solve the problem of pesky Protists preventing proper putting!


To Begin Part One: What you need to know and do….

1.     In a group of two or three select one of the Protists in table 2

2.     Make a overhead copy of the complete life cycle of your Protist, showing changes in shape or body forms, possible paths of transmission, possible inflammation responses in hosts. Record life cycle, pathology and shapes on table 1 10 marks

·       List all possible hosts and vectors (included in life cycle)

·       Show how one of the guest could have been infected by your Protist.

( include in life cycle)

·       List type of guests that may be most “at risk” of getting your disease.

( include in life cycle

Evaluation Marking Plan 1.     ist all possible symptoms for you infection                                              5 marks

2.     List possible medical cures or treatments.                                                5 marks

3.     List possible environmental or sanitary solutions.                                    5 marks

4.     Be prepared to explain how to prevent an epidemic of your disease        5 marks

5.     List what test can be done to diagnose your disease                                5 marks

subtotal 35 marks


In a class symposium:


1. Each group will present each disease using   a power

2. Each group need to propose a possible solution for preventing future epidemics

3. Complete Table 2 subtotal 15 marks

Total project worth 50 marks

What information you need to have on presentation day:

·       list of symptoms

·       your disease table

·       group disease table (handed out in class)

·       map of Royal Victoria golf course




To be in Presentation

Some Local Knowledge:

(possible clues have been highlited)

1.     Close to the Royal Victoria course is “Uncle Bob’s Wild Kingdom Adventure Park“. Last year, on a her first world wide tour, a guest speaker from Canada, Dr. I. B. Hiker, brought a baby beaver as a live specimen. It should also be noted that previous stops on Dr. Hiker’s tour included Mexico and South America.


2.     Up stream from the golf club, The International Darwinian Society, has established a retreat for missionaries from South America.



3.     Next to nearby swamp. an amorous ex San Francisco Fourty Niner football player, Buck “Too Tall” Swenson has decided to start a cattle ranch with his only companion being a large mean cat named “Shep“.


4.     To assist the operation of the golf club, a migrant band Hootoos ( who may be distant relatives of the late great Dr. David Bruce) have set up a makeshift community.

Using the Map For your project

You will have a map and you will need to discuss possible paths or vectors


posted by Marc Bernard Carmichael in Biology Eleven,Biology Eleven Notes and have No Comments

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