" The Big Picture!" by Mr C

VSB Science Blog

Archive for November, 2015

Biology 11 Evolution of the Blank

Biology Eleven

Evolution Project: Evolution of the _________.

The purpose of this activity is to find an item within your life that you can examine and explore ideas related to the concept of evolution. For example; how has a particular toy changed since you were a child? How has the fashion of shoes changed? What about the evolution of “Barbie” or GI Joe? Has there been a change in sporting items such as: skis, snowboards; baseball gloves and golf clubs?

Part One: Selecting an item ( 4 marks)
Select an item within your life that you have been interested in since your were a child. This item can be a type of toy, a sporting item, an article of clothing or another category that you wish to present. Once you have selected an item, please consult with me and sign up to insure no duplication of projects.

What are you looking for?

In reference to your item, find and provide evidence of a minimum of four stages of structural alterations that have occurred.
Show these stages with a diagram, drawing or rich written description.
Part Two: Describing your item ( 8 marks)
By observing and describing qualitative and quantitative observations of your item, describe how the features of your item have changed with time.
Using the biological vocabulary listed in your vocabulary sheet, describe changes of your items in biological terminology.
Cite evidence of items that may have been ancestors to your item.
Make a family tree of your item
On your family tree show possible convergence and divergence, and any other patterns of inheritance.

Part Three: Mechanisms of change and your item total: (8 marks)

Describe mechanisms that caused the change

Using Lamarack’s and Darwin’s ideas to explain why or how your item changed with time ( 4 marks).
Use your family tree to describe and label possible mechanisms of change.
( 2 marks)

Compare two other non-biological mechanisms or causes for changes of your items, ( For example: Consumerism, Media and advertising, Fads and economics). ( 2 marks)
Presentations of assignment:

You can present your information in one of the following choices:

A web page ( on a disk or on line)
A written report with diagrams ( in a duotang binder)
A poster board with a written explanation of the content on the board.
You will be judged not on the amount of content but the quality of content. So please do not attempt to publish a book!
Content will be marked both on quality of presentation ( please type out material) and effort shown while working on project
Complete prior to consultation:
You first item choice

second choice

Stages of development

Stages of development

Possible ancestor

Possible ancestor

Confirmation of consultation

Confirmation of consultation

posted by Marc Bernard Carmichael in Biology Eleven,Biology Eleven Lesson Outline and have No Comments

Bio 11 Evolution Review Sheet

Biology Eleven:    Evolution Exam Review


An almost complete vocabulary list ( check text for extra terms)


Vocabulary Term Your definition and example
accidental selection  
adaptive radiation  
artificial selection  
artificial selection  
directional evolution  
fixity of species  
isolation mechanism  
natural selection  
punctuated equilibrium  


Topic One: Adaptation

  • What are some theories or ideas related to the origins of life?
  • What is the fundamental unit of life and what are the activities of this unit?
  • What is an adaptation?
  • How does an adaptation become favourable?
  • What are examples of different types of adaptations
  • How could observed adaptations be associated with a theory?
  • What happens if a species fails to adapt?


Topic two: The Process of Evolution

  • What is the difference between a process and a mechanism?
  • Why can the term “evolution” be interpreted several ways?
  • How can one observe that a change has occurred?
  • What patterns can be hypothesized with changes in:
  • fossils: what sort of changes can fossils have and how can observations be misleading?
  • embryology: how are embryos associated with family trees?
  • anatomy: What is the significance of homologous and analogous structures and how could they be linked to ideas about convergence and divergence?
  • physiology How are tissue structures and functions related to evolution?
  • biochemistry How are proteins and amino acid sequences associate with DNA and how species are related?


  • What are some possible sources of error with fossil proof?
  • How is the earth’s geography associated with how species change?
  • If species can be proven to change with time, what factors effect that change?
  • What is the principle of convergence and divergence?


Topic Three: Mechanisms of Evolution

  • Why do species change or do they remain the same?
  • How could the process of reproduction be associated with the mechanisms of evolution?
  • Adaptation allows an organism to evolve so what causes an adaptation?
  • Are adaptation inherited through use and disuse?
  • Are adaptations controlled by some form of natural selection?
  • How is speciation related to a mechanism of change?
  • How is the rate of change associated with how an organism adapts?


  • From a scientific point of view, what are some of the weakness of Lamarck’s argument
  • What did Lamarck contribute to evolutionary ideas?


  • What are the five specific points of Darwin’s mechanism of evolution?
  • What is the importance of individual variation within a population?
  • In order for an adaptation to be selected what must occur?
  • What is the importance and or contribution of sexual reproduction in evolution?


  • How could today’s ideas (i.e. genetic influence, symbiotic relationships etc.) be consistent or against Darwin and Lamarck’s ideas?
  • What biological discoveries have contributed to changing the interpretation of evolution?


posted by Marc Bernard Carmichael in Biology Eleven,Biology Eleven Lesson Outline and have No Comments

Cartoon physics

Click on the above title  and you should see document with pictures included

Science 10 : Comic Physics Project

Have you ever wondered what you favourite cartoon character would be thinking if they were physicist?


“Here is a famous world war one flying ace about to defy the forces of gravity.

If I leave the ground at 7am and travel at a fixed velocity of 100 miles an hour, when will I reach the front lines which are 600 kilometers away? What about my acceleration? How can this dog house defy the laws of gravity? “


Your mission is to select five physics situations from the following list:


Moving with a fixed velocity

·         Going up

·         Going down

·         Going fast

·         Going slow

·         Going forward

·         Going Backwards

·         Staying in one place



·         Speeding up

·         Slowing down

·         Going upward

·         Going downward

·         Fixed velocity

·         Due to Gravity



The famous world war one flying takes to the sky’s above Europe in search of the dreaded Red Baron

Part One

A)     From this list of 13 options select five examples that you want to show as a physics graph and as a cartoon.

·         For example

Snoopy is taking off to fight the Red Baron

Make a graph to show lifting of the ground as a velocity verses time line.

Part Two

Select three of your examples and complete the story as shown in the next table.

Write up on 8×11 paper

Format should be typed



Physics Explanation



Cartoon Situation
Formulas and Theories


Gravity is a force that takes affect as soon as the object starts to move. As the object falls the velocity of the object changes so there is acceleration.


From the first graph, we notice that in less than a few seconds the distance travelled by the object is rapidly increasing. The formula for determining the velocity of a falling object after a time of t seconds is

vf = g * t



Example Calculations:

At t = 6 s vf = (9.8 m/s2) * (6 s) = 58.8 m/s

At t = 8 s vf = (9.8 m/s2) * (8 s) = 78.4 m/s



In the Cartoon shown Wile E Coyote remains frozen in space until he looks down.


The longer he does not look down the less likely the force of gravity apply


Though cartoon physics is funny, it does not Even


posted by Marc Bernard Carmichael in Science 10,Science Ten Lessons and have No Comments

Science 10 November 4 Lesson

Science 10 Lesson Outline                            Date: Nov 4nd


Last lessons Objectives


Submarine Challenge

Gravity and acceleration Question



Acceleration Worksheet

Today’s Objective 1 Why does gravity not work in cartoons?

2 In class review questions from online

3 Time line for next three weeks



Number One

Physics project


Physics of cartoons



Please look at assignment on Comics and physics





Number Two

This is a very detailed review of the complete Unit of Motion

Remember that next week is a lab practical and a pretest of the unit.




If you go to page 36, you will find an answer key to al quiz questions.


You should start with checking you vocabulary strength by looking at glossary on page 35 and making cue cards to quiz your self.


Also look at this quizlet.



How to avoid making mistakes in any physics questions.

1.1      Do not start calculations with a calculator

1.2      Extract the facts from the question.

1.3      Check to see if any units do not match (for example time is in seconds and velocity is in km/hour.

1.4      Convert units without numerical values first to make sure units cancel.

1.5      Simplify conversion after adding numerical units.

1.6      Do not use the calculator prior to simplification

1.7      Show your work, in long hand and with units.

1.8      Once you calculate the answer with calculator, does the answer make sense ( the object was moving at 350 m/sec2. This means that an object is changing velocity almost nine times the force of gravity. If the question is about an accelerating snail, the answer just does not make sense!

1.9      If you simplify your work, and round up or down to a factor of ten, you can get a great ballpark answer to compare with. For example 38/ 7 is close to 40/10.

1.10   Go back to rule number one!




Number Three

A students in Tuesday’s assembly will take make up quiz on Thursday at Lunch.


The Comics and Physics assignment is due end of next week.




Work book Reference  


You tube Reference  



How to set up and do basic physics questions.



How to do basic velocity questions.



Wiki shows 12 step to solve velocity questions



Real world physics questions




Other stuff! Contact Mr Carmichael to confirm


after school time to test egg speriment.


Next Class Tuesday: Lab Quizzes ( one on velocity and one on acceleration)

Friday : Unit Pretest

Take Home Message “the price of gravity is falling”  



posted by Marc Bernard Carmichael in Science 10,Science Ten Lessons and have No Comments

Biology 11 November 5th Lesson

Biology 11 Lesson Outline                                      Date Nov 5th



Last lessons Objective



GAP Notes chapter 3 (History of theory)

Today’s Objectives Performanc, Feedback and Revision

Baba Berkman peer reviewed Rap Song on Evolution



o  What makes a “good” argument?

o  Comparing Darwin to Lamarck

o  Comparing Natural to Artificial Selection



Number One

What makes a good argument?

Example: “This is a good song”



Question One: What makes a good song?

·      Snappy lyrics that make no sense!

·      Repeating musical pattern!

·      Hidden innuendo in song!


Question Two: What if we compare same song but two different versions?



Feedback…too intense..another artist please..revision





Question Three:

Why should anyone get a dog?

Make a Pro and Con Table


Pro                               Con

Companionship         Responsibility

Exercise                       Expensive

Release Stress             Allergies


Use following data to generate a if and then statement



A then B

If our family wants to live happy, then we

should reduce stress.


B then C

A way to reduce stress is to interact a dog.


A then C

If our family wants to live happy, then we should get a dog!


 Lab due at end of the week

Number Two


So whose theory did Darwin argue with?

Darwin verse Lamarack


Darwin’s argument

A yahoo version



An more academic version



Lets revise..and simply


If a population grows without any limiting factor is grows at a geometric rate.

Geometric growth leads to over population

Yet there is no over population and this is due to “a struggle for existence” ( related to economics idea by Malthus)


Part two

With a population, the is a diverse range of how a trait is shown. (think about a litter of puppies).


Those traits that allow the species to survive, are passed onto the next generation.


The mechanism that select which traits are passied onto the next generation is a natural selection.

Note..”survival of the fittest” was not first written by Darwin.




Wallace also noticed a selection process by natural sources in his collection of animals.


The main focus of Darwin’s argument was to challenge Lamarck’s idea that individual species changed with time due to use and disuse of traits.


He used fossil records and data acquired in his five year voyage to propose “the origin of the species”.


In regards to his interpretation of changes in beak structure of finches, we should not that

Each island had limited predation, a unique habitat that created a variety of food sources. These factors within the environment were used to support his argument.










Darwin Verses Lamarck




Comparison Table




Focus Questions:

Is a theory a fact?

How does the scientific method provide structure to create a theory?

How are direct and indirect evidence used to replace an actual experiment that validates Darwin’s ideas?

Is there a way to create an experiment that could validate the mechanisms of evolution?

For Darwin, what selects a trait?

How does this differ with Lamarck?

What is a common missing factor that both Darwin and Lamarck did not know about?

How could you disprove Lamarck idea of an acquired characteristics?



Number Three

Natural verse Artificial Selection

Natural Selection






answering question about natural selection




This is not a proof that changes occur with time, it is a proposal of the mechanism as to why things change with time.


Artificial Selection






Text book Ref


Chapter Three

Case study on Moths (Natural Selection)

Page 96 in Nelson Text

Answer all question and put into green duotang


Case study DDT ( Artificial Selection)

Page 101 in Nelson Text

Answer all questions and put into green duotang

You tube Reference Natural Selection Rap



Artificial Selection Rap



Take Home Message A theory is a form of an objective argument based upon evidence that is usually used to support a hypothesis that has been replicated in a variety of formats.


Theories can change with time and they are not facts.


To create a logically sound argument, it is wise to examine objective evidence that both supports and argues the premise that you are defending.


Do not go into a battle of wits with an unarmed opponent.


posted by Marc Bernard Carmichael in Biology Eleven,Biology Eleven Lesson Outline and have No Comments

Bio 12 Nov 5th Lesson

Biology 12 Lesson Outline                                      Date Nov 5th



Last lessons Objective




Contrary to rumour..you still have to do this lab right!


Today’s Objectives https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KDZEfJYr25A


Finding the isotonic solution to match a sweet potato


1.   Designing a lab to test osmosis in a living thing

2.   How to make a percent concentration

3.   Making graphs to compare change in mass with time and change in mass with concentration



Number One


So what examples of labs are online?




Should you salt fries before or after cooking?



Research on how to learn and evaluate the idea of osmosis.



McDonald’s story about “fries”



The Quest For French Fry Supremacy




Number Two

What is a percent solution?

To calculate the mass percent or weight percent of a solution, you must divide the mass of the solute by the mass of the solution (both the solute and the solvent together) and then multiply by 100 to change it into percent.


The science behind why we use percent solutions in biology



How does using molarity differ from percent solution


a)    A comparison



A concept explaination



How to make a best fit line






How to handle scattered data




Number Three

How to write up a lab


Contrary to previous experiences..a lab report is not a cookbook recipe.


These are some examples:








Special Notes


1)   Introduction: always discuss the problem you are trying to solve and a testable idea (the hypothesis)

2)   In materials and methods: Be specific so that you can go back and find sources of experimental error.

3)   Discussion and Results: This is the section where you manipulate and discuss the data and the lab. In the discussion you can look at sources of error.

4)   Conclusion: Always discuss in a simple statement the following three things:

a)   How did your lab results relate to you testable idea.

b)   What are the specific sources of error?

c)    What variable could you use for a follow up lab


Text book Reference


Online sources for comparison of potatoes and osmosis




You tube Reference Wiki link on all things osmosis




Sample questions on osmosis




Simple quiz



Diffusion quiz




Take Home Message ·      Remember..where the salt goes ..the water flows

·      If you are going to do a job..might as well do it right (make up lab time after school)


·      Sadly, sleeping on you text book is not like osmosis, information doesn’t just flow into your brain.


·      “I give up” is not a viable option


Complete lab due Next Friday


posted by Marc Bernard Carmichael in Biology 12,Biology 12 Lesson Outline and have No Comments