" The Big Picture!" by Mr C

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Biology 12 Lesson Sept 28 2016

Biology 12 Lesson Outline                            Date: Sept 28 2016


Last lessons Objective


1.    Nucleic acid to ATP, RNA and DNA  
Today’s Objective a)    Practice quiz identifying biomolecules

b)   How to study productively

c)    Introduction to the cell


Number One

Review of structure and function of biomolecules



Number Two

How to study productively

Studying is a balance between what you do and why you do it.

·      If you change the reason why you study, then you will also change what you do.

·      If you start study sessions with an objective to learn and take a quiz to discover what you do not know, then after a study session you can note how much you have processed by retaking the same evalutation.

·      Text books already have questions within each chapter to focus your attention on the specific information that could answer the questions within the text.

·      Information can be ranked from finding a simple fact by asking “what”.

·      As you change the question from what to how or why, you need find more evidence to answer the question.

·      Making to notes to memorize limits the depth of information you can discover.

·      Linking facts together fact with facts can be used explain both how and why,

·      The objective of each study session should be to evolve from simple whats to hows and whys.

·      Remember..the mind is like a parachute, it only works if it is open.

·      When you study, open your path of inquiry


Number Three

Introduction to the Cell

a)    The cell Theory


b)   Importance of surface area to volume



c)    Life inside and outside of the cell




Text Reference Chapter 3


You tube Reference Really cool stuff!


Cell structure



Cell structure and function



BBC The cell:the hidden kingdom



BBC secret of life




Class Notes References New set of class notes handed out


Take Home message



To be inspired…you need to let go of those things that make you uninspired. Evaluation Next Class
posted by Marc Bernard Carmichael in Science 10 and have No Comments

comparing parasitic worms

Comparing Parasitic Worms


  Tapeworm Liver Fluke Ascaris Trichinella
Phylum Platyhelminthes Platyhelminthes Nematoda Nematoda
Class Cestoda Trematoda    
How is this worm adapted to a parasitic lifestyle? 1.     Scolex with hooks for attaching to intestines of host

2.    No mouth or digestive system – long flat body absorbs nutrients directly from host

3.    Sensory receptors reduced or absent

4.    Tegument (modified epidermis) protects against hosts digestive enzymes and immune system

5.    Cuticle secreted by the epidermis also protects the worm

6.    Hermaphroditic with well developed reproductive system capable of mating with each other and producing hundreds of thousands of eggs (no digestive system makes more room for eggs)

7.    Proglottids capable of mating with each other, drop off when eggs ripe to infect intermediary host

8.    Embryos form a bladder or cyst in intermediary host and wait to be eaten by primary host

1.     Oral sucker for attaching to host

2.    tegument ot protect against hosts’s digestive juices and immune system

3.    Larvae able to burrow through host tissues and use the circulatory system to travel throughout the body

1.     Female lays 200,000 eggs per day which pass out with feces

2.    When new host eats contaminated food new infection occurs

3.    Larvae able to burrow through host tissues and use the circulatory system to travel throughout the body

1.     Larvae form cysts in muscle tissue

2.    When muscle eaten by predator, larvae are released into stomach to begin life cycle

3.    Larvae able to burrow through host tissues and use the circulatory system to travel throughout the body


posted by Marc Bernard Carmichael in Science 10 and have No Comments

Porifera Gap Notes

Biology 11

Mr Carmichael

Name: ___________________________ Date: _________ Block: ___



The Invertebrates

Text page 304


  • An invertebrate is any animal that lacks a ______________.
  • Of the 36 animal phyla, only one phylum includes animals with backbones, the Vertebrates. This is the phylum ______________ which includes us humans.
  • Approximately 95% of all animals on earth are Invertebrates
  • We will study the following 8 Invertebrate Phyla:
  1. Phylum ______________ (Sponges)
  2. Phylum ______________ (Jellyfish, Anemone, Corals, etc.)
  3. Phylum ______________ (Flatworms)
  4. Phylum ______________ (Roundworms)
  5. Phylum ______________ (Segmented Worms)
  6. Phylum ______________ (Clams, Snails, Slugs, Squids, etc.)
  7. Phylum ______________ (Insects, Crustaceans, Spiders, etc.)
  8. Phylum ______________ (Sea Stars, Sea Cucumbers, Sea Urchins, etc.)


  • In order to survive, all animals must be able to perform 7 essential functions:
  1. ______________: Obtain energy and nutrients for survival
  2. ______________: Consume oxygen and give off carbon dioxide
  3. ______________: Circulatory system to carry oxygen, food and wasted to and from cells of the body
  4. ______________: Eliminate poisonous waste from the body
  5. ______________: Sensory cells and nervous system to find food, spot predators and locate others of their own kind
  6. ______________: Either sexual (helps create genetic diversity) or asexual
  7. ______________: Musculo-skeletal system


Phylum Porifera: The Sponges

(Latin: porus = “pore”, ferre = “to bear”)

Pages 304-306


  1. Background:
  • Porifera means “animal with pores” and sponges have a lot of pores
  • Sponges are the ______________ and ______________ of animals


DID YOU KNOW!!!: The oldest known animal fossils are sponges


  • Many early naturalists thought that sponges were plants. In 1765 the internal water currents were observed which led to the realization that sponges are animals
  • There are over 5,000 different species, most live in salt water but a few species live in fresh water
  • Sponges have been used for thousands of years for cleaning and other purposes


  • 3 Major Classes:

There are three major Classes of Poriferans:

  1. ______________: Sponges containing Calcium carbonate (chalk) spicules
  2. ______________: Sponges containing Silica (glass) spicules
  3. ______________: Sponges containing Silica (glass) spicules and Spongin (~ 90% of all sponges)


  1. Body Plan/Structure:
  • ______________ – the most primitive multicellular animal group
  • ______________ or sometimes ______________ symmetrical body plan
  • Two types of openings:
    • ______________ (plural: ostia) = small pore in the side of the sponge where water flows ______________ to the sponge
    • ______________ (plural: oscula) = large opening at the top of the sponge where water flows______________ of the sponge
  • ______________ = central cavity surrounded by walls with thousands of pores
  • ______________ level of organization
    • no true tissues, no organs, muscles, nerves, mouth or digestive cavity
    • just groups or specialized cells that all serve different functions


  • Two cell layers:
    • ______________ outside
    • ______________ inside
    • ______________ = jelly-like layer in between the ______________ and the ______________ (not a cell layer)
  • Four types of specialized cells
    • Epidermal cells (______________) = Ectoderm
    • Collar Cells (______________) = Endoderm
    • Pore Cells (______________) = Line the Pores (Ostia)
    • Amoeba Cells (______________) = Roam through the ______________
  • Skeleton
    • Skeletons of some sponges are made of ______________ which are produced and secreted by the ______________
    • ______________ come in many shapes and sizes
    • Some ______________ are made out of ______________ (chalk) while others are made out of ______________ (glass)
    • Spicules can be woven together by protein fibres called ______________
    • Most sponges have both ______________ and ______________


III. Feeding:

  • Sponges are filter feeders: – eat primarily ______________
    • ______________ cells (______________) have ______________ which create a steady current of water through the pores (______________) and into the central cavity (______________)
    • As water enters the sponge through the pores (ostia) it passes the ______________ cells (Choanocytes)
    • Particles of food in the water are trapped by ______________ on the ______________ cells (Choanocytes)
    • ______________ cells (Choanocytes) engulf food and digest it
    • Undigested food passes to the ______________ in the ______________
    • The ______________ roam from ______________ cell to ______________ cell collecting nutrients and distributing it to other cells
    • Water exits through a the large hole at the top of the sponge (_________)


DID YOU KNOW!!!: A four inch tall sponge that is half an inch in diameter can filter up to 30 gallons of water a day


  1. Respiration:
  • The water current flowing through the sponge delivers oxygen to the sponge cells.
  • The cells take up the oxygen and release carbon dioxide through simple ______________


  1. Excretion:
  • The water current which flows through the sponge carries waste out of the top of the sponge (______________).


  1. Response:
  • Many sponges protect themselves by producing toxins
  • That make them unpalatable or poisonous to potential predators


VII. Reproduction:

  • Asexual:
    • ______________ – new sponge grows on parent then falls off to create a new animal
    • Sponges can ______________ after being pulled apart
  • Sexual
    • Eggs and sperm (______________) are released into the water
    • Most species are ______________– one individual possesses both eggs and sperm
    • Eggs and sperm are released at different times to assure ______________


DID YOU KNOW!!!: Sponges are the only animals that if broken down to the level of their cells, can miraculously reassemble and resurrect themselves


VIII. Movement:

  • Sponges are ______________ and do not move.
  • However, during sexual reproduction the fertilized egg develops into a free-swimming ______________ larva.       The larva attach to the bottom of the ocean and undergo ______________ to form the adult sponges


  1. Ecological Roles of Sponges:
  • Sponges help clean the water of the oceans
  • They provide food, homes and shelter for other organisms
  • They can form symbiotic relationships with algae
posted by Marc Bernard Carmichael in Science 10 and have No Comments

Taxonomy PLO’s

Biology 11






By the end of this unit, you must be able to:      


  1. apply the Kingdom system of classification to study the diversity of organisms
  • explain how the following principles are used in taxonomy to classify organisms:
    • evolutionary relationships
    • biochemical relationships
    • homologous structures
    • embryological relationships
  • compare characteristics of a prokaryotic cell with those of a eukaryotic cell
  • describe the unifying characteristics of organisms in each of the following kingdoms:
    • Monera
    • Protista
    • Fungi
    • Plantae
    • Animalia
  • classify selected organisms using the following taxons: kingdom, phylum (and sub-phylum), class, order, family, genus, species
  • apply binomial nomenclature to name selected organisms
  • use classification keys
  • observe organisms to recognize common characteristics
  • demonstrate ethical, responsible, co-operative behaviour
  • show respect for living things



By the end of this unit, you must be able to define the following terms:


o     binomial nomenclature

o     biochemical relationship

o     class

o     embryological relationship

o     eukaryotic cell

o     evolutionary relationship

o     family

o     genus

o     homologous structure

o     kingdom

o     order

o     phylum

o     prokaryotic cell

o     species

o     sub-phylum

o     taxonomy/taxon


posted by Marc Bernard Carmichael in Science 10 and have No Comments

Mr C’s Chapter 2 Notes

Chapter Two Notes

Big Ideas in Biology: Change with Time

What is the significance of a change with time? How do we define evolution? What are some patterns of evolution and how can we prove that a change actually occurred. How are species formed or changed with time? These are the primary questions in chapter two.

Evolution is:

an explanation for the increase in biological diversity.
a theory that describes how current species are descendants of species of previous generations.
is a process by which populations show change (gradual or punctual) over several generations.
a basic definition of evolution is a gradual change of species with time.
First of all, a change within a species of organisms can be noted by a change in structure, habitat or even behaviour. This change can be refered to as an adaption.

When is a population of organisms considered to be adapted to it’s environment?

( this is a great question to remember..)

Even though the environment may change to a small degree, successive generations of offspring thrive.
The most desirable adaptations are those which give an organism a advantage to survive.

A way of showing a longer duration of change with time is to examine remnants of previous generations. These remnants can be actual bones or imprints of organisms. This preserved bits of structural or imprinted information are refered to as fossils.

Fossil records provide the most direct evidence of evolution
Most fossils are found in sandstone and limestone.
Problems with fossils:
There are gaps in fossil records

due to movement of the earth
no know record of organism in that time period
one organism eating another at one location and then depositing the remnant at another location
Some specimens are not complete organisms

The process of fossilization requires a specific type of soil

Some specimens are too soft to make a fossil

for example a shelled organism would make a better imprint than a worm)
With the advent of genetic research and cell biology, there are now new ways to establish indirect proof of a change with time:

Examining the stages of development of an embryo in a variety of species, there appears to be some similarities. This similarity was noted by …who said ” “. Basically, the development of an embryo shows the species phylogenic or family history.
2. Examining structures

There are three terms relative to structures that are useful for comparing species.

This table may be helpful for comparing homologous to analogous structures.

Structure type and example











no function

Pattern of Evolutions:


If an organisms develops similar structures due to living in similar environments but they are separated due to being geographically isolated, this is an example of convergent evolution. Basically two distinct species show a similarity, although they are not genetically link. The term converge means to come together.


Sources of change

The concept of speciation

The term “speciation” refers to the formation of new species. New species are formed when one population of the same species is separated from another and there is no exhange of genetic information between the two populations.

what can cause speciation?

isolating mechanisms that may lead to speciation

( remember diagram in class about sea snails)

While many of these isolation mechanisms may be crossed. For example a snail may adapt from one ecological environment to another. The one barrier that cannot not be crossed in natural situations is the reproductive or genetic barrier.

posted by Marc Bernard Carmichael in Science 10 and have No Comments

Bio 11 SS Lesson 2 Wed

Biology 11 Lesson Outline                                      Date July 6th



Last lessons Objectives





·      Life in “Gunner Bio”

·      What is biology (see concept map)

·      Observe and then what?

Today’s Objectives 1.   Why classify to understand Unity and Diversity



2.   How do you organize billions of species?



3.   How is classification linked to evolution?




Number One



·      Rewake (Yesterday’s Red Flags)

·      Recap

·      Today’s Mission


Inquiry questions

Classification and Taxonomy

·      How is taxonomy organized?

·      What is the significance of a bionomial systems?

·      Two types of classification techniques.


The original idea by Linnaeus was to make phylogenic tree, using a pattern of smallest to greatest similarity.

This idea did not consider evolutionary relationships between classified species.

How to make a dichotomous key





Leaf Lab: Using a guide to classify a sample leaf.







Activity time: approx. 30 minutes



Number Two


Initial Problem to solve

Power point

DNA and Classification




Key Concept:


In class:



DNA Evolution






Organisms are now classified that show lines of evolutionary descent.


Molecular similarities in DNA provide clues to similar species. (See case study). If a species has the same DNA how closely do you think the two species are?


A gene, is a segment of DNA. DNA is a code to produce proteins. Similarity in proteins can be used to classify organisms at a molecular level.


Classification of Insects

Using sample jar to classify insects.

Using Bio Lab Book


Another class activity


Reference Activity





Number Three



Chapter Two

·      Evidence of Evolution

·      Direct and Indirect evidence

·      Trouble with fossils

·      4 Types of indirect Evidence


Case study: Chapter Two Horses



Debrief and new topic 11-11:43


So far

·      Observe

·      Classify

·      Experiment

·      Theory


Text Book


Class Notes

Chapter One: Refer to online for focal points.

Chapter one Taxonomy

Just Taxonomy and not Viruses



You tube Reference Crash course



Amoeba Sisters



Bill Nye: Evolution






Prentice Hall



Vocab Taxonomy                     evolutionary classification

Binomial nomenclature   Cladogram

Kingdom                       domain

Phylum                         Eubacteria

Class                            Archeobacteria





Take Home Message “Comparisons can be Odious” Jack Keroac


Classification is arduous


Natural bodies are divided into three kingdomes of nature: viz. the mineral, vegetable, and animal kingdoms. Minerals grow, Plants grow and live, Animals grow, live, and have feeling.

Carolus Linnaeus

posted by Marc Bernard Carmichael in Science 10 and have No Comments

Bio 11 SS Word Assignment

Senior Biology

Mr MBK Carmichael

Name: ____________________ Date: __________ Block: _____


Word Dissections

Use the table of prefixes and suffixes to complete the two worksheets that follow. Note: some of the words in the list can be used as both a prefix and a suffix



a, an – without, lacking

ad – toward

amphi – two, both

ana – up, up against

anti – opposite

arch – ancient

arthro – jointed

auto – self, same

bi, bin – twice

bio – life

blast, blasto – sprout

bronch, broncho – windpipe

cardio – heart

carne, carni – flesh, meat

chloro – green

chrome, chromo – colour

co, con – with, together

coni – dust

cranio – skull

cyte, cyto – cell

de – away, remove

derm, dermis – layer, skin

di – two, twice

dia – across, through

diplo – double, two

eco – house, environment

ecto – outside, outer

en – in, into

endo – within

epi – amoung

eu – good, true

ex, exo – out, away from

extra – outside, beyond

gastro – stomach


gen – race, origin

geo – earth

hema, hemo – blood

herbi – plants

hetero – different

homo, homeo – same

hydro – water

hyper – over, above

hypo – under, below

inter – between

intra – inside

iso – equal

karyo – seed, kernal

leuco, leuko – white

macro, mega – large

micro – small

neuro – nerve

oo – egg

osteo – bone

para – beside

path, patho – disease

peri – around

photo – light

phyll – leaf

pneum, pneumono – lung

poly – many

pro, proto – before

pseudo – false

scope – to look

silico -silicon, quartz

sym, syn – together

therm, thermo – heat

taxis – arrangement

tox – poison

xyl, xylo – wood

zo, zoon – animal

zoa – animals

zyg – yolk or union




cide – killer, murder

cycle – circle

emia – blood

esis – action, process

fer – bearing fruit

gram – draw, record

graph – write, record

itis – inflammation

kinesis – movement

logy – study of

lysis – loosen, split

mer, mere – part

meter – measure

nomy – method

oma – swelling

osis – condition, disease

ous – characterized by

philic – love

plasm – mold, form

pod – foot

rrhea – flowing

septic – infected

some – of the body

stasis – stand, stop

stome – mouth

tom, tomy – to cut

trophy – nutrition

trop, tropy – move towards

vore, vorous – eater

y – quality of


Word Dissections

Worksheet 1 – Literal Meanings

Fill in the prefixes and suffixes for the following science terms.


  1. cardiogram = heart + record



  1. antiseptic ____________ + _____________
  2. xylotomy ____________ + _____________
  3. oocyte ____________ + _____________
  4. arthritis ____________ + _____________
  5. microtome ____________ + _____________
  6. chromosome ____________ + _____________
  7. blastogenesis ____________ + _____________ + _____________
  8. arthropod ____________ + _____________
  9. isomer ____________ + _____________
  10. thermograph ____________ + _____________
  11. ectoderm ____________ + _____________
  12. bronchitis ____________ + _____________
  13. leukocyte ____________ + _____________
  14. toxemia ____________ + _____________
  15. chlorophyll ____________ + _____________
  16. neurology ____________ + _____________
  17. biogeography ____________ + _____________ + ______________
  18. photochrome ____________ + _____________
  19. isothermal ____________ + _____________
  20. atom ____________ + _____________





Word Dissections

Worksheet 2 – Actual Meanings

Match the following science terms with their definitions.

Use Worksheet 1 to help you choose the correct answers.


eg: cardiogram = a graphical recording of a heartbeat



____ 1.    antiseptic                a) film that darkens when exposed to light

____ 2.   xylotomy                  b) a type of asexual reproduction

____ 3.   oocyte                     c) preparing wood for microscopic examination

____ 4.   arthritis                  d) a green pigment in plants cells

____ 5.   microtome                e) the prevention of infection

____ 6.   chromosome              f) tiny particle of matter, once thought to be                                                     indivisible

____ 7.   blastogenesis            g) animal with jointed legs and an exoskeleton

____ 8.   arthropod                 h) of constant temperature

____ 9.   isomer                     i)   the study of the nervous system

____ 10. thermograph             j) an egg cell

____ 11.   ectoderm                  k) chemical compounds composed of the same elements

____ 12. bronchititis              l)   painful inflammation of skeletal joints

____ 13. leukocyte                 m) a thermometer for recording variations in                                                       temperature

____ 14. toxemia                    n) white blood cells

____ 15. chlorophyll               o) a darkly staining structure found in the nucleus of a                                        cell

____ 16. neurology                 p) poisonous substances in the blood

____ 17. biogeography             q) outer layer of cells that forms the skin

____ 18. photochrome             r) branch of biology that deals with the distribution                                            of life forms around the world

____ 19. isothermal                s) inflammation of the breathing tubes

____ 20. atom                        t) a precision instrument for cutting thin sections of                                          tissue for microscopic examination









Word Dissections

Worksheet 3 – Making Words

Using your prefix-suffix list, write the biological term for each of the following.


eg:   A bacteria killer – “-cide” means killer, so the term would be “bactericide”.



  1. White cell = _________________________________


  1. Outside skeleton = _________________________________


  1. Middle layer of the leaf       = _________________________________


  1. Outside of the cell = _________________________________


  1. Study of animals   = _________________________________


  1. Study of form = _________________________________


  1. A one-celled organism = _________________________________


  1. A term describing an organism made up of many cells = __________________________


  1. Green leaf = _________________________________


  1. Person that studies cells       = _________________________________














posted by Marc Bernard Carmichael in Science 10 and have No Comments

Bio 11 Day 1 Summer School

Welcome to my blog.

Today’s introductory file will the the largest file.

Enclosed in today’s lesson notes will be the following:

Topic One: Art of Observation

How observant are you and how can you improve your skills regarding observation? Notice and look for clues. Can you measure something or use qualitative properties. As you observe, are you attempting to just sense what is in front of you verses wondering who may be calling you on your phone.

Refer to you classmates on this activity.

For further inspiration go to:


The mission  that you have chosen is simple and yet challenging.

In less than five weeks, you are attempting to learn and be accountable for a complete year’s course content. The following are the PLO’s and the amount of time usually prescribed for a full year course.


It is expected that students will:


Processes of science

A1 demonstrate safe and correct technique for a variety of laboratory procedures

A2 design an experiment using the scientific method

A3 interpret data from a variety of text and visual sources

Taxonomy (3-5 hours) 2-4 classes

B1 apply the Kingdom system of classification to study the diversity of organisms

Evolution (5-10 hours) 4-6 classes

C1 describe the process of evolution

Ecology (10-12 hours) 6-8 classes

D1 analyse the functional inter-relationships of organisms within an ecosystem

Microbiology (20-25 hours) 13-16 classes


E1 evaluate the evidence used to classify viruses as living or non-living

E2 evaluate the effects of viruses on human health

Kingdom Monera

E3 analyse monerans as a lifeform at the prokaryotic level of organization

E4 evaluate the effectiveness of various antibiotics, disinfectants, or antiseptics on bacterial cultures

Plant Biology (20-23 hours) 13-15 classes

F1 analyse how the increasing complexity of algae, mosses, and ferns represent an evolutionary continuum of adaptation to a land environment

F2 analyse how the increasing complexity of gymnosperms and angiosperms contribute to survival in a land environment

Animal Biology (32-35 hours) 22-24 classes

G1 analyse how the increasing complexity of animal phyla represents an evolutionary continuum

G2 analyse the increasing complexity of the Phylum Porifera and the Phylum Cnidaria

G3 analyse the increasing complexity of the Phylum Platyhelminthes, the Phylum Nematoda, and the Phylum Annelida

G4 analyse the increasing complexity of the Phylum Mollusca, the Phylum Echinodermata, and the Phylum Arthropoda

G5 relate the complexity of the form and function of vertebrates to the evolutionary continuum of animals


Class Protocol and Time line

Biology 11

Mr MBK Carmiichael Room 411


Policies and Expectations

Welcome to Summer School Biology 11. This course is only for people who are willing to work at an extremely accelerated rate. We will be completing one week’s worth of work EVERY DAY! This means tests every other day, 2 or more hours of homework daily and withdrawal for poor attendance. If you have failed Biology 11 before, I advise you not to take this course. People who have failed rarely obtain a mark higher than a pass. If you received lower than a C+ in Science 10, you will also have a difficult time working at this accelerated pace. It is very difficult to obtain an A in summer school. If you are not entirely committed to working on this course your chances of success are slim.

As your teacher, I will only be available during class time. Unlike regular school sessions, when the class ends, so does my teaching time. If you need to ask any questions, class time is the time to ask them.

I repeat, I leave the same time that you do.


Unless told otherwise, bring the following materials to EVERY class:

  • your textbook
  • your blue/black pen, pencil, eraser and ruler
  • your three-ringed binder containing:
    • all of the notes and assignments you have done to date
    • at least 20 pages of punched lined paper
    • at least 10 pages of punched unlined paper

If you don’t bring the necessary materials to class, you cannot do the required work. Do not expect to borrow materials from your teacher or your fellow classmates. You will be given only one copy of each handout, they will not be replaced! Make sure you have received all handouts before you leave the classroom or at the beginning of the period if you were absent the previous period. Assignments or parts of assignments not completed with the excuse “I didn’t get one” will not be given marks.


Regular attendance is expected. One class in summer school is equivalent to one weeks worth of classes in day school. For this reason, the summer school policy is for expulsion after 2 absences with no refund. Lates are also recorded and count as a half day absence.

Attendance will be taken immediately after the bell. You are expected to be in your seats with your materials ready by this time. You may be marked away if you are not in the classroom or in your seat when attendance is taken. Doctors, dentists and other appointments are not excuses for missing class. If you are serious about this course you will schedule your appointments around it.


Assignments and Tests

Homework assignments will be given daily. In most cases, class time will be given to at least begin the assignment. If you do not understand any aspect of the assignment, ask for an explanation before you leave the class. Assignments are due at the beginning of the next period. An assignment is considered late if it is not handed in with the rest of the class assignments and will be deducted 1/3 of the total possible marks. Late assignments will be accepted only until the end of the break the day they are due.

On average you will be tested every two days. You will be tested the next day on material just covered. For this reason it is very important that you follow along with the work in class. If you do not review the material daily and complete all the homework you will do poorly. Unless told otherwise, all your assignments must be completed in blue or black ink. Your assignments must be neat and all papers longer than one page must be stapled together. Any assignment folded, ripped out of the binder, not completed in ink, not stapled or otherwise mutilated must be resubmitted and will be accordingly marked late. Any paper turned in without a name will receive a zero.


The overall final letter grade will be a combination of the classroom mark (80%) and the final exam (20%). The classroom mark consists of test and quizzes (70%), labs (20%) and homework assignments (10%). Notice for quizzes may or may not be given, but at least one day’s notice will be given for each test. If you are away or late the day of quiz, test, lab or any other mark, you will receive a mark of zero. You will NOT be able to make up the mark. An interim report indicating your progress will be sent home after 3 weeks. You will not be able to increase your mark through extra work or projects. The only way to boost your overall final mark is to do well on the final exam.

Letter grades:

A     86-100%

B     73-85%

C+   67-72%

C     60-66%

C-   50-59%

F     0-49%

Topic Three: Tenative Course Outline:


Date Topic Chapter
July 5 The Nature of Science, Science of Nature

Taxonomy and classification

Levels of organization

July 6 Evolution – The role of DNA 1 and 2


July 7 Evolution – Adaptation and Change

Intro Quiz

July 8 Evolution – Theories to Explain Variation 3
July 11 Exam One,

Microbiology – Microscopes

July 12 Microbiology – Viruses 7
July 13 Microbiology – Bacteria 8
July 14 Micro Exam, Plants – Intro to Plants and Green Algae 9
July 15 Plants – Mosses and Ferns 10
July 18 Plants – Seed Plants 10
July 19 Plants – Plant Structure and Function 11
July 20 Plant Exam: Animals – Intro to animals, Sponges and Cnidarians 12
July 21 Animals – Worms 12
July 22 Animals – Worms and worm dissection 13
July 25 Animals – Molluscs, Arthropods and Echinoderms 13
July 26 Animals – Invertebrate chordates and Fish 14
July 27 Animals – Amphibians and reptiles 14
July 28 Animals – Birds and mammals 14
July 29 Animal Exam: Intro to Ecology 16
August 2 Ecology: Energy and Ecosystems 16
August 3 Ecology: Cycles and Systems  
August 4 Ecology – Populations and communities 20
August 5 Final Exam


To explain what you observe you need both a unique set of terms and a protocol to convert observations into a path towards scientific inquiry.


Name: ____________________ Date: __________ Block: _____



Topic Four : Sample of learning about Biology Word Dissections

Do you know what hematopoiesis is?

Biology can be filled with words that can be difficult to comprehend. By knowing the meanings of common biology prefixes and suffixes, complex biology words will be easier to understand. By “dissecting” these words into discrete units, even the most complex terms can be understood. To demonstrate this concept, let’s begin by performing a biology word dissection on the word above.

The word hematopoiesis contains hemato- (blood) and -poiesis (formation). Therefore, Hematopoiesis is the formation of blood or blood cells.

What about Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis?

Yes, this is an actual word. What does it mean?

To perform this biology word dissection, we’ll need to proceed carefully. First, we come to the prefix pneumo- which means lung. Next, is ultra, meaning extreme, and microscopic, meaning small. Now we come to silico-, which refers to silicon, and volcano which refers to the mineral particles that make up a volcano. Then we have coni-, a derivative of the Greek word “konis” meaning dust. Finally, we have the suffix -osis which means affected with. Now lets rebuild what we have dissected:

Considering the prefix pneumo- and the suffix -osis, we can determine that the lungs are affected with something. But what? Breaking down the rest of the terms we get extremely small (ultramicroscopic) silicon (silico-) and volcanic (volcano-) dust (coni-) particles. Thus, pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis is a disease of the lungs resulting from the inhalation of very fine silicate or quartz dust. That wasn’t so difficult, now was it?

Now that we’ve honed our dissection skills, let’s try some frequently used biology terms.


(Arth-) refers to joints and (-itis) means inflammation. Arthritis is the inflammation of a joint(s).


(Erythro-) means red and (-cyte) means cell. Erythrocytes are red blood cells.

Okay, let’s move on to more difficult words. For instance:



Dissecting, we have (electro-), pertaining to electricity, (encephal-) meaning brain, and (-gram) meaning record. Together we have an electric brain record or EEG. Thus, we have a record of brain wave activity using electrical contacts.


Individuals with this disorder suffer from delusions and hallucinations. (Schis-) means split and (phren-) means mind.


These are ancient bacteria that live in extremely hot and acidic environments. (Therm-) means heat, next you have (-acid), and finally (phil-) means love. Together we have heat and acid lovers.

Once you understand the commonly used prefixes and suffixes, obtuse words are a piece of cake! Now that you know how to apply the word dissection technique, I’m sure you’ll be able to determine the meaning of the word thigmotropism (thigmo – tropism).

One of the keys to being successful in biology is being able to understand the terminology. Difficult biology words and terms can be made easy to understand by becoming familiar with common prefixes and suffixes used in biology. These affixes, derived from Latin and Greek roots, form the basis for many difficult biology words.

Below is a list of a few biology words and terms that many biology students find difficult to understand. By breaking these words down into discrete units, even the most complex terms can be understood.

  1. Autotroph

This word can be separated as follows: Auto – troph.

Auto – means self, troph – means nourish. Autotrophs are organisms capable of self nourishment.

  1. Cytokinesis

This word can be separated as follows: Cyto – kinesis.

Cyto – means cell, kinesis – means movement. Cytokinesis refers to the movement of the cytoplasm that produces distinct daughter cells during cell division.

  1. Eukaryote

This word can be separated as follows: Eu – karyo – te.

Eu – means true, karyo – means nucleus. A eukaryote is an organism whose cells contain a “true” membrane bound nucleus.

  1. Heterozygous

This word can be separated as follows: Hetero – zyg – ous.

Hetero – means different, zyg – means yolk or union, ous – means characterized by or full of. Heterozygous refers to a union characterized by the joining of two different alleles for a given trait.

  1. Hydrophilic

This word can be separated as follows: Hydro – philic.

Hydro – refers to water, philic – means love. Hydrophilic means water-loving.

  1. Oligosaccharide

This word can be separated as follows: Oligo – saccharide.

Oligo – means few or little, saccharide – means sugar. An oligosaccharide is a carbohydrate that contains a small number of component sugars.

  1. Osteoblast

This word can be separated as follows: Osteo – blast.

Osteo – means bone, blast – means bud or germ (early form of an organism). An osteoblast is a cell from which bone is derived.

  1. Tegmentum

This word can be separated as follows: Teg – ment – um.

Teg – means cover, ment – refers to mind or brain. The tegmentum is the bundle of fibers that cover the brain.


Topic Five: Path to Scientific Inquiry

The Scientific Method

Lets start with some Definitions


1) Fact = an observation that has been repeatedly confirmed

eg: normal human body cells have 23 pairs of chromosomes

2) Law = a description of a pattern or a relationship. A generalization based on observations.

eg: the Law of Gravity

3) Hypothesis = a suggested explanation for a phenomenon.

eg: the One gene-one enzyme Hypothesis

4) Scientific Theory = a concept that joins together many related facts, laws and hypotheses that have been extensively tested and always found to be the best explanation for some phenomena. Note: not the same as in ordinary speech, where a theory = a speculative idea

eg: the Theory of Natural Selection

5) Model = A model is a simplified representation of a complex object or system.

eg: model of a cell



Topic Six: Unifying Principles of biology

  • Cell Theory – Cells are the fundamental unit of life
  • Evolution – populations of organisms change genetically and irreversibly through time.
  • Gene theory – Genes are the basic unit of heredity
  • Homeostasis – An organism will regulate its internal environment to maintain a stable and constant condition
  • Living organisms consume and transform energy.




FACT: a confirmed or, at least, agreed-upon empirical observation (or conclusion if referring to an “inferred” fact).


Scientific facts, even what appear to be simple observations, are themselves embedded in or rooted in the theories the observer holds.


HYPOTHESIS: a proposed explanation of certain “facts” that must be empirically testable in some conceivable fashion. (Plural: “hypotheses.”)


A scientific hypothesis is really not proven true or correct; rather, it is either rejected (or “falsified”) because it is determined to be inconsistent with the data, or, if not rejected, regarded as being “provisionally true” and kept as a working hypothesis to be used until found to be faulty in light of new evidence or further testing. Hypotheses that have withstood numerous, rigorous tests and not found to be “false” are often regarded as “facts” since they are effectively beyond rational dispute.


THEORY: an integrated, comprehensive explanation of many “facts” and an explanation capable of generating additional hypotheses and testable predictions about the way the natural world looks and works.


Scientific theories represent our best efforts to understand and explain a variety of what appear to be interrelated natural phenomena. Examples include the theory of relativity, cell theory, plate tectonics theory (“continental drift”) and the theory of biological evolution through natural selection (“Darwinian” and “neo-Darwinian” theory).

Topic Seven: What is a living thing?

Six Characteristics of Living Things (Organisms)


  1. Cells: Living things are made up of small self-contained untis called cells: The cell is the smallest unit of life. Living things may be unicellular, colonial, or multicellular.


  1. Reproduction. Living things can produce similar offspring. New organisms are produced either asexually from a single parent organism, or sexually from two parent organisms.


  1. Growth and development: Living things grow and develop and eventually die. Growth is the increase in the number and size of cells. Development is the series of changes between conception and death.


  1. Energy: Living things obtain energy from their environment, and use that energy to carry out all cell processes (metabolism). Autotrophs use energy from the sun for photosynthesis, to make their own ‘food’ (glucose). Heterotrophs must eat other organisms for this purpose.


  1. Response to Stimuli: Living things respond to their environment. Anything in the environment which causes a living thing to react is called a stimulus.


  1. Homeostasis: Living things must maintain stable internal conditions in order to remain alive. These conditions include temperature, water content, salt content, and heartbeat. Maintaining homeostasis requires energy.
posted by Marc Bernard Carmichael in Science 10 and have No Comments

Biology 12 June 14th 2016

Biology 12 Lesson Outline                                                 Date: June 14th


Last lessons Reproduction Eval


Today’s Lesson 1.   Reproduction Exam

2.   Hand in text book

3.   The final “hurrah”

Topic 1 I will have your reproduction quiz marked and several exam and several marks regarding to quiz and exam work.  
Topic 2 Please do not forget to bring your text book to class. A replacement book cost over 150 dollars. So..please find your book. I will check text numbers with your book  
Topic 3 A reflective essay on the topic of a badge I found in London, England

“ If your cut corners and you go in circles”


Just the other day, I was lucky enough to chat with a previous a student who has now completed three years at McGill University. She shared with me that university is so competitive and yet she refuses to cheat. She said much of my advice as her teacher was just starting to make sense. Now it is your chance to reflect upon the last year and share some of your wisdom about both what you learned in biology and what other lessons may have been translated.

You have two options for this essay.

Plan A

Your mission is to take the quote above and discuss some of the choices you made this year. It is your chance to voice perhaps wise or less than wise decisions. It is a chance to illustrate not only an understanding of how the body maintains balance but also how you attempted to keep balance in class and in life.


Now I am more than aware that some students did bend and break the rules. In my way, I have addressed these issues. Now it is your turn to reflect upon the whole notion of cutting corners. You may have watched corners being bent or you may have chosen to bend the rules your self. So this is your chance to voice your perceptions or choices.


Plan B

Select a quote that you wish to share about learning about life or studying biology. Using your experience and knowledge gained in Bio 12 and or please share a reflective essay on your experience in class and how it may impact you in the future.


In both cases, please organize your thoughts into a six paragraph essay discussing a thesis topic linked to either of the quotes above. This assignment is meant to communicate ideas and thoughts between you and me the teacher. I am hoping that it will be a beneficial experience for you. Do not stress out about grammar and please do not baffle me with B.S. If you want, you can share some wisdom about your new knowledge about your body and how and why you feel this knowledge is either helpful or not. You may want to evaluate some of your choices and be honest with your reflection about your actions. Yes, I do know some corners were cut and so I would appreciate some feedback. Likewise, in the Big picture, small rationalizations do have a ripple affect.

Take Home msg



Cheating in school is a form of self-deception. We go to school to learn. We cheat ourselves when we coast on the efforts and scholarship of someone else.

I would prefer even to fail with honor than win by cheating. Sophocles


The dream begins with a teacher who believes in you, who tugs and pushes and leads you to the next plateau, sometimes poking you with a sharp stick called ‘truth’. Dan Rather


The test of a good teacher is not how many questions he can ask his pupils that they will answer readily, but how many questions he inspires them to ask him which he finds it hard to answer.

Alice Wellington Rollins

We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence then, is not an act, but a habit.

–       Aristotle

“I’m not a teacher: only a fellow traveler of whom you asked the way. I pointed ahead – ahead of myself as well as you.”

George Bernard Shaw

posted by Marc Bernard Carmichael in Science 10 and have No Comments

Bio 11 June 14th Lesson

Biology 11 Lesson Outline                    Date June 14 th



Last lessons Objective



Mammals and Birds

Today’s Objectives  

1.   Animal Quiz 2

2.   Endangered Species Assignment

3.   Life Quote Assignment



Number One


I will mark the quiz today and you can check with me in tutorial time



Number Two

Selling an Endanger Species Assignment.


At the last minute, a wealth source tells you that they want to fund an endangered species.


Your mission is to select a species, find a linked campaign, and explain why the funds should go to you and other campaigns linked to your endangered species!


This is an urgent matter.

There is no time for tons of data or research, so stick to the basics.

·      Select a species

·      Find a linked campaign to that species.

·      Find evidence from that campaign or from online research that the species is worthy of protecting.

·      Using you background in biology, consider the following:

a.   Why has your species become endangered?

b.   Can you to big ideas like interaction or Changes with time?

c.    Why is your species the most viable to save?

d.   Are some of your solutions considering a variety of practical and or affordable strategies, such as saving habitat or breeding?


Your written section should take no more that 5 minutes to present.

You can use powerpoint or a written document. It should include picture(s) of the species, the species habitat, basic biology about the species and how it became endangered.


The second step

You should make your own poster on a legal size piece of paper to show the species, a focus statement, a slogan and other campaigns that are also on board.


Do not make a copy of another campaign. You need to have an original name for your campaign. You can use one or several photos. Please cite the source of the photo.



Next year, PG will select at least one candidate from your class.

Basic take home point..Keep it simple and to the point.






Number Three


The cartoonist Charles Schulz once said ““In the Book of Life, The answers aren’t in the back.”


Your mission is to find a quote about life that is not on the wall in the classroom.


You are to make a sign for your quote.


You should find a quote that other students are not using.


You are to write a simple essay to explain how this quote about life is linked to this years study about life.


You can use two options.


·      Option A

Link you quote to four big ideas or activities in life and show how a quote about “ life” is linked to the study of life.


·      Option B

Link your quote to personal reflections about your efforts in class and what your are learned linked both to the study of biology and your own journey through grade 11 and Bio 11


In your essay you should have six paragraphs.

The first paragraph should include your quote and which option you are choosing. You should propose some form of a thesis statement or the direction which you wish to follow.


The four paragraphs should link either to an activity of life or a big idea.


The final paragraph should be a conclusion statement linking the previous four paragraphs to your quote on life.


There is no need to over think this assignment, to be honest, the purpose of this assignment is to offer to me, your teacher, another vision of what you may have learned this year. You have already been tested on the core material. Now is a chance to reflect upon how this years knowledge may be of merit further down the road.

Text book Reference


You tube Reference  

Writing and reflecting in biology



Bio essay examples






Take Home Message “the times that you impress me the most are the times when you don’t even try”

Joni Mitchell

posted by Marc Bernard Carmichael in Science 10 and have No Comments