" The Big Picture!" by Mr C

VSB Science Blog

Life Science 11 L-10 Sept 27th 2019

Life Sciences L 10 Sept 27th2019


Topic Content  
Intro Adaption and law of super position



1.    any alteration in the structure or function of an organism or any of its parts that results from natural selection and by which the organism becomes better fitted to survive and multiply in its environment.

2.    a form or structure modified to fit a changed environment.

3.    the ability of a species to survive in a particular ecological niche, especially because of alterations of form or behavior brought about through natural selection.

4.    https://www.dictionary.com/browse/adaptation

Note that this can be a change in behaviour as well as structure. The big take home point is the ability to adapt allow the species to reproduce.


Law of superpostion



Take home..just like your laundry pile, oldest is on the bottom and youngest is on top.


Chapter Two: Defining Adaption and layers of the earth



Where are we going?



Evidence for evolution



Amoeba sisters present evolution (start of playlist)



BC’s own..Baba Brinkman




Lab Barbellus Lab Handed out in class

Three sheets








  Your mission Prior to cutting out each species, colour in what you feel are adaptations.

Look at how structures could show a possible adaption.

So what two primary environments?

Note: Due to law of superposition, the youngest species has to be showing up last on your diagram.

Propose “the story of barbellus” by looking at changes with structures with time.

Consider the following:

Which species became extinct and why?

Which species may have moved to a new locations?

How do species structure give you clues as to which environment they may have adapted to?

  Vocab sand concept search Divergence vs Convergence

Dominant and recessive traits

Compare a phylogram to a cladogram

posted by Marc Bernard Carmichael in Biology Eleven,Biology Eleven Lesson Outline and have No Comments

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