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Bio 11 Cheat Sheet template

Bio 11 :


Outline to make a viable “resource” sheet for Bio 11


  • Take this information and put into a landscape format so you have more room to write down information.
  • Use both written and drawn diagrams to explain information.
  • Use colour coding to identify facts.
  • Always use an example to explain concepts in vocab.


Good luck!



Topic Questions Fill in for answer
DNA How would you label a DNA molecule?


Look for :

What is a nucleotide?

Where are the sugar and phosphates?

What is a nitrogen base?

Which nitrogen bases link up?

When making a protein from DNA, what is the sequence?

What would a copy of DNA look like for mRNA.


If you had a table with tRNA code, how would that transcribe into a sequence of amino acids

If you had a sequence of DNA, how could you make a sequence of mRNA and then using a tRNA table find out the final amino acids in a protein.


What are three functions of DNA?


Include a copy of DNA drawing with labels
Evolution Homologous structures are the result of what processes in evolution?

What is a vestigial structure?

What are the four types of indirect proof and how would similar genes be used to show evolution?


Define: (always have an example)

Convergent evolution

Divergent evolution


Punctuated evolution


Evolution (4)

Genetic drift

Gene flow


Natural selection



Which two scientists published the idea of natural selection?

How why genetic drift, natural selection and gene flow all depend upon mutations.


Explain how reproductive isolation is different than geographic isolation.


Using a graph, can you explain and give an example of how gradual change is different than punctuated equilibrium?


Taxonomy What is the correct order (going from least to most specific classification) in biology?


In a binomial name, the first and second name signify what terms in Taxonomy?


How can you use the classification terminology (KPCOFGS) to see which species may be closer related?



Vocab (include examples)

·      Heterotrophic

·      Autotropic

·      Eukaryote

·      Prokaryote

·      Taxonomy

·      Monera

·      Fungi

·      Plantae

·      Animalia


Chapter One review What are the four theories all about?

·      Cell Theory

·      Gene Theory

·      Biogenesis Theory

·      Evolution


What is a hypothesis?

·      Is it a concept supported by experiments?

·      A result of deductive reasoning?

·      A tentative explanation of the results of an experiment?

·      A tentative explanation of observed phenomena?


posted by Marc Bernard Carmichael in Biology Eleven,Biology Eleven Notes and have No Comments

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