" The Big Picture!" by Mr C

VSB Science Blog

Bio 11 L3 (2016-17)

Bio11 L 3                                           Date Sept 13th 2017



Last lessons Objective



1.    History and scientific methods

2.    Activities of life

3.    Six Big ideas of Biology

4.    Levels of organization




Today’s Objectives The big three

·      Classification

·      Evolution

·      Activities of life

Levels of organization

Experimental design

Case study



Number One

How are levels of organization linked to classification?

From the web



activities of life



From our first look at the history of biology, you will note that living things were often classified by their observable structures, like feather or leaves. Prior to more information on atoms and biomolecules, classifying living things was easier.


Yes what happens when you focus on a specific level of organization? Now you have more properties to compare.


As a hypothesis ..if you see similar traits then that organism may be related to the other..and this is the challenge of taxonomy.


In chapter 7 and in you timeline, notice how biology changes from no classification to the ideas of Linneaus.

What happens when we introducte metabolism?

Realize that all activities of life are linked to this one specific activity of life.

Also realize that proteins help regulate all living things to maintain some sense of “balance” or homeostasis.

So how are living things related not only by their shape but also their bio chemistry



Number Two


Seed experiment.

If you give a seed water, then it will grow


Yet, we have noticed that other life grows too. To compare results, we need to make sure that all procedures are the same.


Type of seeds need to be greater than 20 to insure more data.

We need to make sure that each plant is the same species. Why?

What is the independent variable in this experiment.

How are you going to graph the data?


Now ..phase two..what if we gave a growing seed a chemical to help it grow, how could we design an experiment?




Number Three

Case Study from text (page 49)

Lets suppose that living things can be related to their genetic material and proteins.


Biological Molecules ( chapter one)



In all living things are structures call proteins.

Proteins are made of amino acids.

Amino acids can be grouped in a specific order.

You can estimate how similar proteins are by:

Calculating the percentage of each amino acid

Calculating the similarity in order of amino acids.


This is the foundation of case study

You home work is to read and begin the case study.

Important points:

The similarities of amino acids and proteins is a measurement of “degree of relativeness”.

Just because you have a similar protein as a moth does no mean you are directly related to that moth.


Protein makes structures. The study of structures in living things can be linked to “morphology”. For example if we look at the shape of different types of beaks in birds, we may get a clue as to designing a family tree.


Next class:

Taxonomy and Microscopes.

Basic biomolecules



Text book Reference


Chapter One


Online and You tube Reference  

The scientific method




History of Biology Video Game



History of Bio








Take Home Message An activity of life can be observed

An idea or concept can be used to explain what has been observed.

A level of organization is a relative point of view

posted by Marc Bernard Carmichael in Biology Eleven,Biology Eleven Lesson Outline and have No Comments

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