" The Big Picture!" by Mr C

VSB Science Blog

Bacteria review


Acme Review for Virus, Immune and Bacteria Test




  • How are viruses classified?
  • What are the structures of a bacteriophage?
  • What are the structures within a retrovirus?
  • How do you identify the difference between viral capsid and viral envelop?
  • What type of viral cycle make makes cancer?
  • When is a virus virulent?
  • What is a retrovirus and how does it work?
  • What happens in a lytic cycle of a virus?
  • What happens in a latent cycle of a virus?
  • What happens in a mutagenic cycle of a virus?
  • In animal viruses the viral envelope is made of what?
  • What is a prophage



Immune system

  • What are examples of nonspecific defenses in your body?
  • What is a humoral response?
  • What is a cell mediated response
  • What is the difference between a T Cell and B Cell?
  • How is HIV related to T helper cells?
  • Why do pharmaceutical companies have to keep creating new flu vaccines?
  • How does a vaccine work?
  • How does the immunes system work against viruses?
  • How does the immune system work against bacteria?
  • What is the difference between passive and active immunity?
  • Can you use antibiotics against a virus? Why?
  • What is a monoclonal antibody and how can it be used?
  • How is a plasma cell related to a memory cell?





  • How are bacteria (eubacteria) classified?
  • What are bacteria that can survive without oxygen?
  • What is a chemosynthetic bacteria and how could it be identified?
  • What are two properties of all monera?
  • What is prokaryote and what features do they have?
  • What is a whip like structure used for locomotion in bacteria?
  • What is a saprophyte?
  • What are the differences between fermentation and cellular respiration?
  • An organism that produce it’s own food is called what?
  • Rod shape bacteria are called what?
  • In a diagram, can you explain primitive sexual reproduction in a bacteria?
  • Most bacteria reproduce by what process?
  • What is an endospore and how does it work?
  • Why has the classification of kingdom Monera switched into Archeo, Eubacteria and cyanobacteria?
  • New stem cells research is now inserting DNA into bacteria, why could this be both good and bad?
  • If you were infected by a gram negative bacteria what would you be prescribed?
  • If you were infected by a gram positive bacteria what would you be prescribed?
  • Explain four reasons why bacteria can be helpful to humans?
  • What is the difference between an antiseptic and a disinfectant?
  • If a chemical is released by a bacteria and it is then denatured by heat and then injected into a host, it is called what?
  • What does a vaccines made of ?
posted by Marc Bernard Carmichael in Biology Eleven,Biology Eleven Notes and have No Comments

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