Biology 11 (16-17) Lesson 27 Date Dec 9 2016
Last lessons |
1) Virus and immune system and big Ideas 2) Active and Passive Immunity 3) Introduction to Monera
Virus Quiz |
Today’s Objectives | 1) Life as a simple cell
2) Linking Monera to classification and evolution 3) Creating a Monera “Data Sheet”
Number One |
noun noun: life; noun: one’s life; plural noun: one’s lifes 1. the condition that distinguishes animals and plants from inorganic matter, including the capacity for growth, reproduction, functional activity, and continual change preceding death. Wiki rf
Here is the challenge. In order to life, you need to be able to make or get energy. To get energy you need to move to that energy. If we focus on three main activities; growth, movement and reproduction, we begin to see a simple path to follow to explore life as a simpler prokaryotic cell.
Lets simply ..monera can be seen as “soup, in a bag, in a box”
The soup is all the fluids, gases and molecules within the cells cytoplasm. The bag, is a selectively permeable membrane. and the bag, an option, is a cell wall or even a protective capsule.
Using the diagrams found in class or on line, we notice how things get in or out of the cell. Remember that “metabolism” is the sum of all reactions in a living thing. We can simplify this to two main types of reactions, making and breaking molecules. This is done to store or use energy.
This “story of energy” is a great way to explore the beginning of this amazing thing called life.
Number Two
Most Monerans can grow, reproduce and evolve rapidly. So the university designed a means to show both
At Harvard University, they designed a great way to show the rate of bacteria cell growth and how it is affected by anitbiotics
When a bacteria moves towards or away from a stimuli, we call this “taxis”. If a bacteria moves away, it is negative taxis. Lets suppose a bacteria is moving towards a chemical. We would call that “positive chemotaxis”.
E.Coli is a “eubacteria”, it can be found inside of you. In this experiment, we notice how fast this species of bacteria can adapt. In the lab you will notice how species adapt or become extinct due to the affects of bacteria. Notice the difference in rate of growth on each side. Also notic the clear or not clear separations between colonies of bacteria. A group of bacteria is not a tissue yet a colony. Why?
Now classification and Bacteria 3 majour groups : Archeobacteria
, Eubacteria and Blue Green Algae.
Number Three |
Making a “Data Sheet” for Monera
On a legal piece of paper, we are going to fold the paper into a 3×3 grid. Column One: Diagrams Column Two: Key “systems” and concepts in Monera Column Three: Vocabulary.
Sample for Monera Data Sheet
Text book Ref
Gap notes for Bacteria
Chapter 8 |
Online | Youtube videos
Monera · · ·
Take Home Message | An interesting point brought up in class..bacteria succeed because they can work together.
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